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Relation of the Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Galapagos Islands Through the Use of Renewable Energies

Received: 8 August 2023    Accepted: 24 August 2023    Published: 14 October 2023
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Known as an iconic location for biodiversity conservation, the Galapagos Islands face a significant challenge due to their reliance on fossil fuels, making them more vulnerable to climate change and other environmental threats. With the purpose of addressing this problem, this article presents a bibliographical review focused on the use of renewable energies and offers an exhaustive analysis of its efficiency and energy potential. The fundamental objective of this research was to identify and evaluate the different sources of renewable energy available and their impact on the conservation of the study site. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative and descriptive analysis of alternative energies was carried out. The information was collected and classified according to the type of energy generated, the CO2 reduction associated with each source and its general contribution to the sustainability of the islands. Three types of clean energy implemented in the region have been identified. Wind energy stands out as the main source of supply for the local population, contributing 52% (8500 Kw). Photovoltaic energy which contributes 36% (5570 Kw), and finally, thermal energy, based on pine nut oil biodiesel, contributes 12% (1760 Kw) of the total energy supplied, in addition to all of these, avoiding the propagation of 25,660 tons of CO2 and the use of 35,900 liters of diesel per year, with the findings found in this investigation it is concluded that the different sustainable energy projects implemented in the Islands comply with their efficiency by reducing gas emissions greenhouse effect thus promoting environmental sustainability and increasing energy potential.

Published in Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (Volume 8, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.jeece.20230803.12
Page(s) 59-67
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Biodiesel, Environmental Quality, Energy Efficiency, Wind, Photovoltaic, Sustainability

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  • APA Style

    Manuel Patricio Clavijo Cevallos, Leonidas Andrés Calo Chicaiza, Anggie Pierina Donoso Veliz, Paulina Elizabeth Navas Martínez. (2023). Relation of the Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Galapagos Islands Through the Use of Renewable Energies. Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, 8(3), 59-67. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jeece.20230803.12

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    ACS Style

    Manuel Patricio Clavijo Cevallos; Leonidas Andrés Calo Chicaiza; Anggie Pierina Donoso Veliz; Paulina Elizabeth Navas Martínez. Relation of the Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Galapagos Islands Through the Use of Renewable Energies. J. Energy Environ. Chem. Eng. 2023, 8(3), 59-67. doi: 10.11648/j.jeece.20230803.12

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    AMA Style

    Manuel Patricio Clavijo Cevallos, Leonidas Andrés Calo Chicaiza, Anggie Pierina Donoso Veliz, Paulina Elizabeth Navas Martínez. Relation of the Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Galapagos Islands Through the Use of Renewable Energies. J Energy Environ Chem Eng. 2023;8(3):59-67. doi: 10.11648/j.jeece.20230803.12

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      abstract = {Known as an iconic location for biodiversity conservation, the Galapagos Islands face a significant challenge due to their reliance on fossil fuels, making them more vulnerable to climate change and other environmental threats. With the purpose of addressing this problem, this article presents a bibliographical review focused on the use of renewable energies and offers an exhaustive analysis of its efficiency and energy potential. The fundamental objective of this research was to identify and evaluate the different sources of renewable energy available and their impact on the conservation of the study site. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative and descriptive analysis of alternative energies was carried out. The information was collected and classified according to the type of energy generated, the CO2 reduction associated with each source and its general contribution to the sustainability of the islands. Three types of clean energy implemented in the region have been identified. Wind energy stands out as the main source of supply for the local population, contributing 52% (8500 Kw). Photovoltaic energy which contributes 36% (5570 Kw), and finally, thermal energy, based on pine nut oil biodiesel, contributes 12% (1760 Kw) of the total energy supplied, in addition to all of these, avoiding the propagation of 25,660 tons of CO2 and the use of 35,900 liters of diesel per year, with the findings found in this investigation it is concluded that the different sustainable energy projects implemented in the Islands comply with their efficiency by reducing gas emissions greenhouse effect thus promoting environmental sustainability and increasing energy potential.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Relation of the Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Galapagos Islands Through the Use of Renewable Energies
    AU  - Manuel Patricio Clavijo Cevallos
    AU  - Leonidas Andrés Calo Chicaiza
    AU  - Anggie Pierina Donoso Veliz
    AU  - Paulina Elizabeth Navas Martínez
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    AB  - Known as an iconic location for biodiversity conservation, the Galapagos Islands face a significant challenge due to their reliance on fossil fuels, making them more vulnerable to climate change and other environmental threats. With the purpose of addressing this problem, this article presents a bibliographical review focused on the use of renewable energies and offers an exhaustive analysis of its efficiency and energy potential. The fundamental objective of this research was to identify and evaluate the different sources of renewable energy available and their impact on the conservation of the study site. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative and descriptive analysis of alternative energies was carried out. The information was collected and classified according to the type of energy generated, the CO2 reduction associated with each source and its general contribution to the sustainability of the islands. Three types of clean energy implemented in the region have been identified. Wind energy stands out as the main source of supply for the local population, contributing 52% (8500 Kw). Photovoltaic energy which contributes 36% (5570 Kw), and finally, thermal energy, based on pine nut oil biodiesel, contributes 12% (1760 Kw) of the total energy supplied, in addition to all of these, avoiding the propagation of 25,660 tons of CO2 and the use of 35,900 liters of diesel per year, with the findings found in this investigation it is concluded that the different sustainable energy projects implemented in the Islands comply with their efficiency by reducing gas emissions greenhouse effect thus promoting environmental sustainability and increasing energy potential.
    VL  - 8
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador

  • Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador

  • Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador

  • Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador

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