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To Study the Factors Affecting the Sustainable Employment of Human Resources in the Construction Industry

Received: 19 June 2024     Accepted: 15 July 2024     Published: 20 August 2024
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Organizational executives have always taken care of the sustainable employment of their employees. It is a part of the responsibility of the manager to form a competent team and team and to continue their sustainable operation. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the construction industry and the mining industry have been investing the most in Mongolia's economy. Stable employment of skilled workers has become the most important factor in creating the image of the country and the comfort of the people. The increase in turnover and turnover of employees not only increases the cost of the organization, but also leads to a lack of skills and knowledge, resulting in a shortage of human resources and a decrease in the ability to overcome competition. In recent years, since the COVID-19, there has been a lot of staff turnover due to the difficult working environment in the construction industry. This article examines the external and internal environmental factors that affect the sustainable employment of construction industry employees and calculates the relationship between them. In the research, a questionnaire survey was taken from construction industry executives, and the results were calculated using SPSS23 and Smart PLS programs. According to the results, the managers believed that the external environment has a strong positive relationship and the internal environment factors have a positive relationship with the sustainable employment of human resources in the construction industry.

Published in Journal of Human Resource Management (Volume 12, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241203.14
Page(s) 85-95
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


External Environment, Internal Environment, Management, Economy, Public Policy, Environment, Organization

1. Introduction
Sustainable employment has become one of the issues that have attracted the attention of countries around the world because it has an important effect on supporting the socio-economic growth and well-being of not only organizations and employees, but also countries.
Despite the high demand for skilled workers in the international labor market, the supply remains insufficient. Organizations, especially in business competition, are trying to gain a competitive advantage by creating skilled employees, not about product brands, as before.
Among the 17 sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015, the goal of ensuring "decent work and economic growth" has been set. Within the framework of this goal, by 2030, all women and men are considered to work together as an experience in creating sustainable employment .
"Human development" is one of the 9 main goals of Mongolia's long-term development policy "Vision - 2050". There are several goals in this goal, and within the framework of the "Labor Market", it is said that the labor market balance will be ensured, the knowledge economy will be formed, and every citizen will have a job and income .
In the same way, every country has been constantly proposing and implementing policies and goals for sustainable employment. Therefore, it has become one of the important things for organizations to cooperate and introduce their experience in developing sustainable employment policies, providing equal access to employment for all, and reducing unemployment .
In this article, the purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting the sustainable employment of construction industry employees and to calculate the correlation.
2. Theory and Survey Summery
Sustainable employment is based on the concept of planning economic and social activities that support the sustainable development of social, economic and ecological resources. The sustainable employment of human resources depends largely on the organization of the work and organization. For example, the problem of providing stable employment for shift work and demanding physical work is a big challenge .
Sustainable employment can be considered a favorable working environment that not only preserves the health and well-being of employees, but also increases their ability to work. If the organization focuses on improving the health and satisfaction of its employees, it is necessary to study the work environment that supports sustainable employment, employee skills, active motivation, and attitudes towards any activity .
Considering age in the stable employment of employees may increase future employability and aspirations. Based on the results of the study of three indicators of sustainable employment: work value, activity, and age, supporting, encouraging, developing, and encouraging employees through the work environment can be an effective strategy for sustainable employment .
The concept of sustainable employment refers to the ability to achieve meaningful work goals, and this has received considerable attention in many developed countries. Researchers Gurbuz and Bakker studied the interrelationship between work participation, job performance and satisfaction in sustainable employment and concluded that the increase in the age of employees affects sustainable employment due to the lack of skilled young employees .
Sustainable employment is a critical factor for organizations to build a healthy, engaged and sustainable workforce. Stable employment is highly dependent on the worker's age, workplace organization, and society. It also affects work performance, employee health and well-being. Therefore, there is a lack of knowledge about the relationship between organizations and employees' sustainable employment performance .
The field of human resource management is changing. As part of this change, there is a tendency to consider human resources as an important asset in the organization by giving them strategic importance in the competitive environment .
There is a lot of talk about making the workplace ecologically sustainable. This includes the environmental impact of sustainable employment (1) type of production: sustainable products and services, (2) occupation: work and activities in the workplace, (3) work-life style: conditions that support a sustainable lifestyle of employees, (4) efficiency: considered in four dimensions: resource and production process. These four dimensions can be used to assess sustainability, define labor market policies or job greening strategies, and develop scenarios for socio-ecological change .
3. Method
Operating in a competitive market environment, the organization has focused on attracting talented employees, further development and specialization, and working with well-being and healthy benefits. Therefore, organizations and academic researchers are conducting numerous studies on the factors affecting employees' sustainable employment.
Employee self-development and being an employee with high training value is not only important for the development of human resources, but also one of the important factors affecting sustainable employment .
Academic researchers believe that the factors affecting the employee's stable employment are the ability to perform the task, activity, and professional skills . Job performance includes education, fitness, work environment, attitudes, relationships, workload, and management support. Employee engagement is energy, satisfaction, motivation, and health in the workplace. Professional skills include the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the task.
Figure 1. Factors affecting sustainable employment .
The reason for the stable working conditions of the employee is the environmental factor of the organization. In other words, there are many factors that influence the stable work of employees in any organization, and the sum of them is called a stable working environment. The sustainable working environment of employees is divided into 4 main areas. This includes :
1) Work environment
2) Cultural environment
3) Personal environment
4) There are external factors.
An employee can make a valuable contribution to the organization by strengthening their talent, building succession, and having the right attitude to keep their current and future jobs stable. According to this, stable employment can be considered as the ability of the employee to keep his current job and find a future job.
Factors affecting sustainable employment include employee health, motivation, education, management-employee relations, workplace culture, and work environment. It is necessary to control these factors for the employee to have stable employment .
Employees are at the heart of an organization's success, and it is important to create a healthy, well-being, and productive working environment .
4. Results of a Survey on the Sustainable Employment of Workers in the Construction Industry
It is to study and evaluate the sustainable employment of construction industry workers and the factors affecting it, and determine the possibility of improving the stability.
A survey on the sustainable employment of human resources in the construction industry was obtained from a total of 86 managers. In terms of research structure, the questionnaire has 3 main parts, 22-24 main questions and 64-72 sub-indicators, and the information was processed using SPSS23 mathematical statistics program.
The survey questionnaire was coded and entered into SPSS 23 software to check whether the sample was representative of the original population. If the survey sample is not representative of the original population, it is necessary to increase the number of questionnaire surveys. A measure of whether the sample is representative of the population is called KMO or Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, the higher the better. In addition to the KMO indicator, check the Significance (Sig.) indicator, which is the result that determines whether the study made an error.
Table 1. KMO.

