International Journal of Dental Medicine

Special Issue

Dental Implant

  • Submission Deadline: 10 February 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Xiaoquan Mao
About This Special Issue
Mao Xiaoquan, Master of Stomatology, Master's supervisor, chief physician.
In clinic, I mainly devoted to the discussion of difficult cases of oral implantat, especially those with insufficient soft and hard tissues. In view of the insufficiency of soft and hard tissues in maxillary cosmetic area, an alveolar ridge splitting technique with mucoperiosteal flaps is proposed, which solves the cosmetic problems of insufficient bone and gingival recession. For the problem of insufficient soft tissue in immediate implantat, periosteum amputation has been proposed to extend mucosa, which is conducive to tension-free suture of wounds.
In scientific research, I mainly focus on the design and modification of titanium implant. By discussing the influence of different DC voltage on titanium modification, I can understand the morphology, physical and chemical properties and biocompatibility of titanium modified. I come to the following conclusion; The pore size distribution, average pore size and porosity of morphology under different micro arc oxidation voltage can be seen. The morphology is very thin, the pore diameter is less than 1 µm and the porosity is only 17.4%. It has a good biocompatibility of osteoblasts and physicochemical properties of morphology.
Aims and Scope:
  1. Dental
  2. Implant
  3. Biocompatibilty
  4. Modification
  5. Titanium
  6. Morphology
Lead Guest Editor
  • Xiaoquan Mao

    Xiangya School of Medicine Affiliated Haikou Hospital, Central South University, Haikou, China

Guest Editors
  • Ruchika Garg

    Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, KLE University, Mohali, India