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Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Research Progress: 2010-2019

Received: 8 October 2019     Accepted: 5 November 2019     Published: 12 November 2019
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In the financial field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, supply chain finance is one of the most important service models. Domestic scholars began to make research on Agricultural supply chain finance (ASCF) since 2010. This paper classifies the existing research on ASCF according to the themes and methods, focusing on the governmental policies of diversified capitalchannel to rural area, rural credit evaluation system establishment. This article, based on all previous key papers betweenyear 2010and 2019 and policy background, presents a comprehensive summary on ASCF topic and identifies the most important issues that need to be addressed in future research. It also provides theoretical basis and direction guidance for other scholars.

Published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Economics (Volume 1, Issue 2)
Page(s) 10-17
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Agricultural Supply Chain Finance, Rural Finance, Progress in Chinese Research

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    Zhong Meiling, Li Shanliang, Shen Cheng. (2019). Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Research Progress: 2010-2019. Asia-Pacific Journal of Economics, 1(2), 10-17.

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    Zhong Meiling; Li Shanliang; Shen Cheng. Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Research Progress: 2010-2019. Asia-Pac. J. Econ. 2019, 1(2), 10-17.

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    Zhong Meiling, Li Shanliang, Shen Cheng. Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Research Progress: 2010-2019. Asia-Pac J Econ. 2019;1(2):10-17.

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  • @article{10043751,
      author = {Zhong Meiling and Li Shanliang and Shen Cheng},
      title = {Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Research Progress: 2010-2019},
      journal = {Asia-Pacific Journal of Economics},
      volume = {1},
      number = {2},
      pages = {10-17},
      url = {https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/article/10043751},
      abstract = {In the financial field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, supply chain finance is one of the most important service models. Domestic scholars began to make research on Agricultural supply chain finance (ASCF) since 2010. This paper classifies the existing research on ASCF according to the themes and methods, focusing on the governmental policies of diversified capitalchannel to rural area, rural credit evaluation system establishment. This article, based on all previous key papers betweenyear 2010and 2019 and policy background, presents a comprehensive summary on ASCF topic and identifies the most important issues that need to be addressed in future research. It also provides theoretical basis and direction guidance for other scholars.},
     year = {2019}

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    AU  - Li Shanliang
    AU  - Shen Cheng
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    AB  - In the financial field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, supply chain finance is one of the most important service models. Domestic scholars began to make research on Agricultural supply chain finance (ASCF) since 2010. This paper classifies the existing research on ASCF according to the themes and methods, focusing on the governmental policies of diversified capitalchannel to rural area, rural credit evaluation system establishment. This article, based on all previous key papers betweenyear 2010and 2019 and policy background, presents a comprehensive summary on ASCF topic and identifies the most important issues that need to be addressed in future research. It also provides theoretical basis and direction guidance for other scholars.
    VL  - 1
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Management Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

  • Department of Management Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

  • Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing, China

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