Research Article
Framework for Examining the Correlation Between Trade Liberalization and Employment in Nigeria
Anderson Emmanuel Oriakpono*
Abdullahi Habib,
Balarabe Ladan
Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2024
17 March 2024
1 April 2024
17 April 2024
Abstract: This research examines the relationship between trade liberalization and employment in Nigeria using a retrospective research approach. The study considers variables such as the employment rate, trade openness index, foreign direct investment, and currency exchange rate. The analytical framework combines classical linear regression and Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) models to capture both short-term and long-term dynamics. Diagnostic tests, including descriptive statistics, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, Perron Unit Root Test, ARDL-Bound test, and Error Correction Model (ECM)-ARDL test, are conducted to analyze the collected data. The study utilizes secondary data from the statistical bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria (2018) covering the period from 1985 to 2018. The findings of the study are mixed. The error correction estimates indicate a negative relationship between the trade openness index and the employment rate. On the other hand, foreign direct investment shows a negative relationship with employment rate, but this relationship is not statistically significant. The exchange rate demonstrates a positive and significant correlation with the employment rate. It was recommended that, Diversifying Nigeria's economy by promoting domestic industries like agriculture, manufacturing, and services to create job opportunities and reduce import dependence. Implement effective labor market policies including job training, worker protections, and competitive labor market measures to mitigate negative impacts of trade liberalization on employment. Target FDI to sectors with high job creation potential, incentivizing investments, supporting technology transfer, and fostering partnerships for employment growth in Nigeria.
Abstract: This research examines the relationship between trade liberalization and employment in Nigeria using a retrospective research approach. The study considers variables such as the employment rate, trade openness index, foreign direct investment, and currency exchange rate. The analytical framework combines classical linear regression and Auto Regress...
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Research Article
Moderating Role of Economic Development’s on Zakat Success Factors and Compliance: A Saudi Arabian Perspective
Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2024
25 February 2024
29 March 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: The paper report a result of an investigation in the moderating influence of economic development on the relationship between zakat success factors and compliance to pay zakat, focusing on key factors such as zakat awareness, support for zakat practices, understanding zakat application, and willingness to implement zakat. Data from 250 respondents within the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) in Saudi Arabia were collected using a quantitative approach using questionnaires. Analysis was conducted utilizing AMOS 20 and SPSS 20.1 software. The study reveals a positive direct effect of zakat success factors on compliance to pay zakat, with economic development playing a crucial moderating role. This underscores the significance of economic development in influencing the relationship between zakat awareness, support for zakat practices, and zakat compliance. The practical implications extend to zakat institutions, urging them to enhance strategies for transparency and compliance by securing additional resources for development and organizing educational initiatives to cultivate positive attitudes towards zakat. The research contributes uniquely to the literature by incorporating economic development as a mediator in the zakat success factors and compliance relationship, offering valuable insights for researchers, economists, and zakat institutions. The findings emphasize the multifaceted impact of zakat on economic structures, social transformation, poverty reduction, and inequality. Additionally, the study highlights zakat's role in achieving sustainable economic growth and reducing social issues, advocating for its integration as a financial system to address challenges in the Muslim world. Despite limitations in respondent selection and timeframe, the research opens avenues for future studies, suggesting a broader exploration of Zakat's impact on sustainable development, climate change, wealth distribution, and economic transformation.
Abstract: The paper report a result of an investigation in the moderating influence of economic development on the relationship between zakat success factors and compliance to pay zakat, focusing on key factors such as zakat awareness, support for zakat practices, understanding zakat application, and willingness to implement zakat. Data from 250 respondents ...
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Research Article
Post Sales Service Strategies and Small and Medium Enterprises Performance in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Akinbo Tina
Oladeji Adesola Alaba*
Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2024
26 April 2024
20 May 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: Post Sales Service Strategies play a vital role on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. Post Sales Service is an increasingly important part of the business sand is more complex than manufacturing product. Unlike product, it is not possible to produce services in advance and inventory this future consumption. Post Sales Service has become an essential factor for all organizations nowadays; organizations are merging several marketing mixes in different ways to enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Organizations are trying to provide excellent Post Sales Service to Customers and using several techniques to retain Customers. Post Sales Service helps to produce remarkable revenue in almost every business field. This study sought to assess the role in which Post Sales Service Strategies play on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A survey among SMEs owners in Oyo State found that Post Sales Service can become a key differentiator and a major profit source if it’s being managed and carried out appropriately among the Small business owner and their customer in order to boost their operational performance and as well standardize their relationship with the customers. The study is immensely in various ways to Small Business Owners, Management, Practitioners, and Policy Makers. To the Small Business owners in Nigeria, the study will provide a more reliable scientific measure on issues affecting Post Sales Service on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. The findings also revealed that Post Sales Services are very important in mitigating possible collapse of SMEs. There search thus, recommends that SMEs should ensure that Post Sales Service should be used as an integral part of product offering at the same value to every customer in order to increase and survive in their operational performance efficiently and effectively.
Abstract: Post Sales Service Strategies play a vital role on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. Post Sales Service is an increasingly important part of the business sand is more complex than manufacturing product. Unlike product, it is not possible to produce services in advance and inventory this future consumption. Post Sales Service has beco...
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