Research Article
Pests, Diseases, Growth and Yield of Tomato as Influenced by Variety and Cultivation Technology
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
6 August 2024
26 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetables in the world. However, dearth of knowledge exists on cultivation technology that contributes to increased production of the crop. Meanwhile, low yielding varieties, high pests and diseases attacks, climate variability and poor soil fertility are among key production constraints that limit the increased production and productivity of tomato in Sierra Leone. A two-year field experiment was conducted at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences experimental site during 2022 and 2023 to evaluate the effects of variety and cultivation technology (CT) on pests, diseases, growth, yield and productivity of tomato. The experiment was laid in a 2 × 4 factorial (i.e. two varieties of tomato, and four treatments: CT 1, CT 2, CT 3 and CT 4 known as control) arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Results showed that organic (CT 1 and CT 2) and inorganic (CT 3) treatments had a positive impact on growth parameters of tomato. The CT 1 (chicken dung, mulching, and neem extract biopesticide) was most effective in promoting vegetative growth and higher fruit yield, while CT 2 (NPK 15:15:15, urea, promethrin herbicide, and chlorpyrifos pesticide) exhibited highest potency in reducing population and damage caused by diseases and pests. Findings demonstrate that improved variety and cultivation technology boost tomato tolerance to pests and diseases, as well as its growth and yield performances that could be exploited for increased production and fruit quality of the crop. The CT1 was the most effective, followed by CT 2, while CT 4 or control plots had the lowest performance. The outperformance of the organic treatments relative to the inorganic and control is suggested to be attributable to its nitrogen-rich components. Weed control was also established to be effective in both inorganic and CT 2 treatments. The findings suggest that the CT 1 should be promoted for sustainable tomato cultivation, prioritizing environmentally friendly methods for long-term success.
Abstract: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetables in the world. However, dearth of knowledge exists on cultivation technology that contributes to increased production of the crop. Meanwhile, low yielding varieties, high pests and diseases attacks, climate variability and poor soil fertility are among key production constraint...
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Methodology Article
A Mathematical Model for Estimating the Area of a Large Leaf
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
23 April 2024
27 August 2024
18 October 2024
Abstract: A mathematical model for estimating the area of large leaves was developed and validated with the leaves of plantain (Musa paradisiaca). The length of each plantain leaf was characterized by the mid-rib length which was divided into a certain number of equal parts of length. By this divisions, two major geometrical shapes were obtained, viz; trapezoidal shapes bounded by half elliptical shapes at the two ends of the leaf. In this work, the mathematical expression for the surface area of a plantain leaf was obtained by summing the areas of the trapeziums and the two half ellipses. The values of leaf areas as generated from this model for various seizes of plantain leaves converged reasonably well with true values obtained by the weighing method of same plantain leaf seizes. The correlation between these two values was carried out to ascertain the fitness of the mathematical model as developed here showed a linear relationship for the various mid-rib divisions tested in this study. It is thus concluded here that once the calculated area of the large leaf is known for a specific number of divisions with this model, the true area can be estimated. The main advantages of the new method are precision, accuracy, and applicability to determine the area of large leaves far out in the field where electrical weighing balance and large graph papers are not available.
Abstract: A mathematical model for estimating the area of large leaves was developed and validated with the leaves of plantain (Musa paradisiaca). The length of each plantain leaf was characterized by the mid-rib length which was divided into a certain number of equal parts of length. By this divisions, two major geometrical shapes were obtained, viz; trapez...
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Research Article
Growth, Yield and Nutrient Performance of Salinity Tolerant Sunflower (cv. BARI Surjomukhi 2) Cultivar on Soils with Different Salinity Levels
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
20 September 2024
10 October 2024
29 October 2024
Abstract: Salinity indeed is a great barrier for crop production. An experiment was carried growth, yield and nutrient performance of a salinity tolerant sunflower cultivar on soils with different salinity levels. Salinity's impact on seed germination and vigour exponent were studied. Pot experiment was done with sunflower on different salinity levels (0.55; 2.80; 3.55; 5.05; 6.95; 8.35; and 11.25 dSm-1) were created by using NaCl following CRD with 3 replications. Diverse agronomic parameters and chemical parameters were analyzed. The highest plant height (146.0±3.2 cm) was observed at 0.55 dSm-1 and the lowest (80.3±4.8 cm) was observed in 11.25 dSm-1. The greatest amount of seeds pot-1(300.0 ± 4.619) was observed in 3.55 dSm-1 and least number of seeds pot-1 (170.0 ± 2.887) was recorded in 11.25 dSm-1. The most seed yield (19.80 ± 0.1299 t ha-1) was recorded in 3.55 dSm-1 and the least (6.3 ± 0.1299 t ha-1) in 11.25 dSm-1 soil salinity level. The superior K content in shoot (2.540 ± 0.02309%) was observed in 0.55 dSm-1 and the inferior K contents (1.190± 0.005774%) was recorded in 11.25 dSm-1. The maximum Na contents (2.960 ± 0.03464 %) was observed in 11.25 dSm-1 and the minimum Na contents (0.5800 ± 0.01155%) was observed in 0.55 dSm-1 soil salinity level. The effects of salinity on all agronomic parameters were significant. All the chemical parameters show statistically significant on different salinity levels. The seed yield of sunflower growing on different salinity levels can be produced considerable seed yield up to 8.35 dSm-1.
