Abstract: The strength of the magnetic field for different ratios of matter densities relative to the permittivity of a vacuum solves for values approaching the velocity of light. When the strength of the field associated with densities similar to liquid water, ice, or stars (such as the Sun) is considered with respect to the magnetic permeability and average mass density of the universe, the emergent velocity is ~1023 m•s-1. This value has been derived from several approaches as the latency for excess correlation or “entanglement” and is consistent with a process that might explain the integrity of large-scale spatial structure over distances that are within fractions of the universe’s present diameter. The estimated latency to traverse this diameter with this velocity relative to the total duration of the universe (the final epoch) when considered as an Aharanov-Bohm type phase shift, results in an energy quantum that is convergent with Planck’s constant. One interpretation is that the duration of a single electron’s orbit is the phase shift between duration (latency) to traverse the universe and its total duration (final epoch). If this approach is valid then non-local effects and related excess correlations (Schrödinger’s “entanglement”) between photon emissions and specific dynamics of densities similar to liquid water may be a property of these conditions immersed within an average universal mass density of about one proton per cubic meter. It may also accommodate the challenges of understanding the apparent homogeneity across large scale space.Abstract: The strength of the magnetic field for different ratios of matter densities relative to the permittivity of a vacuum solves for values approaching the velocity of light. When the strength of the field associated with densities similar to liquid water, ice, or stars (such as the Sun) is considered with respect to the magnetic permeability and averag...Show More
Abstract: The equatorial ionosphere is highly dynamic and consequently poses serious threats to communication and navigation systems. As a result, proper understanding of ionospheric dynamics is important. The present paper presents the results of an investigation of the correlation between quiet time vertical total electron content (VTEC) and solar quiet variation in the horizontal component of geomagnetic field (Sq(H)) from low solar activity year (2009) to the high solar activity year (2014) within the equatorial East African sector using statistical analysis method. Values of Sq(H) were observed to increase steadily from around 0700LT attaining maximum values around 1100-1200LT, then descending towards zero level and beyond. The magnitudes of (VTEC) increase uniformly from around 0600-1000LT, then gradually, attaining maximum values around 1300-1500LT. The time instants of occurrence of these peaks are mainly controlled by drifts and photo-ionization. The correlation coefficients (ccs) between (VTEC) and Sq(H) were found to be strongest during the ascending phase (0600-1200LT), ranging from 0.69 to 0.98 at Addis Ababa and 0.61 to 0.97 at Nairobi. During the descending phase (1300-1800LT), ccs range from -0.28 to 0.89 at Addis Ababa and-0.06 to 0.76 at Nairobi. A high level of significance (99.98%) of ccs was obtained. The good linear relationship is attributed to the independent increase of the eastward electric field and photo-ionization on (VTEC) while poor relationship is possibly due to domination of photo-ionization over equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) development. The annual ccs between (VTEC) and Sq(H) exhibit a general dependence on solar activity at Addis Ababa, closer to the dip equator, rather than at Nairobi during the ascending phase of the daytime. This observation suggests that the EEJ changes linearly with change in solar activity, thus streamlining the variations in TEC, through drifts, and Sq(H) by intensifying the eastward equatorial electric field.Abstract: The equatorial ionosphere is highly dynamic and consequently poses serious threats to communication and navigation systems. As a result, proper understanding of ionospheric dynamics is important. The present paper presents the results of an investigation of the correlation between quiet time vertical total electron content (VTEC) and solar quiet va...Show More