Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants

Aims and Scope

Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants (ISSN Online: 2469-8210, ISSN Print: 2469-8202) publishes bi-monthly papers in the areas of pharmacology, toxicology, Neuroscience, Pathology, plant Biochemistry, animal Biochemistry, Biochemistry, Bio-organic Chemistry and medicinal Chemistry. The journal presents original papers, reviews and letters. The primary goal of this journal is to advance the understanding for the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of Diseases such as Leukemia, Breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes and other Diseases. The journal is addressed to scientists and other specialists interested in Medicinal plant research, teaching and techniques.

The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

  • Biochemistry
  • Toxicology
  • Physiology
  • Clinical trials
  • Pharmacology
  • Molecular, cellular and cancer biology
  • Neurosciences
  • Applied bioinformatics

Guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found in the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Once your manuscript is ready, you may proceed to the Submission page to complete the process.