Information Systems, AC a Tool for Management Control of Municipal Public Services in Mexico

Israel Patiño Galván, J. Jesús Ceja Pizano  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-32-6
Published: March 11, 2015
Pages: 80
Paperback: $99
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
Publication Status: Published
About This Book

The incorporation of information systems for management control of public services in Mexico has been very limited, as there have been no studies necessary for incorporation. Coupled with the lack of will and researches, substantiate the technological incorporation. A pessimistic view of the prospects are for the incorporation of information systems, it is definitely in decline as progress and evolve away from the use of these information technologies, it seems wasteful in economic and human resources. An optimistic view is that they have many opportunities for improvement, from needs analysis, technology selection, projections. It is noteworthy that the human factor that operates these systems also requires technologic training, mainly to provide ideas and also take advantage of the benefits offered by information systems. On the other hand, control Management of municipally is a process that is set in the offices and agencies of the local government to ensure compliance with local government and to ensure compliance with the plans and programs of work, assess its performance, detect deviations and propose corrective action, thereby strengthening decision-making of the government (INAP, 1986). On the other hand, a public service is a technical service provided to the public by a public organization regularly for meet public needs (Fernandez, 2002). Finally, an information system is a formal set of processes that operate on a collection of data structured according to the needs of the company, collects, produces and distributes information selectively required for the operation of the company and management activities and corresponding control, supporting at least in part, the decision-making processes necessary to perform business functions of the company in accordance with its strategy (Andreu, Ricart & Valor, 1991). Under these definitions, Mexico has started in local government, in incorporation of information systems.

Author Introduction

Israel Patiño Galván, Doctor in administrative science;
Master in engineering in computational systems;
Master in science in public administration;
Researcher and Teacher of the Technologic of Studies Ecatepec Higher.
J. Jesús Ceja Pizano, Researcher and Teacher of Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

  • Front Matter

    Published: March 11, 2015

  • Chapter 1 The Municipality Public Services in Mexico

    Published: March 11, 2015

  • Charper 2 Context the Models Management Control in Municipalities of Mexico Through Information Systems

    Published: March 11, 2015

  • Chapter 3 Materials and Methods

    Published: March 11, 2015

  • Charper 4 Proposal of Information Systems like a Tool for Management Control of Municipal Public Services in Mexico

    Published: March 11, 2015

  • Back Matter

    Published: March 11, 2015