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The Neuroscientific Validation of the Leadership Competency Model Drenica

Received: 2 April 2024     Accepted: 15 April 2024     Published: 13 June 2024
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The Leadership Competency Model Drenica, developed by Çitaku and Ramadani in 2020, offers a comprehensive framework encompassing essential competencies crucial for effective leadership. However, validating the efficacy of these competencies necessitates exploring their neuroscientific underpinnings. This study conducted an extensive literature review to elucidate the neural mechanisms associated with each competency outlined in the Drenica model. The findings reveal a robust neuroscientific basis supporting these competencies, ranging from decision-making to communication and collaboration. Key neuroscientific validations include the role of prefrontal cortex activity and neurotransmitter balance in decision-making, the involvement of neural circuits in language processing and empathy for communication skills, and the contribution of neuroplasticity mechanisms to continuous learning and adaptability. Furthermore, the analysis underscores the importance of neurotransmitter systems such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin in shaping leadership behaviors across various competencies. Understanding the neural substrates of effective leadership allows organizations to tailor leadership development programs to enhance organizational outcomes and foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity. Integrating neuroscience into leadership studies holds promise for advancing the understanding of leadership effectiveness and facilitating evidence-based practices in leadership development. In essence, this study underscores the significance of the Drenica model as a versatile tool for leadership development, enriched by neuroscientific insights, thus paving the way for Neuoleadership—a paradigm that leverages neuroscientific principles to cultivate effective leadership behaviors and drive organizational success.

Published in Journal of Human Resource Management (Volume 12, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241202.13
Page(s) 42-47
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Leadership Competency Model Drenica, Neuroscientific Validation, Decision-Making, Prefrontal Cortex, Neurotransmitter Balance, Neural Circuits, Dopamine, Oxytocin

1. Introduction
Effective leadership is a multifaceted construct, encompassing a diverse set of competencies essential for guiding individuals and organizations towards success. The Leadership Competency Model Drenica, developed by Çitaku and Ramadani in 2020, provides a comprehensive framework that delineates these essential competencies. However, to truly understand and validate the efficacy of these competencies, it is imperative to examine their neuroscientific underpinnings. By elucidating the neural mechanisms associated with each competency, we can gain valuable insights into the biological basis of effective leadership.
Table 1 below presents the leadership competencies derived from the study "Leadership Competency Model-Drenica: Generalizability of Leadership Competencies" by Çitaku & Ramadani in 2020 .
Table 1. Leadership Competency Model Drenica (1).


Dignity and respect; Distributing rewards fairly; Decision Making


Reflect; Relationship building; Responsibility for others; Reinforcing change


Ethics; Enhancing task knowledge; Eliminating barriers to performance; Evaluating consequences; Explaining decisions with respect


Nurturing relationships


Integrity and Honesty; Identifying problems; Intelligent risk taking


Communication with community; Continuous learning; Critical thinking; Creative problem solving; Collaborating


Active listening; Adaptability; Achieving goals

2. Methodology
To validate the Leadership Competency Model Drenica from a neuroscientific perspective, an extensive review of relevant literature in the field of neuroscience was conducted. Specifically, studies investigating the neural correlates of various leadership competencies, ranging from decision-making to communication and collaboration, were examined. By synthesizing findings from these studies, the goal was to elucidate the neurobiological basis of each competency outlined in the Drenica model.
3. Literature Review
The review revealed a wealth of neuroscientific evidence supporting the competencies outlined in the Drenica model. For instance, research on decision-making highlighted the role of prefrontal cortex activity and neurotransmitter balance in influencing decision-making processes. Similarly, studies on communication underscored the importance of neural circuits involved in language processing and empathy for effective communication skills. Across all competencies, common themes emerged, emphasizing the significance of neural networks and neurotransmitter systems in shaping leadership behaviors.
Table 2 below presents the Drenica Leadership Competency Model, comprising 25 competencies. Each of these competencies has been validated through insights from neuroscience.
Table 2. Leadership Competency Model Drenica and Neuroscientific Validation.


