International Journal of Literature and Arts

Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016

  • New Trends of Small Paper Products Innovative Design——Calendar Design as an Example

    Yanyan Gong

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 90-97
    Received: 2 December 2016
    Published: 5 December 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijla.20160406.11
    Abstract: With the advent of the Internet era, the media structure is experiencing an unprecedented shock and integration. To respond to the market shocks, the design idea and style are gradually changing in the traditional paper media. It’s showing many new trends. The audience's initiative and participation has been referred to an unprecedented height. At ... Show More
  • The Dream and the Cave Allegory in the Work of Novalis Henry of Ofterdingen

    Anastasia Chournazidi

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 98-103
    Received: 31 October 2016
    Accepted: 15 November 2016
    Published: 16 December 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijla.20160406.12
    Abstract: The subject of this article is the novel Henry of Ofterdingen of the romantic poet Novalis and the allegorical aspects of the dream and the cave, according to the interpretation of the philosopher and cultural critic Walter Benjamin. In Novalis’ work, we come across the figure of a traveler and his journey away from daily concerns/ preoccupations. ... Show More
  • Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions: A Quest into the Time-honoured Mindsets About Feminineness Scuffle in the Context of Colonization and African Patriarchy

    Ghania Ouahmiche, Lemya Boughouas

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 104-112
    Received: 30 August 2016
    Accepted: 7 November 2016
    Published: 17 December 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijla.20160406.13
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to cast light on the ideology expressed within the lines of Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous conditions. The author in her trial to reflect upon the Zimbabwean community tends implicitly to invite the reader to consider the social status and by virtue the social sufferings accorded to the African woman in a society that dec... Show More
  • New Exploration on the Missing of Front Part of the Present Scroll of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival”

    Zhang Renjiang, Zhang Chunping

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 113-117
    Received: 24 December 2016
    Published: 28 December 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijla.20160406.14
    Abstract: Intactness of the present scroll of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” and controversy about its missing last part or frontispiece concern us today. The postscript of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” by Li Dongyang in Ming Dynasty that said it had a length of over 666cm tells us the present scroll with 528.7cm is not intact. According to ... Show More