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.


Bartlett's Test of Sphericity

Approx. Chi-Square






Source: Developed by the researcher
KMO measures whether the sample size is sufficient for the analysis and it should be greater than 0.5. As can be seen from the table above, the KMO is executives – 0.748, which indicates that the sample size is adequate or compatible. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity measures the strength of correlation between variables and Sig..000 indicates that there is a relationship between the variables and shows that the analysis is feasible.
Table 2. Reliability Statistics.

Cronbach's Alpha

Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items

N of Items




Source: Developed by the researcher
After checking the KMO indicator, the reliability analysis Cronbach's Alpha was determined in order to check the validity and reliability of the research. When calculating Cronbach's Alpha, two main parameters are considered.
Cronbach's Alpha is greater than 0.7, which means that the 5-point rating of the questionnaire is suitable and well developed.
Considering the years of service of the surveyed executives, 22.7 percent worked for 5 years, 25.0 percent for 6-10 years, 38.6 percent for 11-20 years, 11.4 percent for 21-30 years, and 2.3 percent for more than 31 years.
38.6 percent of the executives surveyed have worked for 11-20 years, indicating that they are gaining experience. Comparing this with age, 82.4 percent of executives who have worked for 11-20 years are 36-45 years old, which indicates that they are in the prime of gaining practical experience.
Source: Developed by the researcher

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Figure 2. Years of working in the construction industry.
Source: Developed by the researcher

