Abstract: Consumer dispute resolution by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK) of Makassar City which is carried out through mediation or conciliation or arbitration, has not been running optimally due to various obstacles, namely the constraint of legal substance, namely the BPSK Decision is Final and Binding, but can still be objected to in court, the consumer protection law was born in the era of centralized government, while reform demands the need for a government based on regional autonomy, as a result the consumer protection law, especially that related to the existence of BPSK as stated in Article 49 paragraph (1), has become weak due to the creation of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, there is no Standard Operating Procedure regarding the implementation of BPSK duties and authorities, there is no regulation regarding the procedure for executing BPSK decisions. Technical operational obstacles, namely office facilities do not support and the operational budget is very limited, even for certain things it is not available.Abstract: Consumer dispute resolution by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK) of Makassar City which is carried out through mediation or conciliation or arbitration, has not been running optimally due to various obstacles, namely the constraint of legal substance, namely the BPSK Decision is Final and Binding, but can still be objected to in court, ...Show More