Abstract: Salinity indeed is a great barrier for crop production. An experiment was carried growth, yield and nutrient performance of a salinity tolerant sunflower cultivar on soils with different salinity levels. Salinity's impact on seed germination and vigour exponent were studied. Pot experiment was done with sunflower on different salinity levels (0.55;...
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Research Article
Evaluation of Seed Dressing Fungicides Against Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) Loose Smut (Ustilago nuda L) in the Bale Zone, Oromiya
Zerihun Eshetu*
Tamene Mideksa
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
9 August 2024
9 September 2024
31 October 2024
Abstract: Biotic factor is the main factor that reduce the quality and production of Barley in Ethiopia. Among biotic factors loose smut (Ustilago nuda) is the one factor. This study was commenced to determine the effects of seed dressing fungicides on loose smut incidence and yield and yield components. The field experiment was conducted at two locations namely Sinana and selka by using a randomised complete block design with two replications. Susceptible Barley seed Guta variety were treated by dressing with different fungicides (Indotwins, Torpedo 250 FS and Proceding plus) and untreated plots in the two tested site. Seed treatment resulted in highly significant (P ≤ 0.05) differences in days to emergence and flowering, smut incidence and yield, whereas plant height, thousand kernel weight and hectoliter weight were not significantly affected. Minimum (0.00%) loose smut incidence was recorded on seeds treated with Indotwins, Torpedo 250 FS and Proceding plus, while maximum (15%) incidence was recorded for plots sown with untreated seeds. About 3996 kg ha-1 maximum yield was obtained from seeds dressed at two locations. From visual observation, Seed dressed fungicide showed better morphology than untreated plots and it showed best fungicides to resist impacts of other factor (s) like Barley Shoot fly. Therefore, seed dressing fungicides (Indotwins and Torpedo 250 FS) would significantly reduce barley loose smut incidence better than Check Fungicides (Proceeding plus) and needs to be promoted. Furthermore, Developing Resistance cultivars against loose smut would be the better option to keep barley production and quality.
Abstract: Biotic factor is the main factor that reduce the quality and production of Barley in Ethiopia. Among biotic factors loose smut (Ustilago nuda) is the one factor. This study was commenced to determine the effects of seed dressing fungicides on loose smut incidence and yield and yield components. The field experiment was conducted at two locations na...
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Research Article
Resilience of Vascular Epiphytes to the Effects of Anthropization in the Djapadji Enclave
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
18 September 2024
6 October 2024
31 October 2024
Abstract: The intensification of agricultural activities has led to a conversion of natural vegetation into fallow land and plantations in the Djapadji enclave. This study is therefore initiated to analyze the reactions of epiphytes to changes in land use, taking into account local microclimates. To achieve this objective, the diversity of epiphytes was characterized in the different biotopes of the Djapadji enclave. The floristic inventories made it possible to identify 16 species of vascular epiphytic plants in the study area. In the cocoa plantations, 12 epiphytic species were identified. Then, 11 epiphytic species were observed in the fallow land. Finally, 8 epiphytic species were collected in the rubber plantations. Of all the collections, the most diverse families are the Polypodiaceae represented by four epiphytic species: Microsorum punctatum, Phymatodes scolopendria, Platycerium angolense and Microgramma owariensis. The Orchidaceae are represented by Ancistrorhynchus capitatus and Solenangis Scandens. The Euphorbiaceae are also represented by two species: Alchornea cordifolia and Croton hirtus. Observations show that the crown area of the host trees influences the abundance of epiphytes. Trees whose branches cover a large horizontal surface have a greater tendency to shelter epiphytes. The Taï National Park, adjacent to the study site, also acts as a seed bank for the inventoried epiphytes. Given the ecological requirements of these epiphytes, it is appropriate to anticipate the degradation of their forest habitats in order to perpetuate them.
Abstract: The intensification of agricultural activities has led to a conversion of natural vegetation into fallow land and plantations in the Djapadji enclave. This study is therefore initiated to analyze the reactions of epiphytes to changes in land use, taking into account local microclimates. To achieve this objective, the diversity of epiphytes was char...
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