Research Article
Assessing the Performance of Conveyance System of Jato Small-Scale Irrigation Scheme of Wayu-Tuka District, East Wallaga Zone, Oromia, Ethiopa
Abera Asefa*,
Dereje Adeba
Gemechu Mosisa
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
11 March 2024
29 March 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: The performance assessment of a small-scale irrigation project plays a vital role in evaluating its effectiveness and addressing potential shortcomings in achieving desired outcomes. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Jato small-scale irrigation project, assessing its performance based on various criteria and indicators. The study evaluates the project's infrastructure maintenance and system efficiency. The designed command area of the scheme is seventy-five (75 ha) but the current irrigated area of the scheme is sixty (60ha) only. To achieve the objectives, primary and secondary data were collected. To gather both primary and secondary data, data-gathering techniques include surveys, interviews, field observations, and meteorological data. Before, during, and after an irrigation event, while farmers were carrying out their regular irrigation practices, several field characteristics were measured and/or observed. These data included the type of crop, irrigation water discharge in the canal, and field size. A survey concerning the availability of water was also carried out among farmers. CROPWAT 8.0 Software was used to organize the crop pattern of the study area along with other relevant data, including soil, climate, rain crop, and crop pattern. Water flow measurement results of the Jato small-scale irrigation scheme at the head, middle, and tail of the lined & unlined main canal were found to be 53.6l/s, 45.4 l/s, and 29.9l/s respectively. The average water flow measurement result of the scheme is 43l/s which reduced from required flow by 18.15l/s. From the analyses of the water balance indicators, the canal conveyance efficiency, canal conveyance loss, application efficiency, and overall efficiency were found to be 70%, 30%, 70%, and 50% respectively. The overall average main canal conveyance efficiency and water conveyance loss were below the recommended values. The studies have shown that the effective infrastructure, irrigation ratio, and water surface elevation ratio of the scheme were found to be 66.7%, 80%, and 66% respectively. However, there were certain areas for improvement identified, such as the need for better coordination among project stakeholders and enhanced maintenance practices to ensure the long-term functionality of irrigation infrastructure.
Abstract: The performance assessment of a small-scale irrigation project plays a vital role in evaluating its effectiveness and addressing potential shortcomings in achieving desired outcomes. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Jato small-scale irrigation project, assessing its performance based on various criteria and indicators. The...
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Research Article
A Comparative Study of Rectangular Beam Depth Effects Under EBCS-1995 and ES EN-2015 Codes
Adal Mengesha Yimer*
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
26 March 2024
12 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: To achieve structural integrity, serviceability, and economy of buildings, national and international building standards are used for dimensioning and proportioning of structural members. Building codes may be amended due to, the existence of new construction materials, technologies, and structures, and to improve earlier gaps. Ethiopia has experienced three building codes in the last 40 years. Those codes were the Ethiopian Standard Code of Practice, ESCP 1983-1995, Ethiopian Building Code of Standard, EBCS-1995, and the Ethiopian Standard, ES EN 2015. Design code compliance design and supervision of buildings is one of the major ways to achieve the planning, design, construction, service life as well as overall performance of projects. This study is conducted on the depth determination of an interior RC beam with different span and steel grades under EBCS-1995 and ES EN-2015 design codes. The result of this study proves that EBCS 1995 is uneconomical for shear and moment design for longer spans, and preferable for smaller spans, while ES EN 2015 provides smaller serviceable depth and deflection and maintains economical design for longer spans. Construction professionals need to understand the basic purpose of code amendment and should use the new design code as a major design reference and the earlier code accordingly.
Abstract: To achieve structural integrity, serviceability, and economy of buildings, national and international building standards are used for dimensioning and proportioning of structural members. Building codes may be amended due to, the existence of new construction materials, technologies, and structures, and to improve earlier gaps. Ethiopia has experie...
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