Review Article
On Farm Performance of Finger Millet Varieties in Dera District of South Gondar Zone
Ayele Tesfahun Gashu*,
Adane Melak,
Misganaw Anteneh
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
24 May 2024
13 June 2024
4 July 2024
Abstract: Finger millet is an important food security crop and beneficial for human health. This study aimed to evaluate the on farm performance of the finger millet varieties in Dera district. The study took place in Korata Kebele and assessed grain yield and farmer feedback. The performance differences between the Necho variety (the demonstrated variety) and the farmers' variety were evaluated. Recent 10 years' grain yield data from the Dera district agriculture office was used to analyze the growth rates of area coverage, production, and productivity in the district using the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR). Furthermore, the performance of the Necho variety was compared to its potential and farmer variety using the technology gap, extension gap, and technology index. From 2014 to 2018, the annual growth rate of area coverage and productivity in Dera district declined by 1.6% and 1.7% per year, respectively. Moreover, from 2019 to 2023, the average annual growth rate of area coverage, production, and productivity decreased by 0.75%, 2.6%, and 3.4% per year, respectively. The technology index for the Necho variety in the production seasons of 2021, 2022, and 2023 was -4%, 16%, and 36%, respectively. The higher value in the 2023 season indicated a decline in the performance of the Necho variety compared to the farmer variety. This decline was attributed to the occurrence of blast disease. To address this issue, it is recommended to practice early planting and use recommended fungicides (Natura 250EW and Tilt 250EC). The district agriculture office must ensure easy accessibility of these fungicides in the market for farmers to utilize.
Abstract: Finger millet is an important food security crop and beneficial for human health. This study aimed to evaluate the on farm performance of the finger millet varieties in Dera district. The study took place in Korata Kebele and assessed grain yield and farmer feedback. The performance differences between the Necho variety (the demonstrated variety) a...
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Research Article
Effects of Organic Farming on Soil Probiotics of Double Rice Cropping System in South China
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
2 June 2024
21 June 2024
4 July 2024
Abstract: Organic management practices of double rice cropping can contribute to soil health and crop productivity. However, the impact of organic versus conventional farming practices (CK) on the diversity and functionality of soil probiotics remains poorly understood, despite growing interest in sustainable agricultural methods. To this end, this study evaluated the effects of these farming systems in double rice production on soil microbial communities using metagenomic sequencing and the PROBIO database. Our study accessed the Shannon and Simpson diversity indices of soil probiotics between the two farming systems. Specifically, the Shannon index values were 93.82 for CK and 93.51 for organic farming, showing no statistically significant difference. Similarly, the Simpson index values were 6.18 for CK and 6.46 for organic farming, also demonstrating no significant variance. However, distinct variations in microbial community compositions were observed. Organic farming significantly increased (P < 0.05) the abundance of probiotics that benefit plant growth and nitrogen supply, but reduced those associated with plant nutrient supply and yield. The results show that while organic farming can positively influence certain microbial functions beneficial for sustainable agriculture, it also presents challenges that may affect crop productivity and ecosystem services. These findings suggest that organic farming practices need to be carefully managed to harness the benefits of enhanced microbial functions without compromising crop yields.
Abstract: Organic management practices of double rice cropping can contribute to soil health and crop productivity. However, the impact of organic versus conventional farming practices (CK) on the diversity and functionality of soil probiotics remains poorly understood, despite growing interest in sustainable agricultural methods. To this end, this study eva...
