Review Article
Determinants of the Performance of Farmers' Cooperatives in Ethiopia
Melesse Zeleke Agegnehu*
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
16 October 2024
6 November 2024
26 November 2024
Abstract: Farmers' cooperatives play a crucial role in Ethiopia's agricultural development by enhancing market access, providing inputs and financial services, and improving smallholder farmers' bargaining power. Despite their potential, many cooperatives struggle due to economic, governance, and environmental challenges. While various studies have explored these issues, an up-to-date and comprehensive synthesis of the literatures is essential to aggregate those findings and explore the common themes towards the key determinants. Therefore, this review synthesizes over two decades of researches to explore the determinants of the farmers’ cooperative performance in Ethiopia, focusing on economic, institutional, social, environmental, and technological factors. Access to credit, effective governance, and social cohesion emerge as critical determinants of cooperative success. Additionally, external support and technological adoption enhance their growth, while environmental factors such as climate variability present significant risks. Then, the review concludes, most of the cooperatives perform below the expected, that collaborative work between the members themselves and the government is invaluable for increasing the efficiency of cooperatives, and in turn, achieves the ultimate goals of improving the farmers overall wellbeing. Hence, the review would like to provide policy recommendations such as strengthening cooperative governance structures, enhancing credit access, promoting adoption & technology provision, and encouraging sustainable land management practices which would increase resilience and productivity of cooperative members.
Abstract: Farmers' cooperatives play a crucial role in Ethiopia's agricultural development by enhancing market access, providing inputs and financial services, and improving smallholder farmers' bargaining power. Despite their potential, many cooperatives struggle due to economic, governance, and environmental challenges. While various studies have explored ...
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Research Article
Unpacking the Impact of Political Instability on Economic Growth in Ethiopia: Analysis of the Direct and Indirect Pathways (1995-2020)
Fikre Kura*
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
28 October 2024
22 November 2024
27 December 2024
Abstract: Political stability is extensively recognized as a crucial determinant of economic growth and development in a broader context. Grounded in this assertion, this research endeavor sought to explore the correlation between political instability and economic growth within the Ethiopian context from 1996 to 2020. Throughout the duration of the study, Ethiopia has implemented various institutional reform initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth and establishing a stable political environment. Macro-level trend analyses substantiate that, over the last twenty years, Ethiopia has achieved significant economic growth, albeit hampered by macroeconomic mismanagement; nevertheless, the federation has not succeeded in attaining a stable political framework. In this context, employing the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach, this investigation has revealed a long-term co-integration between political instability and economic growth in Ethiopia, with political instability exerting a negative and significant impact on economic growth in both the short and long term. Additionally, the study has identified that political instability adversely influences economic growth by diminishing investment, human capital, labor, and the country’s exports. Consequently, it is proposed that ensuring political stability constitutes one of the essential prerequisites for achieving sustainable and accelerated economic growth in Ethiopia.
Abstract: Political stability is extensively recognized as a crucial determinant of economic growth and development in a broader context. Grounded in this assertion, this research endeavor sought to explore the correlation between political instability and economic growth within the Ethiopian context from 1996 to 2020. Throughout the duration of the study, E...
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Research Article
Potentials and Challenges for Religious Tourism Development: The Case of Qoma Fasiledes Church, Ethiopia
Derebe Demelash*
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
14 November 2024
29 November 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: Religious tourism is one of the fastest-growing tourism sectors, expressing tourists' desire to engage for religious reasons and travel from their usual environment to another sacred place. Therefore, this study was intended to identify potentials, challenges and opportunities for religious tourism development at Qoma Fasiledes church. To this end, a qualitative research approach and a cross-sectional descriptive study design was employed to achieve the objectives of this study. The target populations were Zone and Woreda’s culture and tourism office experts, Qoma Fasiledes Betekihinet leaders and church scholars in Qoma Fasiledes church. 13 respondents were selected by non-probable sampling technique, using purposive sampling. Both primary and secondary data sources were employed. Hence, primary data were collected from interviews, focus group discussions and field observation. Whereas, secondary sources from published and unpublished documents. Findings indicate that; the long history of Qoma Fasiledes church, religious festivals, school education, Qomie Zema, mural painting, the Church building itself, treasure house and many movable heritages made from gold and silver including crosses, crowns and yisma Qoma Negarit as well as monastic activities were potentials for religious tourism development. Challenges were lack of infrastructure, lack of promotion, lack of professionals, absence of museums and lack of awareness. Therefore, to develop religious tourism in Qoma Fasiledes church, all stakeholders should collaborate to use potentials and mitigate the hindering factors by examining the opportunities.
