Clinical Medicine Research

Special Issue

Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • Submission Deadline: 30 November 2016
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Mariano Martin-Loeches
About This Special Issue
Obstetrics and Gynecology is the specialty of medicine that aims to meet the comprehensive health needs of women throughout their lives. Obstetrics takes care of women throughout their fertile period (pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum) and Gynecology treats diseases female reproductive system (uterus, vagina and ovaries).

Reproductive Medicine is a specialty that deals with human reproduction from a large, dynamic and multidisciplinary view. To do this you take into account the development, maturity, decline, and the numerous conditions that affect the reproductive capacity of people throughout all stages of life.

Modern Reproductive Medicine considers that in all cases the difficulty to bring forward a couple problems, since each individual possesses a potential or ability to fertility and the potential is determined by the sum of several factors that interact with the other. Often the changes that are detected are not causes of impossibility of pregnancy, but only a minor chance of doing, which leads to different degrees of subfertility. These correctly diagnosed, they are corrected with a wide range of assisted reproduction treatments.

A couple can have varying degrees of changes in fertility. It is considered that a couple is having trouble conceiving when after intercourse regularly without using contraception for one year is unable to achieve pregnancy. This occurs in about 10-15 % of couples of reproductive age.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Mariano Martin-Loeches

    Department of Human Reproducction, Denia University Hospital, Denia, Spain

Guest Editors
  • Pedro Lopez Sanchez

    Department of Human Reproduccion, Denia University Hospital, Denia, Spain

  • Ana Abad Gosalbez

    Department of Hematology, Denia University Hospital, Denia, Spain