Science Research

Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024

  • Review Article

    Exploitation of Ethiopian Coffee Land-race Potentials: Market Demand Oriented Specialty Variety Development

    Melaku Addisu, Lemi Beksisa, Desalegn Alemayehu*, Ashenafi Ayano, Fekadu Tefera, Tadesse Benti, Abrar Sualeh, Kalifa Nasiro, Mohammedsani Zakir, Dawit Merga, Gabisa Giddisa, Asfaw Adugna, Leta Ajema, Sintayehu Girma

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 60-73
    Received: 10 July 2024
    Accepted: 5 August 2024
    Published: 20 August 2024
    Abstract: Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the major cash crop of Ethiopia. The country is ecologically very diverse which allows the coffee plant to grow under wide range of environments between altitudes of 550 to 2600 m. a.s.l. Ethiopia, being the place of origin for Arabica coffee, is endowed with genetic pool wealth of the crop and with enabling environmen... Show More
  • Research Article

    Racial Affirmative Action and the Consensus on Phenotypic Hetero-Identification: Notes on the State Universities of the Brazilian Midwest

    Bruno De Oliveira Ribeiro*, Paulo Alberto Dos Santos Vieira

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 74-85
    Received: 11 December 2023
    Accepted: 24 February 2024
    Published: 30 August 2024
    Abstract: Racial affirmative action policies in Brazil have recently reached consensus in their technical procedures for defining black subjects of law, through phenotypic heteroidentification panels. Such panels aim to minimize reports of fraud, legitimize the subjects of affirmative policy law and provide legal security to institutions. This article revisi... Show More
  • Review Article

    A Systematic Review: Educational Supervision in Different Countries from Instructional Improvement Perspective

    Tolcha Eshete Regassa*, Tadesse Regassa Mamo

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 86-96
    Received: 31 January 2024
    Accepted: 24 February 2024
    Published: 30 August 2024
    Abstract: The systematic review was based on five different articles focused on educational supervision from five different countries searched and systematically reviewed. The purpose of systematic review was to identify, evaluate and summarize the findings of relevant individual previous studies over the issue related thereby making the available more acces... Show More