Fingerprint for Personal Identification: A Developed System for Students Attendance Information Management
Blessed Olalekan Oyebola,
Kayode Oluwabukola Olabisi,
Oyerinde Solomon Adewale
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
19 December 2017
29 December 2017
17 January 2018
Abstract: Today many educational institutions use the manual system of taking attendance in which student writes their names and matric numbers on a sheet of paper or in an attendance sheet. To eradicate the problem associated with the manual attendance system such as student not coming to class, writing of names for students who are not present, an automated approach is implemented through biometric technology embedded with a window application which is fully explained in this work. This paper presents design and construction of student attendance management system. The developed system comprises of a timekeeping system that will register every student in a database. The database itself will be managed by the department, so that reports, either individual or collective, can be issued whenever they are needed on both physical and electronic format. Also, these reports would be used to create statistics and further help the growth of the academic process.
Abstract: Today many educational institutions use the manual system of taking attendance in which student writes their names and matric numbers on a sheet of paper or in an attendance sheet. To eradicate the problem associated with the manual attendance system such as student not coming to class, writing of names for students who are not present, an automate...
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Structural Differences in the Analysis of Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Parfentiev Nikolay Andreevich,
Parfentieva Natalia Andreevna,
Truhanov StepanVinokenievich
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
25 April 2018
22 May 2018
11 June 2018
Abstract: Mechanical systems, the description of which differs from the electrical circuits of similar structure, are studied. As an example, the scheme of a spring pendulum with a zero periodic displacement of the point of application of the forcing harmonic force is considered. In contrast to the unique representation of electrical circuits mechanical system with a serial connection of mechanical elements can be modeled by different electrical circuits. In this case, the family of frequency characteristics of such a system contains a singular point, which is at a frequency
less than the resonance frequency. The force modulus at this point does not depend on the value of the viscous resistance.
Abstract: Mechanical systems, the description of which differs from the electrical circuits of similar structure, are studied. As an example, the scheme of a spring pendulum with a zero periodic displacement of the point of application of the forcing harmonic force is considered. In contrast to the unique representation of electrical circuits mechanical syst...
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RFID and Finger Print Based Dual Security System: A Robust Secured Control to Access Through Door Lock Operation
Md Mostafizur Rahman Komol,
Amit Kumer Podder,
Md Nesar Ali,
Shariar Mohammed Ansary
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
26 April 2018
16 May 2018
15 June 2018
Abstract: This paper focuses on research works of control engineering field and aims at impenetrable security system especially in case of medication, jewelry, documents & others valuable items and mandatorily in the higher intelligence agency. Here, a developed security system with automatic sensing is introduced by the use of both Radio frequency identification (RFID) card tagging system and fingerprint sensing biometric security system to maintain the valid access of a person to a secured place. RFID reader and fingerprint sensing device work as a locker of the security and RFID tag and a validly ratified finger is considered as the key of the locker. In case of access granted entity, door bar gets opened with a servo mechanism system connected with door bar. On the contrary, no action is taken as cavalcade if the entity is considered invalid in the sensing system. These knock out the necessity for keeping track of keys or remembering a combination of password or pin. A prototype of the security system is also designed and the performance of it is tested. The satisfactory results of its performance show the validity of the system and indicate a better solution for the future security system.
Abstract: This paper focuses on research works of control engineering field and aims at impenetrable security system especially in case of medication, jewelry, documents & others valuable items and mandatorily in the higher intelligence agency. Here, a developed security system with automatic sensing is introduced by the use of both Radio frequency identific...
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Micro-controller Based Mobile Weather Monitor System
Abubakar Ibrahim Musa,
Sulaiman Muhammad Bashir
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
1 May 2018
4 June 2018
15 June 2018
Abstract: Stored data and records of weather parameter like temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed measured remotely by using appropriate sensors is important in environmental, weather monitoring and many industrial processes. A device for weather monitoring through measuring, processing and recording is developed to monitor and display the atmospheric temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed. The aim is to design and implement mobile weather monitoring system that can be remotely used. The materials that were used including: Anemometer (wind speed sensor), DHT11 (temperature and relative humidity sensor), MPX5100AP (pressure sensor), LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) for light intensity 16x2 LCD (Liquid Cristal Display), a microcontroller, and a Memory Card (MMC). At the end, a weather monitoring system was implemented and it was used to monitor five weather parameters and store in the memory Card.
Abstract: Stored data and records of weather parameter like temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed measured remotely by using appropriate sensors is important in environmental, weather monitoring and many industrial processes. A device for weather monitoring through measuring, processing and recording is developed to monitor and dis...
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Advanced Design of Smart Digital Application Using PIC 16F887A Microcontroller and DS 1307 RTC
Mohammad Salim Raza,
Raihana Zannat,
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
2 June 2018
27 June 2018
27 July 2018
Abstract: In an elegant phenomenon of the world, mechanical applications are replaced by electronic appliance. Especially digital clocks are smart application due to precisely time display and several types of reasons such as much reliable, free maintenance, portable, elegant outlook, inexpensiveness, tiny size and result accuracyy. Every electronics based modern real life application in any filed is now integrated with the digital calendar to enable the user to keep time and date anywhere at any time. It is often incorporated into all kinds of devices such as transports, traffic signal, radios, televisions, standard ovens, computers, laptop, cell phones and wireless peripheral to intellect the device in the way that would be easily enticed by human mind. Regarding the demand of digital clock, this paper presents graceful design of smart digital clock in a particular way that would not only be able to display time, it has an ability to display day of a week with real time. This research shows an embedded system which is constructed through PIC 16F877A microcontroller, DS1307 RTC and 74LS138 decoder IC.