Neuroscientific Validation

1. Dignity and Respect

Neural correlates of empathy and social cognition are associated with fostering respectful and dignified interactions. Neurotransmitters such as oxytocin facilitate prosocial behaviors


2. Distributing Rewards Fairly

Activation in reward-related brain regions (e.g., ventral striatum) is observed when fairness is perceived. Dopamine plays a crucial role in reward processing


3. Decision Making

Prefrontal cortex activity and neurotransmitter balance (e.g., dopamine, serotonin) influence decision-making processes. Neural networks integrate cognitive and emotional information during decisions


4. Reflection

Default Mode Network (DMN) activity is implicated in reflective processes, facilitating introspection and self-awareness. Neuroplasticity enables learning from past experiences


5. Relationship Building

Oxytocin and vasopressin contribute to trust and bonding, crucial for building strong relationships. Mirror neuron system aids in understanding and mirroring others' emotions


6. Responsibility for Others

Activation in brain regions associated with empathy and theory of mind reflects a sense of responsibility towards others' well-being. Neurohormones like cortisol modulate stress responses in leadership roles


7. Reinforcing Change

Neuroplasticity enables the formation of new habits and behaviors, essential for reinforcing change. Dopamine reinforces behaviors associated with rewards


8. Ethics

Activation in brain regions linked to moral reasoning (e.g., ventromedial prefrontal cortex) underlies ethical decision-making. Serotonin influences moral behavior and social norms adherence


9. Enhancing Task Knowledge

Hippocampal activity is crucial for encoding and retrieving task-related information, facilitating knowledge enhancement. Neurotransmitters like acetylcholine modulate learning and memory processes


10. Eliminating Barriers to Performance

Amygdala modulation and stress reduction strategies help in overcoming performance barriers. Neurotransmitters such as GABA regulate anxiety responses


11. Evaluating Consequences

Anterior cingulate cortex activity is associated with assessing potential outcomes, considering consequences, and risk evaluation. Dopamine influences reward anticipation and risk-taking behavior


12. Explaining Decisions with Respect

Effective communication engages neural circuits involved in language processing and empathy, fostering respect in decision explanations. Neurotransmitters like oxytocin enhance social bonding and trust


13. Empowerment

Activation in brain regions associated with autonomy and self-efficacy supports empowerment initiatives. Neurotransmitters like dopamine reinforce feelings of competence and reward


14. Nurturing Relationships

Oxytocin release promotes bonding and nurturing behaviors crucial for relationship development. Mirror neuron system facilitates empathy and emotional resonance


15. Integrity and Honesty

Activation in brain regions linked to moral cognition underlies integrity and honesty. Serotonin levels influence honesty and fairness behaviors


16. Identifying Problems

Prefrontal cortex activation aids in problem identification and analysis. Dopamine modulation enhances cognitive flexibility and problem-solving abilities


17. Intelligent Risk Taking

Balanced activity in reward and prefrontal control regions facilitates intelligent risk-taking. Dopamine modulation affects risk perception and decision-making under uncertainty


18. Communication with Community

Neural circuits involved in social communication and empathy support effective community communication. Oxytocin enhances trust and affiliation in community interactions


19. Continuous Learning

Neuroplasticity enables continuous learning and adaptation to new information and challenges. Neurotransmitters like dopamine modulate motivation and reward in learning contexts


20. Critical Thinking

Activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is associated with critical thinking and logical reasoning. Neurotransmitters like glutamate facilitate synaptic plasticity crucial for cognitive flexibility


21. Creative Problem Solving

Activation in brain regions linked to divergent thinking and creativity supports creative problem-solving. Neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin influence creative cognition and exploration


22. Collaborating

Neural synchrony and empathy facilitate effective collaboration and teamwork. Oxytocin promotes trust and cooperation among team members


23. Active Listening

Activation in auditory processing areas and prefrontal cortex supports active listening. Oxytocin enhances social attunement and empathy during listening


24. Adaptability

Activation in prefrontal regions and neuroplasticity mechanisms support adaptability to changing environments. Neurotransmitters like noradrenaline regulate arousal and cognitive flexibility


25. Achieve Goals

Dopaminergic pathways play a crucial role in goal-directed behavior and motivation. Activation in reward-related brain regions reinforces goal attainment behaviors


