International Journal of Modern Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Join Us

Researchers worldwide who support Open Access building quality are welcome to join the editorial team/reviewer panel of this journal.

Join as Editor-in-Chief

Editor-in-Chief, the most senior position among all editors, who leads and represents the journal with assistance from the other academic editors and the editorial office.


Determine scope and direction of the journal.
Recommend Editorial Board members.
Provide feedback timely and to launch the journal with editorial team’s assistance.
Supervise the journal in technique and to improve its scientific content.
Pre-check and make decision on manuscripts and to ensure quality of publications.
Decide development strategy of the journal each year.
Be actively involved in promoting the journal development and public awareness.


Doctoral degree.
A distinguished record of research in the related areas of the applied journal.
A strong publishing history in international journals with high citations.
Excellent ability of using English.
Adequate time flexibility to take editorial works.
Good leadership and management skills.
Previous editorial experience is preferred.

Submit Your Application

If you are interested in the role, please submit your updated cv and vision statement by following the procedures outlined below.

Step 1: You can download the provided templates for reference.

(In the vision statement, you may describe clearly your vision for the journal under your leadership, including goals, action plan, and specific measures for implementation.)

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Join as Editor-in-Chief" under the "Join" section.
Join as Senior Area Editor

Senior Area Editors play crucial roles within the journal's editorial structure, providing leadership and representation within their specific areas of expertise. They work closely with the Editor-in-Chief, other academic editors, and the editorial office to ensure the journal's quality and integrity.


Coordinate timely publication of articles in specific field.
Review and provide feedback on submitted manuscripts.
Cultivate relationships with authors and researchers.
Stay updated on field developments for journal direction.
Collaborate to enhance journal impact and reach.


Doctoral degree.
A strong publishing history in international journals with high citations.
Senior academic position in a University and/or other research institute or organization.
Good leadership and management skills.
Adequate time flexibility to take editorial works.
Strong sense of commitment and cooperation.
Excellent ability of using English.

Submit Your Application

If you are interested in the role, please submit your updated cv and vision statement by following the procedures outlined below.

Step 1: You can download the provided templates for reference.

(In the vision statement, you may describe clearly your vision for the journal under your leadership, including goals, action plan, and specific measures for implementation.)

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Join the Editorial Team" under the "Join" section.
Join as Senior Associate Editor

Senior Associate Editors hold key responsibilities within the editorial team, supporting the Editor-in-Chief in leading and representing the journal. Collaborating closely with other academic editors and the editorial office, they contribute significantly to maintaining the journal's standards and reputation.


Solicit manuscripts in a subarea.
Assign manuscripts to Associate Editors.
Assist in selecting Associate Editors.
Ensure high-quality and timely reviews.
Collaborate with conference organizers.
Help create reviewer pools for quick turnaround.
Monitor journal statistics for health and vitality.


Doctoral degree.
A strong publishing history in international journals with high citations.
Adequate time flexibility to take editorial works.
Excellent ability of using English.

Submit Your Application

If you are interested in the role, please submit your updated cv and vision statement by following the procedures outlined below.

Step 1: You can download the provided templates for reference.

(In the vision statement, you may describe clearly your vision for the journal under your leadership, including goals, action plan, and specific measures for implementation.)

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Join the Editorial Team" under the "Join" section.
Join as Associate Editor

Associate Editors play essential roles in the editorial hierarchy, assisting the Editor-in-Chief in guiding and representing the journal. Working in coordination with other academic editors and the editorial office, they contribute to the journal's overall direction and scholarly impact.


Recruit referees, confirm their reviews, and ensure timely submissions.
Identify and manage conflicts of interest effectively.
Summarize findings in reports for authors and the Editor-in-Chief.
Recommend manuscript decisions to the Editor-in-Chief.
Maintain accurate records in the editorial management system for each manuscript.


Doctoral degree.
A strong publishing history in international journals with high citations.
Commitment to review deadline.
Excellent ability of using English.

Submit Your Application

If you are interested in the role, please submit your updated cv and vision statement by following the procedures outlined below.

Step 1: You can download the provided templates for reference.

(In the vision statement, you may describe clearly your vision for the journal under your leadership, including goals, action plan, and specific measures for implementation.)

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Join the Editorial Team" under the "Join" section.
Join as Editorial Board Member

The Editorial Board acts as a ready advisory board and plays a pivotal role in ensuring the journal's publication quality. The term of an Editorial Board member is 3 years but can be renewed.


Advise on journal policy and scope.
Review submitted manuscripts.
Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions.
Attract new authors and submissions.
Promote the journal among your colleagues and peers.
Assess the relevance and appropriateness of proposed Special Issues within the scope of the journal.
Propose a Special Issue and serve as the lead guest editor.


A minimum of 4 years of research or professional experience in the relevant field of the applied journal.
A minimum of 5 publications on the same topic as the applied journal.
Priority will be given to applicants who hold the rank of associate professor or higher, or who occupy an equivalent position in their field.
Having relevant working experience in editorial roles or similar positions will be preferred.

Submit Your Application

Here are the procedures:

Step 1: If you don't have an English CV, you can download the provided CV template for reference.

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Join as Editorial Board Member" under the "Join" section.
Become a Reviewer

Reviewers bear significant responsibility for upholding the integrity of scholarly content. Reviewers are expected to provide a fair, objective, and timely evaluation of manuscripts.


Assess the scientific quality of the manuscript with their expert knowledge.
Prepare comprehensive and detailed review reports, and remain responsive throughout the peer review process.
Uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, avoiding personal, financial, or intellectual biases, focusing solely on the research quality and written presentation of the manuscript.
Preserve confidentiality throughout the review process, not disclosing or using any unpublished information or communicating the manuscript content without prior consent from SciencePG.
Refrain from contacting the authors directly without SciencePG's permission.
Suggest citations of the reviewer’s work only when they contribute to the manuscript's academic or technological relevance, not merely to increase citation count or enhance the visibility of the reviewer's work.
Reviewers are asked to maintain their affiliation updated on their reviewer account to allow editors to identify potential conflicts of interest promptly.
Complete the review process by providing the review reports within 7-10 days. If unable to adhere to this timeline or an extension is needed, please promptly communicate with the editorial team.


A minimum of 3 years research or professional experience in the relevant field of the applied journal.
A minimum of 3 publications on the same topic as the applied journal.
Priority will be given to applicants who hold doctoral degrees.
Preference will be given to those with relevant reviewing experience.

Submit Your Application

Here are the procedures:

Step 1: If you don't have an English CV, you can download the provided CV template for reference.

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting:
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password:
Step 4: Click on "Become a Reviewer" under the "Join" section.