Research Article
Studies About Atomic Compositions based on Synchrotron Radiation X- ray Microfluorescence (SR-μXRF) Analysis of Materials (at Micro- and Nano-Scale) Obtained by Sol-Gel Processes
Orlando Elguera Ysnaga*
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
1 October 2024
5 November 2024
3 December 2024
Abstract: Sol-gel is a wide-spread methodology for low-temperature synthesis of ceramics, nanocomposites and hybrid (inorganic-organic) materials. Ormosil (Organically Modified Silicates) belong to these class of hybrid materials, which have potential uses as optical materials, chemical sensors, catalysts, membranes, self-cleaning coatings. We are especially interested on the application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Microfluorescence (SR-μXRF) for the non-destructive analysis of such materials, benefiting of the high intensity obtained from this source of X-rays. SR-μXRF has demonstrated to be a useful analytical tool for qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of Hybrid films containing phosphotungstates ([PW12O40]3-/PWA), in order to determine the local concentration, as also the correlation among elements. For ormosil films, SR-μXRF enabled the qualitative determination of Titanium (Ti) that is heterogeneously distributed, oppositely to the case of Zinc (Zn) and Tungsten (W). For PI-ORMOSIL-PWA films, SR-μXRF maps have shown the heterogeneous distribution of the Silicon (Si) and a quasi-homogenous distribution of Tungsten (W). SR-μXRF results for Silicon (Si) and Tungsten (W) are consistent with the corresponding concentrations obtained by ICP-OES analyses, which were taken as the reference results. For PDMSUr-PWA films, SR-μXRF mapping have shown the heterogenous distribution pattern for Tungsten (W) and the capacity for the identification of Bromine (Br). For these materials NAA analyses were taken as the reference results for Tungsten (W). Furthermore, they are presented the HorRat parameters, in order to estimate approximately the degree of heterogeneity of these materials, which are in agree with the observed in the corresponding mappings obtained by SR-μXRF, giving hints about segregation at surface and at bulk level. HorRat parameters for concentrations obtained by ICP-OES and NAA (bulk analyses) are close to the expected value (2.0), which make possible using as reference values for SR-μXRF results (analyses at surface and medium-bulk levels), due to the non-existence of standards for these hybrid materials (at Micro- and Nano-Scale).
Abstract: Sol-gel is a wide-spread methodology for low-temperature synthesis of ceramics, nanocomposites and hybrid (inorganic-organic) materials. Ormosil (Organically Modified Silicates) belong to these class of hybrid materials, which have potential uses as optical materials, chemical sensors, catalysts, membranes, self-cleaning coatings. We are especially...
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Research Article
Forensic Elemental Analysis of Five Rupee and One Pound Coin with EDXRF Technique
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
9 November 2024
20 November 2024
3 December 2024
Abstract: Energy dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique using synchrotron radiation has been employed for elemental analysis of one pound and five rupees coins of two different countries- the UK and India. Total number of 12 coins - 4 one pound and 8 five rupees coin were analysed. A Peltier cooled Vortex solid state detector (SII Nano Technology, USA) having energy resolution of 138 eV at 5.96 keV X-rays was employed for the present analysis. A Peltier cooled Vortex solid state detector (SII Nano Technology, USA) having energy resolution of 138 eV at 5.96 keV X-rays was employed for the present analysis. The investigations were carried out to determine the similarities between the elemental composition and structure of coins. The major elements Cu, Ni, Fe, Cr and traces of two elements Mn and Mo were found during analysis. One of the elements i.e. Cu was found as primary major element in most of the coins. Two other elements Fe and Cr are also found as major element in 2 five rupees coins. Fe was generally considered as cheap metal composition in comparison to Cu. Besides these traces of Mo, S, Ca and Si were also observed whose compositional amount found very low (below 1%). The present study confirms the favorable economic conditions of two countries during their minting time. The XRF spectra and graphical representation of elemental concentration also helps to identify the similarities in structure and composition of coins. Results of present analysis of different types of coins are found in good agreement with standard composition and also with each other. The EDXRF analysis shows its effectiveness in forensic science without alteration of precious samples. Forensic analysis of such coins using Synchrotron radiation is very helpful in archeological study.
Abstract: Energy dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique using synchrotron radiation has been employed for elemental analysis of one pound and five rupees coins of two different countries- the UK and India. Total number of 12 coins - 4 one pound and 8 five rupees coin were analysed. A Peltier cooled Vortex solid state detector (SII Nano Technology, U...
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