Language Planning and Terminology Management: Case Study of Medical Terminology in Jordan

D Hussein Abdo M. Rababah  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-09-8
Published: May 27, 2014
Pages: 229
Paperback: $99
E-book: $39
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
Publication Status: Published
About This Book

Language planning and medical terminology management in Jordan is investigated as a case study, both qualitatively and quantitatively, from the perspective of general language planning and terminology management theories and principles. English is the communicative and professional medical language in Jordan. Medical staff often switch from English to Arabic and vice versa. Arabic medical terminology, which is important for patient communication, is not properly standardized. There is more than one Arabic medical equivalent for the same medical concept, which causes ambiguity and confusion to language users. The assumption of this study is that Arabic medical terms are available, but they are not well disseminated. Code switching, bilingualism, euphemism, dysphemism, synonymy, term formation are discussed in their relation to language planning and terminology management.

The methodology includes attitudinal questionnaires for investigating medical language users’ opinions and attitudes towards terminology management, a translation form for evaluating the mechanisms for spreading Arabic medical terminology, a survey of medical dictionaries for the availability of Arabic medical terminology, and interviews with the people responsible for language planning and terminology management. The expected benefits of having a standardized and disseminated Arabic medical terminology include the enhancement of communication between health care providers and users, the facilitation of the translation process, the transfer of medical knowledge to Jordan, an increase in the health awareness of people, and improving the education of medical related careers. The research concludes that there is no organized strategy for innovating and disseminating medical terminology in Jordan. The subjects are generally in favour of keeping English as the medical language as well as having a standardised and disseminated Arabic medical terminology. A practical stategy is proposed, and the terminology committee is recommended to appoint a Medical Terminology Monitor and a Liaison Person.

Author Introduction

D Hussein Abdo M. Rababah, Al- Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University- KSA, College of Languages and Translation.

  • Front Matter

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 2 Language Planning

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 3 Terminology Management

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 4 Medical Terminology Management in Jordan

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 5 Methodology

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 6 Findings and Data Analysis

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations

    Published: May 27, 2014

  • Back Matter

    Published: May 27, 2014