Review Article
The Connection Between the High Frequency Data and Schizophrenia
Gandom Dashtban,
Parham Nourmandipour*
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
27 January 2024
8 February 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. While the exact causes of schizophrenia are still not fully understood, recent research has suggested that the brain's frequency filter may play a role in its development. The brain's frequency filter helps us process and interpret the sensory information we receive. It allows us to focus on what is important while filtering out unnecessary or irrelevant information. The exact cause of schizophernia is not known but believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and brain chemical/neurotransmitter factors. Risk factors include family history, certain gene variants, pregnancy/birth complications, drug use, and stress. For individuals with schizophrenia, this filtering process may not function properly, leading to cognitive impairments and the manifestation of symptoms. In summary, schizophrenia is a serious but treatable mental health condition with both biological and socio-environmental contributors. A combination of medication, therapy, social support, and self-help strategies are important for management. Diagnosis is based on the pattern and severity of symptoms. No single test can diagnose it. Doctors also check to rule out other possible causes. Without treatment, schizophrenia can severely disrupt daily functioning and carry increased risks like heavy smoking, suicide, homelessness, poverty, and self-neglect. Support via therapy and rehabilitation can help manage these issues.
Abstract: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. While the exact causes of schizophrenia are still not fully understood, recent research has suggested that the brain's frequency filter may play a role in its development. The brain's frequency filter helps us process and interpret the sensory information we receiv...
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Research Article
Assessment of Some Agrochemical Types on the Biochemical Composition of Tomato’s Cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
13 March 2024
25 March 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: Enhancing fruit quality through the application of contemporary agrochemicals that regulate physiological and biochemical processes in plants is a pressing concern in present circumstances. The effect of foliar application of 04 agrochemicals (Agricola, Aminofol, Aminovit, Speefol) on the quality of 04 plum-shaped tomato varieties (Cobra26F1, Heinz3402F1, SisterF1, Rio Grande) cultivated on light chestnut soils under drip irrigation was carry out in the north of the Astrakhan region within a strongly continental climate zone from 2018 to 2020. The study revealed that varying agrochemicals have an impact on the quality parameters of tomato fruit. In the Cobra 26 F1 hybrid, foliar treatments led to a rise in the fruit's dry matter content, from 0.24% in the aminofol variant to 0.49% in the Agricola variant. Additionally, sugar content increased by 0.20-0.23% in the Agricola treatments and by 0.06-0.33% in the Aminovit treatments, for both the Cobra 26 F1 and Sister F1 hybrids. Application of various agrochemicals on leaves resulted in an increased mass fraction of vitamin C in Heinz 3402 F1 hybrids, specifically on variants treated with Aminovit and Agricola by 2.21 and 3.81 mg/100 g respectively. For hybrid Sister F1, only the variant treated with Agricola showed an increase of 1.79 mg/100g. In the case of variety Rio Grande, all variants showed an increase in vitamin C, ranging from 0.03 on the Aminovit-treated variant to 8.84 on the Aminofol-treated variant. The fruit of both the Heinz 3402 F1 hybrid and the Rio Grande variety exhibited an increase in carotene content, from 0.10 to 0.24 mg% and 0.02 to 0.04 mg%, respectively. Additionally, fruit acidity was reduced. As a conclusion the applied agrochemicals have different effects on the content of dry matter.
Abstract: Enhancing fruit quality through the application of contemporary agrochemicals that regulate physiological and biochemical processes in plants is a pressing concern in present circumstances. The effect of foliar application of 04 agrochemicals (Agricola, Aminofol, Aminovit, Speefol) on the quality of 04 plum-shaped tomato varieties (Cobra26F1, Heinz...
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Research Article
Exposure to Trace Elements Through Rauwolfia vomitoria and Argemone Mexicana, Two Medicinal Plants at Hahotoé-Kpogamé, a Polluted Area in Southern Togo
Kouévi Satchi*,
Simon Gabriel Mafulul,
Mamatchi Melila
Ishaya Longdet
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
15 March 2024
7 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: Background: Herbal drugs and mineral elements are well established for their therapeutic benefits against diseases and nutritional importance in human health. Medicinal plants contain toxic metabolites which, once consumed, become a formidable source of disease. Accumulation of toxic industrial effluents in soil, air and water is continuously increasing due to fast urbanization and intensive environmental pollution. Elements like lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), uranium (U), arsenic (As) which are not used by the plants directly but accumulate in the plants are detrimental to human health when consumed. This study aims to investigate the level of trace elements through the use of two medicinal plants in a polluted area in southern Togo. The trace elements analysis in the powder of the Rauwolfia vomitoria and Argemone Mexicana leaves, was carried out by the method and protocol described by Acme Laboratory using PerkinElmer ELAN 9000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP- MS). The result of trace elements concentrations (ppm) ranges revealed, as follows: Cadmium (0.8-1.5), Antimony (0.17-0.9), Arsenic (10.85-15.25), Lead (11.31-13.33), Iron (21.02-25.13), Manganese (84.5-140), Calcium (22.39-31.81), Zinc (73.1-82.6), Uranium (0.01-0.04) and Thorium (0.15-1.05) are significantly higher than the World Health Organization maximum permissible limit. These results suggested that the leaves of the two medicinal plants have contaminated by the trace elements. More toxicological activities need to be conduct in the area to find out the toxicity level of contaminants in herbal raw materials in the area.
