Research Article
Leveraging Pre-trained Deep Learning Models for Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Case Study with ResNet50 and EfficientNet
Srivani Bobba*
Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2024
26 June 2024
22 July 2024
15 August 2024
Abstract: The procedure of categorizing images from remote sensing is also another application of machine learning not just ground-based platforms (for instance satellites), aerial platforms become platforms sometimes in aviation either. They erase the counterparts that were based on individual categories and are portrayed on a specific part of the image. Geospatial Supply of gravel mainly is used for producing railway track, road and concrete surface. Data by analyzing their buildup, dams, bridges, extraordinary open spaces, reservoirs and canals. It targets to be specific and exact as possible in a different specific area of the land. Aspects of the enlarged portrait or distinctions weaved into the completed arts. This might have aspects such as mapping of the trees, plants, rivers, cities, farms and woodlands, and other items. Geospatial image classification is necessary for the identification and real-time analysis of different hazards and unrests. Provide numerous applications, including waste management, water resources, air quality, and traffic control in the urban contexts. Planning, monitoring the environment, land cover, mapping, as well as post-disaster recovery. Management team, traffic control, and situation assessments. In the past, human experts situated in a selected area classified geographical images by means of manual processing. One that involved the allocation of too much time. As this is one of the two broad categories, how to get rid of it is consequently. Applying machine learning and deep learning methods we analyze and interpret the data in order to reduce the time required to provide feedback which allows the system to reach a higher accuracy. The procedure will also be more reliable and the outcome will hopefully be more efficient CNNs are one of the deep learning subclasses in which the network learns and improves without the need for human intervention. It extracts features from images. They are main for the performance and metrics to help the organization to decide on whether they have accomplished their goals, using visual imagery.
Abstract: The procedure of categorizing images from remote sensing is also another application of machine learning not just ground-based platforms (for instance satellites), aerial platforms become platforms sometimes in aviation either. They erase the counterparts that were based on individual categories and are portrayed on a specific part of the image. Ge...
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Research Article
Assessment of Ground Control Points Positional Shift and Management Practices: Evidences from Assosa Town, Western Ethiopia
Mihret Fentahun Yeneneh*
Gizachew Kassaw Addis,
Teha Romanu Benti
Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2024
16 June 2024
14 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: This study assesses the positional shift of existing control points and management practices found in and around Assosa town. The static GPS measurement technique was used as an independent source and a point wise method were used to assess the positional shift and accuracy level evaluation. Due to unavailability of local CORS station, two first order GCPs were used as a reference during static GPS measurement. After measurement was conducted depending on the baseline length between control point marks, the STC desktop software and online CSRS-PPP post processing technique was used. Thus, the positional accuracy of selected GCPs of STC Post processing technique has a mean error of 0.324 m and whereas the GCPs of CSRS-PPP has a mean error of 0.571 m. Horizontal distance error obtained with the STC differential technique is ranging from 0 to 0.83 m which is inconsistent relative to the range 0.437 m to 0.815 m obtained from online CSRS-PPP solution. The positional accuracy of GCPs was also assessed using horizontal distance error of both processed techniques. The positional accuracy of GCPs at 95% confidence level is between -0.117 m and 0.765 m with STC and between 0.395 m and 0.747 m in online CSRS-PPP solution. Based on the result, the accuracy level of existing GCPs found in Assosa town, does not meet the FGDC accuracy. This was mainly associated with perception of communities on ground control point management activities. The study revealed almost low communities practice and control point management responsiveness. Finally, study suggested that there should be participatory guidance to establish and manage the ground control points.
Abstract: This study assesses the positional shift of existing control points and management practices found in and around Assosa town. The static GPS measurement technique was used as an independent source and a point wise method were used to assess the positional shift and accuracy level evaluation. Due to unavailability of local CORS station, two first or...
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Research Article
A Review Reliability and Availability Analysis of IEC 61850 Based Substation Communication Architectures
Atiku Murtala Muhammad*
Akshay Kumar Saha
Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2024
15 March 2024
8 April 2024
23 September 2024
Abstract: Modern Ethernet technology's high-speed capabilities enable efficient data transfer, and its leadership in the LAN space further distinguishes Ethernet as an intriguing communication method. For important substation automation applications to operate successfully, communications must meet cost, performance, and reliability requirements technology for substation automation management. The IEC 61850 standard was published by the International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC) to provide interoperability among enterprise substation automation systems for communication networks within power substations. This standard specifies Ethernet-based communication systems for substation automation systems (SAS). With the aid of Ethernet switches, Ethernet offers versatility in terms of configuring different designs. On the other hand, before using appropriate Ethernet architectures for critical applications in substations, they must be assessed for availability and reliability. This study uses the reliability block diagram (RBD) approach to analyse the availability and reliability evaluation of practical Ethernet Cisco device topologies. With a typical transmission substation in mind, dependability block diagrams for intra-bay and inter-bay communications have been created. Additionally, the dependability and accessibility of the actual Ethernet topologies have been compared, and some recommendations have been derived from the findings. These recommendations include the following Index Terms: substation automation systems (SAS), availability, IEC 61850, smart electronic device (IED), and dependability.
Abstract: Modern Ethernet technology's high-speed capabilities enable efficient data transfer, and its leadership in the LAN space further distinguishes Ethernet as an intriguing communication method. For important substation automation applications to operate successfully, communications must meet cost, performance, and reliability requirements technology f...
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