Abstract: Religious tourism is one of the fastest-growing tourism sectors, expressing tourists' desire to engage for religious reasons and travel from their usual environment to another sacred place. Therefore, this study was intended to identify potentials, challenges and opportunities for religious tourism development at Qoma Fasiledes church. To this end,...
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Research Article
Economic Analysis of Smallholder Major Crop Production Under Condition of Risk: The Case of West Arsi and East Shewa Zones of Oromia
Beriso Bati*
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
26 September 2024
21 October 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: The present study was carried out with the objectives of understanding the existing resource allocation practice, the possibility of increasing farm income through optimal allocation of resources under risk situation, and to develop risk efficient sets of farm plans for representative households based on cross-sectional data drawn from 240 households who were selected using stratified multi-stage random sampling technique during the 2022/23 production year. Linear programming and MOTAD model were used to analyse the data. The results of descriptive analysis show that most of the socioeconomic variables were found to be significantly different among the three agro-ecologies. Based on the existing farm situation and prevailing price levels, households in highland, midland, and lowland areas were obtaining the total annual income of Birr 19,480.00, 22,356.00, and 14,717.00, respectively. From the results of the MOTAD risk programming model, Sustainable plans within which households can minimize risks and remain efficient are suggested for the three identified agro-ecologies. The model results also show that, in all agro-ecologies under risk neutral plan, there is substantial difference between households’ existing plan and gross income maximization plan implying that if farm households reallocate their resources among different activities, there is a much room to increase their income under risk neutral plan. Overall, from general discussion there is need for policies that spur investment in public infrastructure, rural financial markets, private investment, and support institutions to address the problems of high transaction costs to investors, and reduce risks faced by farmers.
Abstract: The present study was carried out with the objectives of understanding the existing resource allocation practice, the possibility of increasing farm income through optimal allocation of resources under risk situation, and to develop risk efficient sets of farm plans for representative households based on cross-sectional data drawn from 240 househol...
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Research Article
Hospitality Industry and Socio-Economic Sustainability of the Host Communities in Ondo State, Nigeria
Idowu Ojo*
Ekundayo Mejabi
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
11 October 2024
31 October 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: The study explores the social, economic and stakeholder theory to expound on the benefits that are derivable by the community that play a host to hospitality facilities. The study aims to identify the socio-economic impacts of the hospitality industry on the sustainability of host community in Ondo state, Nigeria. To achieve the objective, the study used a self-administered questionnaire and opted for a descriptive research design. The researcher administered 367 questionnaires to respondents from five hotels each from the three senatorial headquarters of Ondo state. Three categories of respondents; guests, hotel staff and residents of the selected communities were chosen randomly, and only 355 questionnaires were returned. The data were analyzed using multiple regression to test the study hypotheses. The study provides insight and understanding of the socio-economic advantages of the hospitality industry to the sustainability of the host communities. Findings indicated that the hospitality industry contributes immensely to the socio-economic sustainability of the host communities. Additionally, A p-value < 0.05, provides evidence that the coefficient is different to 0. ECO (t-value= 2.567, > 1.96; p =0.011, < 0.05), SOC (t-value= 5.633, > 1.96; p =0.000, < 0.05) are all significant predictors of host communities' sustainability since their t-value was within the thresholds of greater than or equal to (>=) 1.96 and p-value was less than 0.05. Previous studies in this area are limited, making this study particularly novel. Thus, this study represents one of the initial attempts to evaluate the contributions of the hospitality industry to host community sustainability.
Abstract: The study explores the social, economic and stakeholder theory to expound on the benefits that are derivable by the community that play a host to hospitality facilities. The study aims to identify the socio-economic impacts of the hospitality industry on the sustainability of host community in Ondo state, Nigeria. To achieve the objective, the stud...
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