Abstract: Background: Herbal drugs and mineral elements are well established for their therapeutic benefits against diseases and nutritional importance in human health. Medicinal plants contain toxic metabolites which, once consumed, become a formidable source of disease. Accumulation of toxic industrial effluents in soil, air and water is continuously incre...
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Research Article
Evaluation of the Coverage of Iron Requirements in Young Children Aged 6 to 59 Months from Basic Foods in Two Localities in North Togo: Awandjelo and Lama (Kara)
Dandonougbo Tossavi,
Melila Mamatchi*
Dandonougbo Novignon,
Kadanga Mawabena,
Dandonougbo Koffi,
Mensah Labité Komlan,
Amouzou Kou’santa
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
20 March 2024
8 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: Iron deficiency is one of the most widespread nutritional disorders in the world. It affects almost 60% of the population in developing countries, i.e. 3.5 billion people. Women of childbearing age and young children are the most vulnerable. Iron deficiency occurs when the intake and absorption of iron cannot compensate physiological needs, which are particularly high in young children because of their growth. Due to its impact on children's health, iron deficiency remains a major public health problem in Togo, with 70% of children aged between 6 and 59 months suffering from anaemia. In the face of this problem, the present study aims to establish the adequacy between dietary iron intake and physiological needs in order to contribute to strategies for handling this nutritional deficiency. To achieve this, 479 children (243 urban and 236 rural) aged 6-59 months from 447 households were the subject of this study. Food consumption was assessed using the 24-hour recall method; the nutritional value of the rations was assessed using the food composition table available in Africa. The results showed that 62% of the children studied had dietary iron intakes below the recommended levels and only 38% were able to cover their iron requirements. In fact, the mother's level of school education and the mother's economic activity were found to be strongly correlated with iron status in children. In the light of these data, it would seem wise to consider better nutritional intervention strategies, including nutritional education for women of childbearing age. The introduction of nutritional counselling through Information, Education and Communication (IEC), mobilisation and social marketing campaigns should therefore be promoted.
Abstract: Iron deficiency is one of the most widespread nutritional disorders in the world. It affects almost 60% of the population in developing countries, i.e. 3.5 billion people. Women of childbearing age and young children are the most vulnerable. Iron deficiency occurs when the intake and absorption of iron cannot compensate physiological needs, which a...
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Research Article
Efficacy of Essential Oil Formulations in Rice Seed Treatment Against Magnaporthe oryzae B.C Couch, a Rice Blast Pathogen
Ouattara Souleymane*
Kassankogno Abalo Itolou,
Zougrana Sylvain,
Sérémé Abdoulaye,
Koïta Kadidia
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
30 March 2024
12 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: Rice is one of the most widely produced cereals in Burkina Faso. However, the fungi transmitted by rice seeds, Oryza sativa L, cause enormous production losses in rice fields. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of powdery formulations of essential oils against Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. Thus, rice seeds of the FKR64 variety were disinfected with 15% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and soaked in the suspension of 104 conidia/ml for 24 hours. These contaminated rice seeds were coated into powdery formulations of essential oils of L. multiflora, C. schoenanthus and their combination at a dose of 10g/kg of seed. A contaminated control was used. The experimental set-up was a completely randomised block with four treatments in three replicates, one of which was an absolute control. These treatments were carried out on L. multiflora essential oil, C. schoenanthus essential oil and their combination at a proportion of 50%. The results showed that the essential oil of L. multiflora recorded the highest percentage emergence, average height and average number of tillers of the plants, with values of 97.33%, 47.67 cm and 7.89 tillers respectively. This same formulation recorded the lowest percentage of seedling melt and foliar incidence, at 1.33% and 11.67% respectively. These essential oil formulations can be recommended for seed treatment against Magnaporthe oryzae.
Abstract: Rice is one of the most widely produced cereals in Burkina Faso. However, the fungi transmitted by rice seeds, Oryza sativa L, cause enormous production losses in rice fields. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of powdery formulations of essential oils against Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. Thus, rice seeds of the FKR64 variety were disi...
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