Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Special Issue

Food Insecurity

  • Submission Deadline: 30 January 2016
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Aparna Nayak
About This Special Issue
There is no doubt that the move to a more sustainable food system will involve challenging choices. The difficulty of these selections are interceded by a echo of past failures in history, current challenges in food quality, affordability, and availability, the social greening of consumers, and the negative social and economic impacts to family farm operations and rural regions, largely resulting from the twentieth century growth of an agribusiness and policy dynamic that plays to mass production of commodities and large-scale operations.

Food security is a major driver in human security and the coupled impacts of increasing human population and environmental degradation can damage both. In a future where energy, an important factor in agriculture - is becoming more expensive, food prices are going to rise. New approaches to agriculture that aim to limit the input of non-renewable resources, that diversify operations including the types of plants and animals in production, and address key market, policy, and consumer opportunities can all accelerate the transformation towards the bold changes we need to address an increasingly uncertain future. This special issue is to improve the condition of Food security in the terms of sustainable agriculture. Original research papers are solicited in any aspect of Food security, hunger or sustainable food system.

Aim and Scope:

1. Food security
2. Hunger
3. Sustainable Food system
4. Sustainable agriculture
5. Superfood
6. Organic Agriculture
7. Environmental science
Lead Guest Editor
  • Aparna Nayak

    Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Idaho, Boise, United States