Vermicomposting is simple biotechnological process of composting, which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce better homogenized end product. Therefore, this study was conducted to prepare and Characterization of vermicompost nutrients made from different sources of organic materials. The experiment was carried out during 2023/24 at Bedele Agricultural Research Center. Vermicomposting was done using Eisenia fetida with seven treatments: wheat straw, maize stalk, sorghum stalk, haricot bean straw, soybean straw, finger millet straw and faba bean straw. The data were analyzed by SAS software version 9.3. Results indicated that for all the seven treatments the pH fluctuated in the range of 6.88 to 8.90, and the highest pH value was recorded from soybean straw with animal manure (8.90) whereas the lowest obtain from wheat straw with animal manure. Electrical conductivity of vermicompost were ranged from 2.02 to 4.44ds/m and the highest value of EC was recorded from soybean with animal manure (4.44ds/m) and the lowest from maize stalk with animal manure (2.02ds/m). The organic carbon of the vermicompost were ranged from 15.18 to 16.54%. The highest and lowest value of organic carbon was recorded from faba bean straw and haricot bean with animal manure (16.54 and 15.18%) respectively. The obtained total nitrogen was ranged from 1.28 to 1.43%. However, the highest was obtained from faba bean straw with animal manure and lowest recorded from maize stalk with cow manure (1.43% and 1.28%) respectively. The available phosphorus of vermicompost ranged from 24.65 to 27.75 ppm, from these results the highest and the lowest was recorded from wheat straw with animal manure and soybean straw with animal manure (27.75 and 24.65 ppm) respectively. The harvested vermicompost had an excellent nutrient rank, confirmed by chemical analysis, and contained all the essential selected macronutrients.
Published in | Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Volume 13, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.sjac.20251301.13 |
Page(s) | 15-23 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Organic Substrate, Eisenia Fetida, Animal Manure
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of pH (H2O) | Mean of EC (ds/m) |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 6.88c | 3.97a |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 8.11ab | 2.02b |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 7.86b | 3.28ab |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 7.71bc | 2.89ab |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 8.02b | 4.31a |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 8.90a | 4.44a |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 8.24ab | 2.95ab |
Grand mean | 7.96 | 3.41 | |
LSD (0.05) | 0.920 | 1.88 | |
CV (%) | 6.49 | 31.02 |
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of O.C(%) | Mean of C: N |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 15.28ab | 11.60ab |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 14.82b | 11.59b |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 15.89ab | 11.60ab |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 16.09ab | 11.61ab |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 15.18ab | 11.60ab |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 16.48a | 11.61ab |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 16.55a | 11.63a |
Grand mean | 15.75 | 11.60 | |
LSD (0.05) | 1.572 | 0.041 | |
CV (%) | 5.6 | 0.2 |
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of TN (%) | Equivalent ratio of N in vermicompost into urea kg/ha |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 1.32ab | 3499.0ab |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 1.28b | 3607.6a |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 1.37ab | 3363.9ab |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 1.38ab | 3323.0ab |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 1.31ab | 3530.6ab |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 1.42a | 3245.5b |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 1.43a | 3235.9b |
Grand mean | 1.36 | 3400.78 | |
LSD (0.05) | 0.138 | 335.97 | |
CV (%) | 5.69 | 5.55 |
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of Avai. P(ppm) |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 27.75a |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 25.09bc |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 26.47abc |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 25.31abc |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 27.43ab |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 24.65c |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 25.96abc |
Grand mean | 26.09 | |
LSD (0.05) | 2.503 | |
CV (%) | 5.39 |
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of Ca2+ (mg/kg VC) | Mean of Mg2+ (mg/kg VC) |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 1666.7 | 467.7 |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 1726.7 | 315.2 |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 1633.3 | 459.5 |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 2006.7 | 555.1 |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 2006.7 | 392.4 |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 1640.0 | 494.1 |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 1933.3 | 321.3 |
Grand mean | 1801.91 | 429.32 | |
LSD (0.05) | NS | NS | |
CV (%) | 21.46 | 58.97 |
Treatment No. | Treatment description | Mean of CEC. (cmol(+)/kg in VC) |
1 | Wheat straw with animal manure | 46.67b |
2 | Maize stalk with animal manure | 54.47a |
3 | Sorghum stalk with animal manure | 46.53b |
4 | Finger millet straw with animal manure | 50.13ab |
5 | Haricot bean straw with animal manure | 46.20bc |
6 | Soybean straw with animal manure | 48.80b |
7 | Faba bean straw with animal manure | 40.87c |
Grand mean | 47.67 | |
LSD (0.05) | 5.64 | |
CV (%) | 6.65 |
C:N | Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio |
CEC | Cation Exchange Capacity |
CV | Vermicompost |
ds/m | Decisimen per Meter |
EC | Electrical Conductivity |
TN | Total Nitrogen |
Ppm | Parts per Million |
Cmol(+)/kg | Centmole per Kilogram |
t/ha | Ton per Hector |
NGO | Non-governmental Organization |
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APA Style
Dube, B., Chimdessa, D., Sori, G. (2025). Preparation and Characterization of Vermicompost Nutrients Made from Different Sources of Organic Materials. Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 13(1), 15-23.