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Research Article
New Names and New Combinations of Jarava, Cinna, Coleanthus, Sclerochloa and Graphephorum (Poales)
Da-Li Fu*
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
2 June 2024
21 June 2024
4 July 2024
Abstract: When establishing a new genus, the utilization of incorrect genera or mere synonyms as comparative taxa will inevitably result in the emergence of a new synonym and leading to new taxonomic confusions. However, both traditional taxonomy and modern phylogeny have limitations in their objectivity and impartiality when it comes to accurately identifying taxa for scientific comparison. In order to scientifically identify the genus synonyms and resolving the taxonomic nomenclature confusions within three families of Stipaceae Burnett, Avenaceae Martinov and Poaceae (R.Br.) Barnh (Poales Small), using the minimum criterion PHS (phylogenetic similarity) ≤ 0.928 (inter genera) for genus classification by CPCG (chloroplast complete genomes) of Fructophyta D.L.Fu & H.Fu, total 19 current synonyms of the five genera of Jarava Ruiz et Pav, Graphephorum Desv., Cinna L., Coleanthus Seidl and Sclerochloa P.Beauv. have been identified, 4 current synonyms of the genus Jarava Ruiz et Pav including Amelichloa Arriaga & Barkworth, Eriocoma Nutt., Nassella (Trin.) É.Desv. and Pseudoeriocoma Romasch. et al., 6 current synonyms of the genus Graphephorum Desv. being Cinnagrostis Griseb., Leptophyllochloa C.E.Calderón ex Nicora, Limnodea Dewey, Peyritschia E.Fourn., Sphenopholis Scribn. and Trisetopsis Röser & A.Wölk, 7 current synonyms of the genus Cinna L. being Aniselytron Merr., Arctagrostis Griseb., Dupontia R.Br., Festucella E.B.Alexeev, Hookerochloa E.B.Alexeev, Nicoraepoa Soreng & L.J.Gillespie, Saxipoa Soreng et al. and Sylvipoa Soreng, 1 current synonym of the genus Coleanthus Seidl being Phippsia (Trin.) R.Br and 1 current synonym of the genus Sclerochloa P.Beauv. being Puccinellia Parl.. Additionally, 10 new specific names such as Jarava thurberiana Piper ex D.L.Fu, Graphephorum prasinum D.L.Fu and Cinna trinii D.L.Fu, along with 406 new specific combinations like Jarava acuta (Swallen) D.L.Fu, Graphephorum cernuum (Trin.) D.L.Fu, Coleanthus algidus (Sol.) D.L.Fu and Sclerochloa acroxantha (C.A.Sm. & C.E.Hubb.) D.L.Fu have been scientifically and validly published. These publications will effectively resolve taxonomic nomenclature confusions in a scientific manner and establish a solid foundation for evolutionary system research within the order Poales Small.
Abstract: When establishing a new genus, the utilization of incorrect genera or mere synonyms as comparative taxa will inevitably result in the emergence of a new synonym and leading to new taxonomic confusions. However, both traditional taxonomy and modern phylogeny have limitations in their objectivity and impartiality when it comes to accurately identifyi...
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Research Article
Assessment of Soil Structural Quality Under Area Closure and Open Grazing Land in Hidabu Abote District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
Endale Bedada*
Feto Esimo
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
18 March 2024
3 June 2024
15 July 2024
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Sire Morise kebele, Hidabu Abote district, to assess soil structural quality of different land management system (area closure and open grazing land). In this study, area closure land management practice was compared with open grazing land management practice in similar slope positions for soil structural quality build up. Soil samples were collected from both land management system at three slope position with three times replication. Totally 36 undisturbed soil blocks were collected from both land management system at 10 and 20 cm sampling depths. The finding of the study showed that the average value of volumetric moisture content and saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil were greater at area closure than open grazing land management system and also higher at bottom slope position than middle and upper slope position. The mean value of air-filled porosity and bulk density were lower at both area closure management practices and bottom slope position. Bulk density, volumetric soil moisture content and saturated hydraulic conductivity at 20 cm sampling depth were shows significantly different with respect to management practices. According to visual assessment in the field, soil physical quality was unfavourable in open grazing land management system and upper part of landscape position soils and the visual assessment scores showed that the soils under area closure had a good soil structural quality. There were strong relations among the three visual field assessment methods and also between visual assessment methods and laboratory determined soil properties of both land management system. In general, the result of the study showed that physical and structural quality of soil in area closure was improved due to good land management system. Based on the result of study it can be conclude that area closure improves soil physical and soil structural qualities and from the technical point of view, open grazing lands in hilly area should be changed to area closure before soil properties and soil nutrient contents are exhausted more.
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Sire Morise kebele, Hidabu Abote district, to assess soil structural quality of different land management system (area closure and open grazing land). In this study, area closure land management practice was compared with open grazing land management practice in similar slope positions for soil structural quality bui...
