American Journal of Sports Science

Special Issue

Exercise and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Male Infertility

  • Submission Deadline: 30 March 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Saeed Shokri
About This Special Issue
Currently, the most commonly abused drugs for doping are anabolicandrogenic steroids. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone and are important pharmacologically for their use in the treatment of various medical conditions such as growth deficiency, some blood disorders and osteoporosis. However, anabolic-androgenic steroids are also being abused by both male and female professional athletes, recreational athletes, prepubescent and adolescents [3]. Most recently, anabolic-androgenic steroid use has filtered through to ‘recreational street drug’ users and is the largest growth of drugs in this subdivision. These people use these compounds in excess of therapeutic doses (10–100 times), by administration of a single type or a mixture of several anabolic-androgenic steroids, with little or no regard for the consequences. Anabolic-androgenic steroids seem to be appealing to abusers because when taken in conjunction with exercise, they increase muscle mass and strength, and increase libido. Abuse of abolic-androgenic steroids may be an aetiological factor in male infertility among recreational power athletes. In men, the effects of intensive exercise training combined with high dose of anabolic-androgenic steroids on reproductive function have not been thoroughly investigated. Indeed, most authors have focused only on hormonal indices of male reproductive function. This special issue will focus on the mechanism of the combined effects of exercise training and exogenous AAS on the male infertility.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Saeed Shokri

    Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

Guest Editors
  • Ibrahim Hamed Ibrahim Hassan

    Department of Movement Sciences, University of Wuppertal, Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences, Wuppertal, Germany

  • Hee-Soo Seo

    , South Korea

  • Latiful Bari

    Center for Advanced Research in Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Ioannis Nikitidis

    General Hospital of Kastoria, Kastoria, Greece

  • Rajkumar Sharma

    Sports Authority of India, Bilaspur, India