4. Results
In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership studies, the integration of neuroscience offers a profound avenue for understanding the intricacies of effective leadership. The Leadership Competency Model Drenica, crafted by Çitaku and Ramadani in 2020, provides a robust framework comprising 25 essential competencies crucial for effective leadership across diverse domains. By scrutinizing this model through the lens of neuroscientific principles, we unravel a deeper understanding of the biological substrates underlying these competencies, thus enriching its validity and applicability in leadership practice.
Key Findings and Implications
1. Decision Making: Neuroscientific evidence highlights the influence of prefrontal cortex activity and neurotransmitter balance on decision-making processes. Understanding these neural mechanisms can aid leaders in making informed and effective decisions, thereby enhancing organizational outcomes and fostering a culture of adaptability and innovation.
2. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are underpinned by neural circuits implicated in language processing, empathy, and trust. Leaders armed with this knowledge can foster cohesive teams, facilitate meaningful dialogue, and nurture a culture of inclusivity and cooperation within organizations.
3. Ethics and Integrity: Neural correlates associated with moral reasoning and integrity elucidate the neural underpinnings of ethical decision-making. By promoting a culture of integrity, leaders can cultivate trust, credibility, and organizational cohesion, thus fostering sustainable growth and ethical leadership practices.
4. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Neuroplasticity mechanisms enable continuous learning and adaptability to changing environments. Leaders who embrace a growth mindset and encourage a culture of lifelong learning can navigate uncertainties with agility, drive innovation, and propel organizational resilience in dynamic landscapes.
5. Empowerment and Goal Attainment: Activation in brain regions associated with autonomy and reward reinforces empowerment initiatives and goal-directed behaviors. Leaders who empower their teams, provide autonomy, and align individual goals with organizational objectives can foster intrinsic motivation, enhance employee engagement, and drive collective success.
The neuroscientific validation of the Drenica model underscores its significance as a versatile tool for leadership development and organizational effectiveness. By understanding the neural mechanisms underpinning each competency, organizations can tailor leadership development programs with precision, thus nurturing the growth and success of their leaders. Moreover, this fusion of neuroscience and leadership studies holds promise for enhancing our understanding of leadership effectiveness and facilitating evidence-based practices in leadership development.
In conclusion, the integration of neuroscience into leadership studies offers profound implications for leadership practice. By delving into the neural foundations of leadership competencies, we pave the way for the emergence of Neuoleadership—a paradigm that leverages neuroscientific insights to cultivate effective leadership behaviors and drive organizational success in an increasingly complex world. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the brain, the symbiotic relationship between neuroscience and leadership studies promises to unlock the full potential of leaders, empowering them to inspire, motivate, and catalyze positive change within their organizations.
5. Discussion
The neuroscientific validation of the Drenica model offers profound insights into the biological substrates of effective leadership. By understanding how various competencies are instantiated in the brain, organizations can design more targeted and effective leadership development programs. Furthermore, this integration of neuroscience and leadership studies holds promise for enhancing our understanding of leadership effectiveness and facilitating evidence-based practices in leadership development.
6. Conclusion
The The Leadership Competency Model Drenica stands as a rare beacon in the global landscape, showcasing its unparalleled ability to generalize leadership competencies. This study unveils its robustness and validity through a neuroscience-based approach. Consequently, this model emerges as a versatile tool applicable across diverse fields, serving as a cornerstone for Neuoleadership development.
In essence, the Drenica model encapsulates a comprehensive spectrum of competencies vital for effective leadership. Neuroscientific validation sheds light on the neural underpinnings of these competencies, elucidating the intricate nexus between brain function and leadership behavior. Armed with this understanding, organizations can tailor leadership development initiatives with precision, nurturing the growth and success of their leaders.
As neuroscience progresses, its fusion with leadership studies holds the promise of deepening our comprehension of effective leadership. Ultimately, this symbiotic relationship between neuroscience and leadership studies opens up avenues for exploration, transcending theoretical frameworks to yield tangible benefits within organizational contexts. By delving into the neural foundations of leadership competencies, we inch closer to unlocking the full potential of leaders, empowering them to inspire, motivate, and catalyze positive change.


Default Mode Network


Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Author Contributions
Fadil Çitaku and Hetem Ramadani contributed equally to this paper. The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.
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    Çitaku, F., Ramadani, H. (2024). The Neuroscientific Validation of the Leadership Competency Model Drenica. Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(2), 42-47.

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    Çitaku, F.; Ramadani, H. The Neuroscientific Validation of the Leadership Competency Model Drenica. J. Hum. Resour. Manag. 2024, 12(2), 42-47. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241202.13

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    AMA Style

    Çitaku F, Ramadani H. The Neuroscientific Validation of the Leadership Competency Model Drenica. J Hum Resour Manag. 2024;12(2):42-47. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241202.13

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Author Information
  • Department of Neuroleadership, Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland, Zürich, Switzerland; Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland; Department of Research, Instituti për Avancim Kombëtar, Prishtinë, Kosovë

  • Department of Research, Instituti për Avancim Kombëtar, Prishtinë, Kosovë; Department of Healthcare and Innovation, Health Revolution, Tiranë, Shqipëri