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Research Article
Participatory Assessment of Agriculture Land and Vegetation Associated Issues and Possible Interventions in Gurage Zone, Ethiopia
Bethel Nekir*,
Tesfaye Yaekob,
Fetta Negash,
Teshome Bekele
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
16 April 2024
5 June 2024
23 July 2024
Abstract: Land degradation and depletion of natural forests made agriculture unsustainable and threaten communities and ecosystems as a whole. The objective of this participatory assessment was to identify researchable issues related to agricultural land and vegetation cover in Gurage zone. Accordingly, seven representative districts were selected and from each district two representative kebeles were purposively selected. Focus Group Discussion with farmers, development agents and subject matter specialists and direct observation were important primary sources of information. The survey result depicts in the Gurage zone land degradation, undulating steep slope topography, small and overwhelmed land tenure, inappropriate land use system, cultural landscape mismanagement, deforestation of indigenous trees and expansion of eucalyptus tree, and decreasing enset production are the major identified problems associated with land use and vegetation cover of the study area. In the mixed farming system, enset is produced as a homestead farm and its coverage is decreasing due to disease, lack of processing machines, and shortage of organic matter. Due to the expansion of eucalyptus and land use change, the majority of native trees are disappearing or decreasing in area coverage. Therefore, enset and eucalyptus require suitable policy attention. In the mountainous areas of Gurage; limited land availability, soil degradation, shortage of appropriate farm technologies, water scarcity, lack of knowledge for alpine agriculture and inconvenient topography for mechanized farming machines issues threaten agriculture of area. Despite the fact that there are few attempts to control land degradation; the issue still needs much attention. Appropriate agricultural technologies and knowledge suited for mountain agriculture, dense populations, enset-based farming systems, and small land tenure are important priority research focus areas for future research.
Abstract: Land degradation and depletion of natural forests made agriculture unsustainable and threaten communities and ecosystems as a whole. The objective of this participatory assessment was to identify researchable issues related to agricultural land and vegetation cover in Gurage zone. Accordingly, seven representative districts were selected and from e...
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Research Article
Effect of Capsicum Chinense Powder in the Preservation of Maize and Groundnut Grains in Stock Against Sitophilus Zeamaïs and Aphis Craccivora, Case of the Boke Region (Republic of Guinea)
Lansana Abou Bangoura*,
Aboubacar Diallo,
Mamadou Laho Bah,
Adama Moussa Sakho,
Amadou Youssouf Bah,
Abdoulaye Keita
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
24 June 2024
15 July 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: In Guinea, forest resources (native plants) are of great importance to rural populations, who are highly dependent on these native species as they are used in addition to the conservation of agricultural produce for food, pharmacopoeia, fodder, handicrafts, housing and domestic energy. In our previous studies, a total of 14 native plant species were identified, to know Capsicum chinense, Capsicum frustescens, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum pubescens, Hyptis suaveolens, Hyptis spicigera, Ocimum americanum, Ocimum basilicium, Allium cepal, Zingiber officinal Rosc, Combretummicranthum, Cymbopogon schoenanthus and Azadirachta indica. Over the last two decades, a great deal of work has been carried out to find gentler food protection methods that respect human health and the environment. The most widely used for preserving agricultural produce is Capsicum chinense (98%). Post-harvest losses of these commodities in Guinea, and more particularly in the Boke Region, are still a real problem. The solutions found in this study to combat pests of agricultural stocks were the increasing use of doses (5g; 10g; 15g; 20g) of Capsicum chinense fruit powder against Sitophilus zeamaïs, a pest of maize grain, and Aphis craccivora, a pest of groundnut grain. During evaluation of the insecticidal effects of Capsicum chinense powder, the doses (5g; 10g; 15g and 20g) used per 100 kg of maize and per 100 kg of groundnuts resulted in considerable mortality of Sitophilus zeamaïs and Aphis craccivora.
Abstract: In Guinea, forest resources (native plants) are of great importance to rural populations, who are highly dependent on these native species as they are used in addition to the conservation of agricultural produce for food, pharmacopoeia, fodder, handicrafts, housing and domestic energy. In our previous studies, a total of 14 native plant species wer...
