Review Article
Antibody-Drug Conjugate in the Treatment of Pediatric AML and ALL: A Review
Zhe Liu,
Liyan Fan,
Xuchen Fan,
Shaoyan Hu,
Mi Zhou*
Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2024
11 December 2023
2 January 2024
11 January 2024
Abstract: Purpose: Antibody-drug conjugate has certain advantages in the treatment of childhood leukemia, which can improve the therapeutic effect and reduce toxic side effects. In this review, we try to collect all available human and pre-clinical data from 2021 to 2023 in this field. Methods: The search was done in PubMed database, using the following keywords: "Leukemia," "Inotuzumab ozogamicin," "Gemtuzumab ozogamicin," "Antibody drug conjugate," "Pediatric," "Children," "Childhood," In vitro studies, animal studies or clinical studies focusing solely on pharmacokinetics, pharmacoeconomics or safety were discarded. This review focuses on clinical outcomes including the assessment of complete response rate, adverse drug reactions and event free survival. Other clinical outcomes taken into account were adjunctive medications, relapse or motality. Results: Based on 16 included studies in this review, the vast majority of patients achieved hematologic remission with ADC therapy. The adverse reactions caused by ADC recorded in all studies include: neutropenia with fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, VOD, cytokine syndrome, infection, sepsis, gastrointestinal symptoms, hyperglycemia, hyperphosphatemia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, tumor lysis syndrome, liver function damage, altered mental state and abdominal swelling. Conclusion: Further studies are required to determine the optimal dose, duration, and the best formulation of ADC to prevent and/or manage chemotherapy-induced complications.
Abstract: Purpose: Antibody-drug conjugate has certain advantages in the treatment of childhood leukemia, which can improve the therapeutic effect and reduce toxic side effects. In this review, we try to collect all available human and pre-clinical data from 2021 to 2023 in this field. Methods: The search was done in PubMed database, using the following keyw...
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Research Article
Anti Inflammatory and Anti Diabetic Activity of Cocos nucifera Inflorescence
Nikhila Pappanghat Vinod*
Devasahayam Jancy Rani
Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2024
17 April 2024
30 April 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: Lately manufactories with medicinal properties play an important part in food and medicinal diligence for their capacities on disease prevention and treatment. Inflammation is a physiological process involved in the defenses of the body and the form of tissues. Recent years have also seen studies conducted on Cocos nucifera inflorescence to ascertain the presence of specific phytoconstituents. The inflorescence of Cocos nucifera (L.) have a traditional use as a potent healer of numerous inflammatory diseases like postnatal changes. Food technology grounded explorations are underway to employ its powder as an alternative to wheat flour by esteeming its gluten free nature, nutritive value and natural sweetness. Numerous compounds in Cocos nucifera (L.) inflorescence have been shown to possess a range of pharmacological qualities, including antioxidant, anticancer, anti-helminthic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and antibacterial activities. Hence objectives of the present study are to estimate the In vitro anti-inflammatory activity & In vitro anti-diabetic activity of Fresh and the Cabinet dried Cocos nucifera inflorescence. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of fresh and Cabinet dried Cocos nucifera inflorescence were carried out by heat induced hemolysis method. In vitro anti-diabetic activity of Fresh and the Cabinet dried Cocos nucifera inflorescence were carried out by α-amylase method. Cabinet dried Cocos nucifera inflorescence have shown a better profile of anti-inflammatory & anti-diabetic activity compared to fresh Cocos nucifera inflorescence and thus it can be used for therapeutic purposes.
Abstract: Lately manufactories with medicinal properties play an important part in food and medicinal diligence for their capacities on disease prevention and treatment. Inflammation is a physiological process involved in the defenses of the body and the form of tissues. Recent years have also seen studies conducted on Cocos nucifera inflorescence to ascerta...
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