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Figure 3. Years of working in the construction industry, age structure comparisons.
Compared to the years of service, 40.0% of executives who have worked for 1-5 years are young people aged 18-25, 40.0% of executives who have worked for 6-10 years are 26-35 years old, 82.4% of executives who have worked for 11-20 years are 36-45 years old, 21- 60.0 percent of executives who worked for 30 years were over 46 years old. Looking at this ratio, it indicates that the executives of the industry are getting younger.
Considering the age group of executives, 16.3 percent are 18-25 years old, 20.9 percent are 26-35 years old, 48.8 percent are 36-45 years old, and 14.0 percent are 46 and older. People aged 26-35 are considered to be the active working age and it indicates that the organization's working capacity is in a reasonable ratio. The average life expectancy of managers in the construction industry is mean - 2.60, which indicates that people aged 26 - 45 years dominate.
Considering the characteristics of the surveyed executives, 16.3 percent of the 18-25-year-olds or Generation Z, 67.7 percent of the 26-45-year-olds or Generation Y, and 14.0 percent of the 46-50-year-olds or Generation X respectively. 67.7 percent of the employees are dominated by Y generation or 26-45 years old.
Y generation is called "Millennium generation". In this generation, it is important to work wherever you want and do what you really like when you enter the labor market. For them, success and career are a priority, they are organized, disciplined, and based on balance in their lives. The predominance of 26-45-year-olds means that construction industry managers have good experience and skills.
The assessment of sustainable employment by construction industry executives is summarized as follows.
45.5 percent completely agree, 47.7 percent agree, 4.5 percent do not agree, and 2.3 percent don't know that the management pays attention to the stable employment of its employees. This rating shows that the management of the construction industry cares about sustainable employment for its employees.
Also, 29.5 percent completely agree, 47.7 percent agree, 20.5 percent disagree, and 2.3 percent don't know whether the family has limited time for their personal life due to work. Managers in the industry have very little time to spend with their families. In line with this, 59.1% of respondents fully agree, 22.7% agree, 11.4% completely disagree, and 6.8% completely disagree with whether to offer a flexible and shift-based work schedule that is aimed at ensuring a work-life balance. not answered. One of the most important issues is ensuring the work-life balance of your organization's employees. Therefore, 87.8 percent of the employees surveyed said that flexible working hours are very important.
97.6 percent of them agreed that work activity will be improved by ensuring work-life balance.
Source: Developed by the researcher

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Figure 4. Assessment of sustainable employment.
Among external environmental factors, 46.5 percent of government policies and programs, 33.3 percent of inflation, 37.2 percent of consumer price index, 53.5 percent of population growth, 36.6 percent of people's lifestyle, and 34.9 percent of climate considered that. However, 35.7 percent said that the country's economic situation, 41.5 percent tax policy, 51.2 percent the price of raw materials and materials used in the industry, and 50.0 percent the amount of loan interest are the most influential. 32.6 percent believed that there is no political influence at all.
Table 3. Correlation analysis of external environment indicators.
Source: Developed by the researcher
From indicators of external environmental factors, population growth (E_8) - 0.636, lifestyle (E_9) - 0.645, environmental factors (E_12) - 0.521 are positive, government policies and programs (E_1) - 0.758, economic situation of the country (E_2) - 0.790, inflation rate (E_3) - 0.749, consumer price index (E_4) - 0.829, tax policy (E_5) - 0.795, price of raw materials used in the industry (E_6) - 0.804, interest rate (E_7) - 0.853, purchasing power (E_10) - 0.735, political influence (E_11) - 0.728 has a strong positive correlation.
According to the factors of the internal environment, 51.3 percent rated the industry's average salary, 48.7 percent rated the flow and migration of human resources as poor, while 65.2 percent rated the industry's policy of attracting skilled and experienced employees as very reasonable.
Table 4. Correlation analysis of internal environment indicators.












Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed)




Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)






Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)










Pearson Correlation






Sig. (2-tailed)












Pearson Correlation







Sig. (2-tailed)














Pearson Correlation








Sig. (2-tailed)
















Pearson Correlation









Sig. (2-tailed)


















Pearson Correlation










Sig. (2-tailed)




















Pearson Correlation











Sig. (2-tailed)





















**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Source: Developed by the researcher
According to the results of the correlation analysis above, among the indicators of the internal environment factors affecting the sustainable employment of human resources of construction industry managers, the production volume of the industry (I_1) - 0.230 is very weak, the labor productivity of the industry (I_2) - 0.494, Reputation of the industry in the labor market (I_8) - 0.464, policy of attracting skilled and experienced employees of the industry (I_9) - 0.462 weak, average salary of the industry (I_3) - 0.675, labor safety policy (I_6) - 0.629, human resources movement (I_7) - 0.591 positive, investment in the construction industry (I_4) - 0.720, speed of technological progress (I_5) - 0.760 has a strong positive correlation.
Table 5. Correlation analysis of factors affecting sustainable employment.