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Research Article
New Names and New Combinations of Some Genera of Aegilopaceae and Andropogonaceae (Scutellopsida)
Da-Li Fu*
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
15 July 2024
14 August 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: The plants of the families of Aegilopaceae Martinov and Andropogonaceae Martinov (Scutellopsida D.L.Fu) are closely related to human production and daily life, due to the important crops like wheat, maize, and sugarcane within the families. For familiar plants within the families, taxonomists tend to favor widely used names and more detailed classifications, which can result in taxonomic confusions of hierarchy. Using the minimum criterion PHS (phylogenetic similarity) ≤ 0.928 (inter genera) for genus classification by CPCG (chloroplast complete genomes) of Fructophyta D.L.Fu & H. Fu, total 14 current synonyms of seven genera of Andropogonaceae and 14 current synonyms of three genera of Aegilopaceae have been identified, 4 current synonyms of Saccharum L. including Erianthus Michaux., Imperata Cirillo, Miscanthus Andersson and Tripidium H. Schol, 1 synonym of Iseilema Andersson being Eremopogon Stapf, 5 synonyms of Dichanthium P. Willemet being Agenium Nees, Bothriochloa Kuntze, Capillipedium Stapf, Euclasta Franch. and Pseudanthistiria Hook. f., 1 synonym of Anatherum P. Beauv. being Elymandra Stapf, 1 synonym of Hyparrhenia Anderss. ex Fourn being Hyperthelia Clayton, 1 synonym of Zea L. being Tripsacum L., 1 synonym of Arthraxon P. Beauv. being Microstegium Nees, 10 synonyms of Cinna L. being Anthosachne Steud., Australopyrum (Tzvelev) Á. Löve, Campeiostachys Drobow, Connorochloa Barkworth, S. W. L. Jacobs & H. Q. Zhang, Dasypyrum (Coss. & Durieu) T. Durand, Douglasdeweya C. Yen, J. L. Yang & B. R. Baum, Kengyilia C. Yen & J. L. Yang, Pascopyrum Á. Löve, Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) Á. Löve and Thinopyrum Á. Löve, 1 synonym of Agropyron Gaertn. being Eremopyrum Jaub. & Spach, 3 synonyms of Aegilops L. being Crithopsis Jaub. & Spach, Taeniatherum Nevski and Triticum L. Additionally, 17 new specific names such as Agropyron qinghaica D.L.Fu, Arthraxon yunnanensis D.L.Fu, Hyparrhenia steudelii D.L.Fu, Elymus brownei Kunth ex D.L.Fu and Saccharum liuanum D.L.Fu, along with 221 new specific combinations like Aegilops aestiva (L.) D.L.Fu, Anatherum bicorne (L.) D.L.Fu, Dichanthium alpinum (H. Sun & Boufford) D.L.Fu, Iseilema foveolata (Delile) D.L.Fu and Zea dactyloides (L.) D.L.Fu have been validly and scientifically published. These publications will effectively resolve taxonomic nomenclature confusions in a scientific manner and establish a solid foundation for evolutionary system research within the new class Scutellopsida D.L.Fu.
Abstract: The plants of the families of Aegilopaceae Martinov and Andropogonaceae Martinov (Scutellopsida D.L.Fu) are closely related to human production and daily life, due to the important crops like wheat, maize, and sugarcane within the families. For familiar plants within the families, taxonomists tend to favor widely used names and more detailed classi...
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Research Article
Multi-Regression Modeling of Harvest Income in Smallholder Long Coriander Production: Insights from Battambang, Cambodia
Siek Darith*
Lim Kim Eav
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
19 July 2024
16 August 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: The target of this study is to promote Long Coriander production; the most widely recognized leafy vegetable in Southeast Asia and Cambodia. As a substitute for regular coriander, it is valued for its taste and health benefits. The market price for Long Coriander seeds typically goes up and down depending on the season, similar to other fluctuations observed in other agricultural products. In an effort to fulfill the study's expectations, researchers intend to identify the key factors affecting the profitability of Long Coriander production for smallholders in Battambang, Cambodia. Using multi-regression models, the analysis will determine the statistical significance of specific cost categories and their influence on incomes from both single and annual harvests of Long Coriander. Two regression analyses will be applied: ordinary least squares (OLS) and stepwise regression. Understanding the factors influencing Long Coriander harvest income is crucial for developing targeted strategies to improve the livelihoods of rural producers. With the knowledge gained from this study, smallholders will be able to make strategies that will maximize profitability and maintain the long-term sustainability of Long Coriander production within the context of agriculture. Additionally, the study also defines variables that can be controlled by producers, besides the variables that have a significant effect by chance.
Abstract: The target of this study is to promote Long Coriander production; the most widely recognized leafy vegetable in Southeast Asia and Cambodia. As a substitute for regular coriander, it is valued for its taste and health benefits. The market price for Long Coriander seeds typically goes up and down depending on the season, similar to other fluctuation...
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