Abstract: In an elegant phenomenon of the world, mechanical applications are replaced by electronic appliance. Especially digital clocks are smart application due to precisely time display and several types of reasons such as much reliable, free maintenance, portable, elegant outlook, inexpensiveness, tiny size and result accuracyy. Every electronics based m...
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Development of an SMS-Based Prepayment Energy Meter Monitoring System for Consumers and Utility Companies
Henry Erialuode Amhenrior
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
20 June 2018
7 July 2018
31 July 2018
Abstract: In this paper, a Short Message Service (SMS) Based Prepayment Energy Meter Monitoring System for Consumers and Utility Companies is developed. This is borne out of the desire of consumers to be able to monitor their meters especially their consumption. Also, the utility companies need to be able to monitor energy meters wirelessly especially for energy auditing and other control as may be needed. The Energy Meter consists of ADE7755 for consumption pulse measurement which is recorded by arduino Atmega328P. The recorded pulses are sent to Atmega2560, the main controller of the system on its request for update every second. This controller also manages unit according to consumption and other activities of the meter. It is made SMS capable by interfacing Atmega2560 with SIM900 Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module. The system also has a server consisting of Atmega328P and SIM900 GSM module that enables the utility company to access the meter. The server is interfaced to a PC which is used for management and administrative Platform. The SMS communication command is developed in C++ to achieve the monitoring functionality of the metering system. The SMS duration test shows a mean time of 32.7s with a standard deviation of 13.71. The SMS Command Reliability Test carried out shows a success rate as high as 100% and the highest failure rate of 5.88%. The results obtained show that GSM-Based SMS is a good platform for energy meter monitoring.
Abstract: In this paper, a Short Message Service (SMS) Based Prepayment Energy Meter Monitoring System for Consumers and Utility Companies is developed. This is borne out of the desire of consumers to be able to monitor their meters especially their consumption. Also, the utility companies need to be able to monitor energy meters wirelessly especially for en...
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Design and Implementation of a GSM-Based Single Phase Prepayment Energy Meter with Hybrid Recharge Mode
Henry Erialuode Amhenrior,
Fredrick Edeko
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
20 June 2018
9 July 2018
6 August 2018
Abstract: This paper presents a GSM-based Prepayment Electric Energy Meter implemented with hybrid recharging mode: Mobile Station (MS), Supply Authority Platform and the Keypad. The system was designed around two modules; the hardware and software. The hardware module consists of ADE7755 used to generate the consumption pulses that are measured and recorded by Atmega328P. Atmega2560 was used to manage the unit consumption; control and monitor the activities of the meter. SIM900 was used to achieve the SMS recharging and communication capability. The server consists of Atmega328P and SIM900 for communication. It is interfaced serially with the PC used for the Application Platform. The software module consists of the Application Platform especially for token generation and Database. The SMS Command format for recharging of the meter was also developed. The developed meter has a mean time of 133.46s, 233.3s and 311.1s to consume 0.01KWh on a load of 320W, 200W and 160W respectively with the highest standard deviation of 1.14 at a load of 160W. The results also show a mean time of 28.99sec in the SMS round-trip delay test for SMS recharging and 100% success rate in wireless and keypad recharging. The GSM-based Energy Metering System developed worked satisfactorily. It is reliable and efficient for use by the supply authority and the consumers.
Abstract: This paper presents a GSM-based Prepayment Electric Energy Meter implemented with hybrid recharging mode: Mobile Station (MS), Supply Authority Platform and the Keypad. The system was designed around two modules; the hardware and software. The hardware module consists of ADE7755 used to generate the consumption pulses that are measured and recorded...
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National Social Information Technology Infrastructure: A Potent Mechanism for Waging Anti-Corruption War
Wilson Nwankwo,
Olanrewaju Babatunde,
Chinedu Paschal Uchenna,
Olayinka Comfort
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018
1 May 2018
28 May 2018
26 September 2018
Abstract: In the 21st century, Corruption evolved into a gigantic and almost indefeasible phenomenon pervading the social and economic fabrics of societies across the globe to the extent of stalling social development, equity and fairness in the distribution of commonwealth. No State whether or not developed can boast of a corrupt-free society although countries with superior media advantage has used vehicles of propaganda and media supremacy to portray and pass the bulk to those societies that are disadvantaged usually the developing countries. However, it is not as if the developing countries to which the bulk are often passed are not culpable of the same virulent and corrosive vice. It is interesting to note that ware against corruption has become a global song. In on the foregoing note that this paper is conceived to address the various instruments of anti-corruption especially having regard to the digital age in which we live in. This paper adopts a socio-technical approach in studying the various forms of corruption in the Nigerian society as well as the present measures to combating it. It evolves an effective communication infrastructure driven by integrated and coordinated national social information technologies, that provide unified information exchange platform for the entire citizenry wherein vital information arising from events, social, political, and economic spheres from the public and private domains are exchanged on real-time thereby closing the information circulation gap usually exploited by corrupt officials in perpetrating corrupt practices.
Abstract: In the 21st century, Corruption evolved into a gigantic and almost indefeasible phenomenon pervading the social and economic fabrics of societies across the globe to the extent of stalling social development, equity and fairness in the distribution of commonwealth. No State whether or not developed can boast of a corrupt-free society although count...
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