ACS Style
Dube, B.; Chimdessa, D.; Sori, G. Preparation and Characterization of Vermicompost Nutrients Made from Different Sources of Organic Materials. Sci. J. Anal. Chem. 2025, 13(1), 15-23. doi: 10.11648/j.sjac.20251301.13
@article{10.11648/j.sjac.20251301.13, author = {Bati Dube and Dagne Chimdessa and Gedefa Sori}, title = {Preparation and Characterization of Vermicompost Nutrients Made from Different Sources of Organic Materials }, journal = {Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {15-23}, doi = {10.11648/j.sjac.20251301.13}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Vermicomposting is simple biotechnological process of composting, which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce better homogenized end product. Therefore, this study was conducted to prepare and Characterization of vermicompost nutrients made from different sources of organic materials. The experiment was carried out during 2023/24 at Bedele Agricultural Research Center. Vermicomposting was done using Eisenia fetida with seven treatments: wheat straw, maize stalk, sorghum stalk, haricot bean straw, soybean straw, finger millet straw and faba bean straw. The data were analyzed by SAS software version 9.3. Results indicated that for all the seven treatments the pH fluctuated in the range of 6.88 to 8.90, and the highest pH value was recorded from soybean straw with animal manure (8.90) whereas the lowest obtain from wheat straw with animal manure. Electrical conductivity of vermicompost were ranged from 2.02 to 4.44ds/m and the highest value of EC was recorded from soybean with animal manure (4.44ds/m) and the lowest from maize stalk with animal manure (2.02ds/m). The organic carbon of the vermicompost were ranged from 15.18 to 16.54%. The highest and lowest value of organic carbon was recorded from faba bean straw and haricot bean with animal manure (16.54 and 15.18%) respectively. The obtained total nitrogen was ranged from 1.28 to 1.43%. However, the highest was obtained from faba bean straw with animal manure and lowest recorded from maize stalk with cow manure (1.43% and 1.28%) respectively. The available phosphorus of vermicompost ranged from 24.65 to 27.75 ppm, from these results the highest and the lowest was recorded from wheat straw with animal manure and soybean straw with animal manure (27.75 and 24.65 ppm) respectively. The harvested vermicompost had an excellent nutrient rank, confirmed by chemical analysis, and contained all the essential selected macronutrients. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Preparation and Characterization of Vermicompost Nutrients Made from Different Sources of Organic Materials AU - Bati Dube AU - Dagne Chimdessa AU - Gedefa Sori Y1 - 2025/01/23 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.sjac.20251301.13 T2 - Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry JF - Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry JO - Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry SP - 15 EP - 23 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2376-8053 UR - AB - Vermicomposting is simple biotechnological process of composting, which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce better homogenized end product. Therefore, this study was conducted to prepare and Characterization of vermicompost nutrients made from different sources of organic materials. The experiment was carried out during 2023/24 at Bedele Agricultural Research Center. Vermicomposting was done using Eisenia fetida with seven treatments: wheat straw, maize stalk, sorghum stalk, haricot bean straw, soybean straw, finger millet straw and faba bean straw. The data were analyzed by SAS software version 9.3. Results indicated that for all the seven treatments the pH fluctuated in the range of 6.88 to 8.90, and the highest pH value was recorded from soybean straw with animal manure (8.90) whereas the lowest obtain from wheat straw with animal manure. Electrical conductivity of vermicompost were ranged from 2.02 to 4.44ds/m and the highest value of EC was recorded from soybean with animal manure (4.44ds/m) and the lowest from maize stalk with animal manure (2.02ds/m). The organic carbon of the vermicompost were ranged from 15.18 to 16.54%. The highest and lowest value of organic carbon was recorded from faba bean straw and haricot bean with animal manure (16.54 and 15.18%) respectively. The obtained total nitrogen was ranged from 1.28 to 1.43%. However, the highest was obtained from faba bean straw with animal manure and lowest recorded from maize stalk with cow manure (1.43% and 1.28%) respectively. The available phosphorus of vermicompost ranged from 24.65 to 27.75 ppm, from these results the highest and the lowest was recorded from wheat straw with animal manure and soybean straw with animal manure (27.75 and 24.65 ppm) respectively. The harvested vermicompost had an excellent nutrient rank, confirmed by chemical analysis, and contained all the essential selected macronutrients. VL - 13 IS - 1 ER -