Sustainable employment

External environmental

Internal environmental

Sustainable employment

Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed)



External environmental

Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)





Internal environmental

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)







**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: Developed by the researcher
Considering the correlation analysis of the factors affecting the sustainable employment of human resources in the construction industry, the external environment has a strong positive correlation of 0.868, and the internal environment has a positive correlation of 0.617.
Table 6. Results of ANOVA analysis.


Sum of Squares


Mean Square

















a. Dependent Variable: Sus

b. Predictors: (Constant), Sus_E, Sus_I

Source: Developed by the researcher
Looking at the F ratio from the ANOVA table, a positive probability value of 72.101 was obtained. The significance level of the hypothesis was considered to be less than <0.05. The result of the analysis is Sig =0.000, which proves that the significance of the model is high. The results of the analysis show that the T-statistic significance is tending towards 0 and the statistical calculation is significant.
Table 7. Correlation analysis of factors affecting sustainable employment.


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error








External environmental






Internal environmental






Source: Developed by the researcher
As for coefficient B, external environmental factors have a 0.636 correlation to employee migration, and internal environmental factors have a moderate correlation of 0.297. Its mathematical formula is:
Among the factors of the external environment affecting the stable employment of human resources in the construction industry are policies and programs conducted by the government, the state of the country's economy, inflation rate, consumer price index, tax policy, prices of raw materials, interest rates, purchasing power, and political influence. has a strong positive correlation. On the other hand, the speed of investment and technological progress in the construction industry is strongly positively related to the factors of the internal environment.
The researcher has developed a questionnaire with the aim of finding out how the external and internal environmental factors that affect the sustainable employment of construction workers are evaluated. The quantitative data of the survey was processed by SPSS 23.0 statistical program, and the data was prepared by Smart PLS-3 program, factor analysis or appropriateness and reliability analysis of factors, correlation analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, and mathematical calculations such as Cronbach's Alpha.
Table 8. Reliability and discriminant validity.

Sustainable employment

External environmental

Internal environmental




Sustainable employment





External environmental






Internal environmental







Source: Developed by the researcher
As a result of reliability and factor reliability analysis, stable employment S-0.947, internal environment I-0.868, and external environment E-0.941 were all above 0.7 in determining Cronbach α.
The CR coefficient is stable employment S-0.953, internal environment I-0.896, and external environment E-0.949, which confirms the reliability. But the AVE coefficient of stable employment is S-0.497, internal environment I-0.494, and external environment E-0.611, which means that internal environmental factors have very little influence on stable employment.
1. Questionnaires for determining the factors of the external environment have a strong influence, with questions between 0.793 and 0.880. E_1 "Government policies and programs" 0.835, E_2 "State of the country's economy" 0.860, E_3 "Inflation rate" 0.798, E_4 "Consumer price index" 0.880, E_5 "Tax policy" 0.793, E_6 "The price of raw materials used in the industry" was 0.840, and E_7 "Loan interest rate" was 0.868, which are questions that have a strong impact.
2. Questionnaires for determining the factors of the internal environment have a strong influence, with questions between 0.727 and 0.975. The internal environment I_2 "Industry labor productivity" 0.975, I_4 "Investment in the construction industry" 0.829, I_7 "Human resource flow and migration" 0.734, I_9 "Attraction of industry knowledge, skills and experience workers" 0.727 have the highest impact. there are questions.
Source: Developed by the researcher

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Figure 5. Results developed by Smart PLS3 for sustainable employment.
Table 9. Results of hypothesis testing.


