Review Article
A Review of CiteSpace Visualisation and Analysis of High-Temperature Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil and Gas Fields
Wenbo Gong*
Jingyi Lao
Bolin Zhao
Jinlei Zhang
Shuang Wu
Songtao Wang
Anyang Shi
Ruhui Fei
Chenyang Huang
Mengxiao Wang
Pengpeng Wen
Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2024
29 August 2024
26 September 2024
10 October 2024
Abstract: With the increasing global energy demand, the exploitation depth of oil and gas fields is gradually increasing. At the same time, importing many high-acid crude oil makes it increasingly heavy and inferior, and its acid value is constantly improving. This change has led to the increasingly severe corrosion problem of oil and gas field equipment, which has become an essential factor affecting the national economy and society's sustainable development. As an economical and practical anticorrosion measure, corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in the anticorrosion of oil and gas field equipment. Through the research method of biorientation, retrieve the Web of Science database in 2008-2024 about oil and gas field high-temperature corrosion inhibitor research literature information, using CiteSpace measurement analysis software visual analysis in the literature keywords, publications, high citation frequency, cooperation and word clustering information change trend, analyze the research situation of oil and gas field in recent years, summarizes the research hotspot of oil field high-temperature corrosion inhibitor, prominent authors and institutions, reference relationship and development trend. The number of documents on high-temperature corrosion inhibitors in oil and gas fields is smaller, and the authors, institutions, and countries are not closely related. There is less research cooperation on high-temperature corrosion inhibitors in oil and gas fields, and more independent studies exist. China University of Petroleum has the first number of publications, and China is the country with the first number of publications. The study of mass spectrometry for corrosion inhibitors in oil and gas fields is prominent, while the literature on high-temperature corrosion inhibitors is rare.
Abstract: With the increasing global energy demand, the exploitation depth of oil and gas fields is gradually increasing. At the same time, importing many high-acid crude oil makes it increasingly heavy and inferior, and its acid value is constantly improving. This change has led to the increasingly severe corrosion problem of oil and gas field equipment, wh...
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Research Article
The Mechanism of Modification Influence on Non-Metallic Inclusions in the Weld Metal of High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels
Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2024
27 October 2024
18 November 2024
13 December 2024
Abstract: An analysis of the effect of modification by dispersed particles of various compounds on the distribution, composition, and morphology of non-metallic inclusions and phase precipitates in the weld metal of low-alloy high-strength steel has been conducted. It has been established that modification with dispersed TiN or Al2O3 particles leads to the enlargement of non-metallic inclusions in the weld metal. It has been shown that some modifier particles of SiC or TiC dissolve in the liquid metal pool and precipitate as separate new phase inclusions on or near the surface of non-metallic inclusions, which overall results in changes in the composition and morphology of non-metallic inclusions in the weld metal. In the case of using ZrO2 or TiO2 modifiers, small 20-60 nm dispersed non-metallic inclusions are formed, enhancing the modification effect. During the analysis, no primary particles of modifiers were detected, but separate phase separations were detected, which may indicate the complete dissolution of particles in a liquid metal bath of some types of SiC, TiC separations and their subsequent separation from a supersaturated solid solution upon cooling welded joint. In cases where zirconium oxides ZrO2 or TiO2 were used as modifying compounds, the size reduction of refractory oxides inoculated into the welding bath to nanosize (30...70 nm, the size of which can be compared to the size of the tip of the dendrite growing from the liquid metal of the weld pool during the crystallization process, increases the efficiency of the modification.
Abstract: An analysis of the effect of modification by dispersed particles of various compounds on the distribution, composition, and morphology of non-metallic inclusions and phase precipitates in the weld metal of low-alloy high-strength steel has been conducted. It has been established that modification with dispersed TiN or Al2O3 particles leads to the e...
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Research Article
Investigation Optical Properties of ZnTe@Ag Core-Shell Spherical Nanocomposites Within Varies Dielectric Host Matrices
Tsegaye Atnaf
Shewa Getachew*
Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2024
13 November 2024
28 November 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: We theoretically and numerically investigated the local field enhancement factor (LFEF), absorption coefficient, refractive index, and group velocity of spherical core-shell nanocomposites (NCs) using the quasi-static approach. By solving Laplace’s equations, we derived expressions for the enhancement factor, polarizability, absorption coefficient, refractive index, and group velocity for each core-shell NCs. Our findings show that the LFEF, absorption coefficient, and group velocity of spherical core-shell NCs exhibit two peaks, while the real part of the refractive index shows four distinct peaks. Additionally, the core-shell nanocomposites demonstrate greater tunability and a higher intensity of the enhancement factor when the host matrix is changed from CdSe to SiO3. The study further reveals that, for spherical nanocomposites, the first two peaks of the enhancement factor and extinction cross-sections occur at the same frequencies. Moreover, all extinction cross-section peaks are lowest when the dielectric function of the host matrix is SiO3, whereas the peaks are highest for CdSe. The variation in peak values, despite having the same number of peaks for different shapes, indicates that the shape of the core-shell NCs significantly influences the intensity, number, and positions of the peaks in the enhancement factor and optical cross-sections. Such nanocomposites hold potential for applications in optical sensing, biosensing, as well as in photonic and electronic devices.
Abstract: We theoretically and numerically investigated the local field enhancement factor (LFEF), absorption coefficient, refractive index, and group velocity of spherical core-shell nanocomposites (NCs) using the quasi-static approach. By solving Laplace’s equations, we derived expressions for the enhancement factor, polarizability, absorption coefficient,...
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