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Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh

Received: 9 February 2025     Accepted: 4 March 2025     Published: 26 March 2025
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Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is an exotic forest tree species, and established orchards are found all over Bangladesh. E. camaldulensis is a fast-growing timber species that helps to fulfill the demand for fuel wood. The abstract summarizes a study on the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (commonly known as the River Red Gum) compared to other indigenous tree species in Bangladesh. The study focuses on assessing the carbon storage capacity of this species at different stages of growth using allometric equations. The findings of the study revealed that diameter at breast height and height were 14.93, 17.36, 20.61, 23.03, 26.21, 29.65, 9.46 cm, and 10.72, 11.34, 12.01, 14.62, 17.44 m at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 years old plantation respectively. The study indicated that mean annual diameter increments, and mean annual height increments were 2.99, 2.17, 2.06, 1.92, 1.76, 1.48 cm and 1.89, 1.34, 1.13, 1.00, 0.96, and 0.87 m respectively. The present study showed that the aboveground carbon, belowground carbon and the total carbon were stored 38.50, 57.79, 84.53, 129.75, 209.18, 362.19 kg tree-1 and 7.70, 11.56, 16.91, 25.95, 41.84, 27.44 kg tree-1 and 46.20, 69.35, 101.44, 155.70, 251.01, 434.63 kg tree-1 respectively at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. On an average carbon values were 5.03, 5.41, 5.89, 8.71, 13.05 and 17.24 kg tree-1year-1 respectively. The present study indicated that the total capturing carbon dioxide values were 18.46, 19.85, 21.62, 31.95, 47.89 and 63.26 kg tree-1 year-1 at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that diameter, height, and biomass were varied significantly in different ages (p<0.05). The present study revealed that there is a positive correlation (r= 0.991836) between surviving and current temperature, but negative correlation was found between surviving and current rainfall. (r= -0.71422). Eucalyptus camaldulensis can harm soil fertility due to its allelopathic effects, high nutrient demands, and water consumption where it is an introduced plant species. While it can benefit carbon sequestration and other ecological roles, its widespread use in non-native areas should be cautiously approached. Proper management practices, such as periodic soil amendments or companion planting with species that improve soil fertility, may help mitigate the negative effects on soil health.

Published in American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Volume 13, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.14
Page(s) 118-126
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Allometric Equations, Biomass, Global Warming, Mitigation, Organic Carbon, Rainfall, Temperature

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  • APA Style

    Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. R., Naz, S. (2025). Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 13(2), 118-126.

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    ACS Style

    Rahman, M. M.; Rahman, M. R.; Naz, S. Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh. Am. J. Agric. For. 2025, 13(2), 118-126. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.14

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    AMA Style

    Rahman MM, Rahman MR, Naz S. Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh. Am J Agric For. 2025;13(2):118-126. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.14,
      author = {Mohammed Mukhlesur Rahman and Md. Redwanur Rahman and Sabrina Naz},
      title = {Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh},
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      abstract = {Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is an exotic forest tree species, and established orchards are found all over Bangladesh. E. camaldulensis is a fast-growing timber species that helps to fulfill the demand for fuel wood. The abstract summarizes a study on the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (commonly known as the River Red Gum) compared to other indigenous tree species in Bangladesh. The study focuses on assessing the carbon storage capacity of this species at different stages of growth using allometric equations. The findings of the study revealed that diameter at breast height and height were 14.93, 17.36, 20.61, 23.03, 26.21, 29.65, 9.46 cm, and 10.72, 11.34, 12.01, 14.62, 17.44 m at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 years old plantation respectively. The study indicated that mean annual diameter increments, and mean annual height increments were 2.99, 2.17, 2.06, 1.92, 1.76, 1.48 cm and 1.89, 1.34, 1.13, 1.00, 0.96, and 0.87 m respectively. The present study showed that the aboveground carbon, belowground carbon and the total carbon were stored 38.50, 57.79, 84.53, 129.75, 209.18, 362.19 kg tree-1 and 7.70, 11.56, 16.91, 25.95, 41.84, 27.44 kg tree-1 and 46.20, 69.35, 101.44, 155.70, 251.01, 434.63 kg tree-1 respectively at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. On an average carbon values were 5.03, 5.41, 5.89, 8.71, 13.05 and 17.24 kg tree-1year-1 respectively. The present study indicated that the total capturing carbon dioxide values were 18.46, 19.85, 21.62, 31.95, 47.89 and 63.26 kg tree-1 year-1 at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that diameter, height, and biomass were varied significantly in different ages (pEucalyptus camaldulensis can harm soil fertility due to its allelopathic effects, high nutrient demands, and water consumption where it is an introduced plant species. While it can benefit carbon sequestration and other ecological roles, its widespread use in non-native areas should be cautiously approached. Proper management practices, such as periodic soil amendments or companion planting with species that improve soil fertility, may help mitigate the negative effects on soil health.},
     year = {2025}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh
    AU  - Mohammed Mukhlesur Rahman
    AU  - Md. Redwanur Rahman
    AU  - Sabrina Naz
    Y1  - 2025/03/26
    PY  - 2025
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.14
    T2  - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
    JF  - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
    JO  - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
    SP  - 118
    EP  - 126
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-8591
    UR  -
    AB  - Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is an exotic forest tree species, and established orchards are found all over Bangladesh. E. camaldulensis is a fast-growing timber species that helps to fulfill the demand for fuel wood. The abstract summarizes a study on the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (commonly known as the River Red Gum) compared to other indigenous tree species in Bangladesh. The study focuses on assessing the carbon storage capacity of this species at different stages of growth using allometric equations. The findings of the study revealed that diameter at breast height and height were 14.93, 17.36, 20.61, 23.03, 26.21, 29.65, 9.46 cm, and 10.72, 11.34, 12.01, 14.62, 17.44 m at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 years old plantation respectively. The study indicated that mean annual diameter increments, and mean annual height increments were 2.99, 2.17, 2.06, 1.92, 1.76, 1.48 cm and 1.89, 1.34, 1.13, 1.00, 0.96, and 0.87 m respectively. The present study showed that the aboveground carbon, belowground carbon and the total carbon were stored 38.50, 57.79, 84.53, 129.75, 209.18, 362.19 kg tree-1 and 7.70, 11.56, 16.91, 25.95, 41.84, 27.44 kg tree-1 and 46.20, 69.35, 101.44, 155.70, 251.01, 434.63 kg tree-1 respectively at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. On an average carbon values were 5.03, 5.41, 5.89, 8.71, 13.05 and 17.24 kg tree-1year-1 respectively. The present study indicated that the total capturing carbon dioxide values were 18.46, 19.85, 21.62, 31.95, 47.89 and 63.26 kg tree-1 year-1 at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that diameter, height, and biomass were varied significantly in different ages (pEucalyptus camaldulensis can harm soil fertility due to its allelopathic effects, high nutrient demands, and water consumption where it is an introduced plant species. While it can benefit carbon sequestration and other ecological roles, its widespread use in non-native areas should be cautiously approached. Proper management practices, such as periodic soil amendments or companion planting with species that improve soil fertility, may help mitigate the negative effects on soil health.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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