Abstract: This paper focuses on the modernization of the first national Mobile Network of Equatorial Guinea, called GETESA. The government’s decision to invest and take full control of the network was motivated by the lack of network quality, which had poor capacity, with 69% of the network coverage Received-Signal-Code-Power (RSCP) below 95dMm. For the past 30 years, France Cable did not invest in modernizing the network; neither did they transfer the know-how to Equatorial Guinea nationals. The GETESA Radio access network equipment was outdated and could not support future Long-Term Evolution (LTE). None of the existing equipment could be taken into consideration for any potential upgrade of the network. This is mainly because of: low durability and reliability, High Operational Expenditure (OPEX) on maintenance, Impact on business, old equipment cannot support Future Expandability. It was therefore necessary to modernize the network by installing the latest hardware and software to build a multi-technology system with a convergent Radio Access Network (RAN) supporting LTE evolution and provide more flexibility for service deployment by adopting multimode. In addition to network evolution, a single RAN provides a simplified network topology, deployment, operation, and maintenance: one base station and one controller for multiple technologies. The Swap from 2G to 3G is at 89% with 134 modernized base station while the Roll-Out of 4G is at 94% with 87 LTE base stations implemented. The modernization project has transformed GETESA to be a more effective and profitable company. This modernization program has had a positive effect on the economy of Equatorial Guinea.Abstract: This paper focuses on the modernization of the first national Mobile Network of Equatorial Guinea, called GETESA. The government’s decision to invest and take full control of the network was motivated by the lack of network quality, which had poor capacity, with 69% of the network coverage Received-Signal-Code-Power (RSCP) below 95dMm. For the past...Show More