Sustainable employment


Regression weight







Source: Developed by the researcher
When considering the relationship of external and internal environmental factors to sustainable employment, the external environment has a significant correlation of 0.645. But the correlation coefficient shows that the internal environment has a weak correlation of 0.448.
He said that it is necessary to pay further attention to the factors with the least impact on external environment factors E_12 "Nature and climate factors" 0.582, and internal environment factors I_1 "Amount of products produced by the sector, GDP" 0.447.
5. Conclusion
The construction industry in Mongolia has been developing rapidly in recent years. In line with this, the stable employment of employees in the construction industry is one of the issues that has attracted attention because it has an important effect on the socio-economic growth of not only organizations and employees, but also the country.
Scientists have studied from many angles that sustainable employment is not only an important favorable condition for social, economic and organizational organization, health and well-being of employees, but also affects motivation, activity, and attitude towards work there is. It also affects the organization's strategic plan and work enthusiastically in the future.
About the factors affecting the stable employment of talented employees of the organization operating in competitive market conditions external and internal environmental factors of the studied researchers have been selected to be used in the research.
A survey on sustainable employment of human resources in the construction industry was taken from a total of 86 executives, and the results were obtained by SPSS23 of mathematical statistics and Smart PLS processed using the program. According to the results of the study, KMO has a manager – 0.748, which is sufficient for the sample size, Cronbach's Alpha is greater than 0.7 0.932 as it is, the evaluation of the 5 points of the questionnaire is suitable and optimally developed.
Among the external environmental factors affecting sustainable employment, 46.5 percent of the government's policies and programs are moderate, the inflation rate is 33.3 percent, the consumer price index is 37.2 percent, the population growth is 53.5 percent, the lifestyle of citizens is 36.6 percent, nature and climate are 34.9 percent. However, 35.7 percent said that it has the greatest impact on the country's economic situation, 41.5 percent on tax policy, 51.2 percent on the price of raw materials and materials used in the industry, and 50.0 percent on the interest rate.
From indicators of external environmental factors policies and programs implemented by the government - 0.758, economic situation of the country - 0.790, inflation rate - 0.749, consumer price index - 0.829, tax policy - 0.795, the price of raw materials used in the industry - 0.804, interest rate - 0.853, purchasing power - 0.735, political influence - 0.728 positive power it depends.
According to internal environmental factors, 51.3 percent of the industry's average salary and 48.7 percent of human resource flow and migration were rated as average poor, while the policy of attracting employees with knowledge, skills and experience in the industry is reasonable 65.2 percent rated it.
According to the results of the dependency analysis construction industry executives in sustainable human resource employment from indicators of influencing internal environmental factors volume of products produced by the industry - 0.230 very weak, investment in the construction industry - 0.720, speed of technological progress - 0.760 it is related to positive power.
Finally, to conclude, the external environment has a significant correlation of 0.645 to the sustainable employment of human resources by construction industry executives, the assessment that the internal environment is 0.448 weakly related is considered a matter of further attention.




Average Variance Extracted


Composite Reliability


Cronbach's Alpha


Sustainable Employment


External Environmental


Internal Environmental


Government Policies and Programs


Economic Situation of the Country


Inflation Rate


Consumer price Index


Tax Policy


Prices of Raw Materials Used in the Industry


Interest Rate


Population Growth




Purchasing Power


Political Influence


Environmental Factors


The Production Volume of the Industry (GDP)


The Labor Productivity of the Industry


Average Salary of the Industry


Investment in the Construction Industry


Speed of Technological Progress


Labor Safety Policy


Human Resources Movement


Reputation of the Industry in the Labor Market


Policy of Attracting Skilled and Experienced Employees of the Industry


Gross Domestic Product

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Gotov, B., Andryei, A., Gombodorj, B. (2024). To Study the Factors Affecting the Sustainable Employment of Human Resources in the Construction Industry. Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(3), 85-95.

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    ACS Style

    Gotov, B.; Andryei, A.; Gombodorj, B. To Study the Factors Affecting the Sustainable Employment of Human Resources in the Construction Industry. J. Hum. Resour. Manag. 2024, 12(3), 85-95. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241203.14

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    AMA Style

    Gotov B, Andryei A, Gombodorj B. To Study the Factors Affecting the Sustainable Employment of Human Resources in the Construction Industry. J Hum Resour Manag. 2024;12(3):85-95. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241203.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.jhrm.20241203.14,
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      title = {To Study the Factors Affecting the Sustainable Employment of Human Resources in the Construction Industry
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    AB  - Organizational executives have always taken care of the sustainable employment of their employees. It is a part of the responsibility of the manager to form a competent team and team and to continue their sustainable operation. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the construction industry and the mining industry have been investing the most in Mongolia's economy. Stable employment of skilled workers has become the most important factor in creating the image of the country and the comfort of the people. The increase in turnover and turnover of employees not only increases the cost of the organization, but also leads to a lack of skills and knowledge, resulting in a shortage of human resources and a decrease in the ability to overcome competition. In recent years, since the COVID-19, there has been a lot of staff turnover due to the difficult working environment in the construction industry. This article examines the external and internal environmental factors that affect the sustainable employment of construction industry employees and calculates the relationship between them. In the research, a questionnaire survey was taken from construction industry executives, and the results were calculated using SPSS23 and Smart PLS programs. According to the results, the managers believed that the external environment has a strong positive relationship and the internal environment factors have a positive relationship with the sustainable employment of human resources in the construction industry.
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