This article presents an analysis of the reality and the way of transmitting education based on the teaching of the Catholic faith in a culture or this secular as a sign of justice in a world of discard, taking into account the cultural value of education in our country, as well as his contributions to society, covering historical and modern characteristics of this political polemic in relation. The article consists of a bibliographic and exploratory research, with a view to raising concerns in situations presented with certain practical solutions in the application of learning in the seminar on a topic of paramount importance. In this way, the research provides a comparison between the characteristics of teaching or education starting from the educational process today in a certain place close to the parish where I am working; addresses themes inherent to the educational process regarding the origin of knowledge, the relationship between faith and science, teaching methods, worldviews, the role of religion in society and its implications for public and private education and culture, going over the Christianity's action in the History of Education and addresses this as social justice. Demonstrating that Christianity itself, not only maintains a relationship with education, but also constitutes an educational process, with objectives similar to the objectives of secular education.
Published in | Education Journal (Volume 13, Issue 6) |
DOI | 10.11648/ |
Page(s) | 357-373 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Secular, Education, Justice, Culture, Teaching Methodology
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APA Style
Fénélus, S. (2024). Forensic Analysis of a Good Universal Education in a Secular Culture as a Sign of Justice for the Need for a Better Future. Education Journal, 13(6), 357-373.
ACS Style
Fénélus, S. Forensic Analysis of a Good Universal Education in a Secular Culture as a Sign of Justice for the Need for a Better Future. Educ. J. 2024, 13(6), 357-373. doi: 10.11648/
AMA Style
Fénélus S. Forensic Analysis of a Good Universal Education in a Secular Culture as a Sign of Justice for the Need for a Better Future. Educ J. 2024;13(6):357-373. doi: 10.11648/
@article{10.11648/, author = {Saint-Luc Fénélus}, title = {Forensic Analysis of a Good Universal Education in a Secular Culture as a Sign of Justice for the Need for a Better Future }, journal = {Education Journal}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {357-373}, doi = {10.11648/}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This article presents an analysis of the reality and the way of transmitting education based on the teaching of the Catholic faith in a culture or this secular as a sign of justice in a world of discard, taking into account the cultural value of education in our country, as well as his contributions to society, covering historical and modern characteristics of this political polemic in relation. The article consists of a bibliographic and exploratory research, with a view to raising concerns in situations presented with certain practical solutions in the application of learning in the seminar on a topic of paramount importance. In this way, the research provides a comparison between the characteristics of teaching or education starting from the educational process today in a certain place close to the parish where I am working; addresses themes inherent to the educational process regarding the origin of knowledge, the relationship between faith and science, teaching methods, worldviews, the role of religion in society and its implications for public and private education and culture, going over the Christianity's action in the History of Education and addresses this as social justice. Demonstrating that Christianity itself, not only maintains a relationship with education, but also constitutes an educational process, with objectives similar to the objectives of secular education. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Forensic Analysis of a Good Universal Education in a Secular Culture as a Sign of Justice for the Need for a Better Future AU - Saint-Luc Fénélus Y1 - 2024/11/26 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/ T2 - Education Journal JF - Education Journal JO - Education Journal SP - 357 EP - 373 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2327-2619 UR - AB - This article presents an analysis of the reality and the way of transmitting education based on the teaching of the Catholic faith in a culture or this secular as a sign of justice in a world of discard, taking into account the cultural value of education in our country, as well as his contributions to society, covering historical and modern characteristics of this political polemic in relation. The article consists of a bibliographic and exploratory research, with a view to raising concerns in situations presented with certain practical solutions in the application of learning in the seminar on a topic of paramount importance. In this way, the research provides a comparison between the characteristics of teaching or education starting from the educational process today in a certain place close to the parish where I am working; addresses themes inherent to the educational process regarding the origin of knowledge, the relationship between faith and science, teaching methods, worldviews, the role of religion in society and its implications for public and private education and culture, going over the Christianity's action in the History of Education and addresses this as social justice. Demonstrating that Christianity itself, not only maintains a relationship with education, but also constitutes an educational process, with objectives similar to the objectives of secular education. VL - 13 IS - 6 ER -