International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications

Special Issue

Advances in Numerical Methods for Multiple Inclusion Problems

  • Submission Deadline: 30 October 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Jungki Lee
About This Special Issue
A number of analytical techniques are available for the stress analysis of isotropic inclusion problems when geometries of the inclusions are simple (e.g., cylindrical, spherical or ellipsoidal) and when they are well separated. However, these approaches cannot be applied to more general problems where the inclusions are of arbitrary shape and their concentration is high. Thus, analysis of multiple inclusion problems in heterogeneous solids often requires the use of numerical techniques based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), Hybrid Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method (BEM), Numerical Equivalent Inclusion Method (NEIM), Volume Integral Equation Method (VIEM), Null-Field Integral Equation Approach, or other numerical methods. Original research papers using numerical or analytical methods are solicited in any aspect of multiple inclusion problems.

Aims and Scope:

1. Hybrid Finite Element Method
2. Finite Element Method (FEM)
3. Boundary Integral Equation Method (BIEM)
4. Numerical Equivalent Inclusion Method (NEIM)
5. Null-Field Integral Equation Approach
6. Volume Integral Equation Method (VIEM)
7. Other Numerical or Analytical Methods
Lead Guest Editor
  • Jungki Lee

    Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering, Hongik University, Sejong, South Korea