Research Article
Determinants of Private Investment in Ethiopia
Mekuanint Temesgen*
Mekonnen Dibu
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
27 July 2024
22 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: The pillar for ensuring economic development is private investment. So that, the primary aim for this paper was to investigate key determinants of private investment in Ethiopia. The author used a quantitative research approach with an explanatory research design to realize the objective. The paper practically investigates whether Real GDP, inflation rate, real interest rate, foreign direct investment, tax rate, exchange rate, population growth rate, unemployment rate, international trade openness, education affect the growth of private investment in Ethiopia or not. The study mainly concentrated on thirty years of secondary data (i.e. from 1991 to 2020) on key variables. The data was obtained from a variety of sources including the NBE, IMF, WDA, CSA, and WB. Multiple regressions using the ARDL model with appropriate software E-views 9 was applied. The ECM is 110.6 percent that depicts the speed of adjustment from short run towards long run. The study also tests unit root (non-stationary), model stability, bounce, Johansson co integration, and diagnostic test. The main finding of the study showed that in real GDP, population growth rate, interest rate, trade openness, and unemployment rate were statistically significant at 5% level of significance in the long run and short-run and also exchange rate was a positive and statistically significant effect on private investment in short-run. And tax rate was insignificant in the short run. While FDI, Education, and inflation were statically insignificant both in short run and long run in this study. Finally, unemployment has a negative effect on private investment, the policy choice on the matter needs a cautious decision. To achieve the great short run and long run goals, it is advisable to employ integrated principle of action tools.
Abstract: The pillar for ensuring economic development is private investment. So that, the primary aim for this paper was to investigate key determinants of private investment in Ethiopia. The author used a quantitative research approach with an explanatory research design to realize the objective. The paper practically investigates whether Real GDP, inflati...
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Research Article
Accounting Requirements for Institutional Reform to Achieve Egypt’s Vision 2030 for Sustainable Financial Discipline, Proposed Approach
Nabil Abd El Raouf Ebrahim*,
Aber Hany Mohamed
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
27 April 2024
9 July 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: The digital transformation in Egypt derives, its importance from the Sustainable Development Goals (Egypt Vision 2030) to reduce borrowing in addition to reducing public debt and the sustainability of financial inclusion, and this is achieved through financial discipline, which is one of the most prominent topics that have received wide attention in many developed countries, perhaps the accounting requirements to achieve institutional reform contributes greatly to financial discipline, especially with financial inclusion, especially when preparing the public budget in order to measure the ability of public expenditure to achieve sustainable development indicators, from the ability to manage financial expenditure, and revenues accurately and in a way that responds to financial goals after reviewing the previous studies, the researcher came up with a proposed approach that can be applied to some government institutions through accounting requirements. The researcher came up through statistical analysis using the Chi-square test, to indicate the significance of this proposed approach among the selected sample, with an order of priorities. The researcher found out the safety and strength of the proposed approach through the sample answers for many of them. the researcher believes that the application of the proposed approach and the five axes that could be deduced from the answers of the study categories, contributes greatly to the financial discipline to achieve sustainable development for Egypt 2030.
Abstract: The digital transformation in Egypt derives, its importance from the Sustainable Development Goals (Egypt Vision 2030) to reduce borrowing in addition to reducing public debt and the sustainability of financial inclusion, and this is achieved through financial discipline, which is one of the most prominent topics that have received wide attention i...
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