Research Article
Importance of the Food Issue in Algeria's Economic Policy
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
27 October 2023
14 December 2023
2 April 2024
Abstract: The issue of food security has been taken very seriously by the public authorities since the country's independence in 1962. This major social and political concern was manifested in the various political speeches of leaders and in the national charter which proclaims this universal right of the population to healthy, varied, sustainable and accessible food for all. To achieve this, a decisive role was given to the national agricultural sector to ensure the supply of basic foodstuffs to the population at accessible prices, particularly for disadvantaged social groups. Thus, agricultural and agri-food policies were designed and implemented to achieve the objective of food security and preserve national sovereignty. In this article, we will try to provide some answers on the main axes of this food policy adopted by the State. First, we briefly present the characteristics of the consumption model of Algerians, then, we expose the importance of the means and actions implemented to achieve these objectives through in particular the recommended subsidy and import policies for basic foodstuffs. by the state. Finally and thanks to the statistical data available, we deduce some aspects of the limits and constraints of this food policy before suggesting some recommendations to strengthen its reliability in the face of the country's economic constraints.
Abstract: The issue of food security has been taken very seriously by the public authorities since the country's independence in 1962. This major social and political concern was manifested in the various political speeches of leaders and in the national charter which proclaims this universal right of the population to healthy, varied, sustainable and access...
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Research Article
Therapeutic and Evolutionary Profiles of Children Aged 0-59 Months: A Case Study of Severe Acute Malnourished Treated at Hôpital Notre Dame Des Apôtres, N'Djamena
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
26 February 2024
14 March 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is a pathological condition resulting from the relative or absolute insufficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrients, whether manifested clinically or detected only by biological, anthropometric or physiological analyses. It remains a major public health problem. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the therapeutic and evolutionary profiles of Severe Acute Malnutrition patients at Notre Dame des Apôtres Hospital in N'Djaména (Chad). This was a prospective, descriptive study carried out on 7 months, from January 1 to July 31, 2023. This included all severely acutely malnourished children with medical complications admitted to the hospital's therapeutic nutrition unit. The variables studied were therapeutic and evolutionary. Data were entered and analyzed using Excel 2016 spreadsheet and SSPS 18.0 software. Among the 1454 children admitted to the unit during our study, 41.82% were stabilized, 6.75% cured and 0.79% abandoned, with an average length of stay of 8.67 days. The mortality rate was 1.76%. Children on F75 accounted for 46%, 37% on plumpy nut and 10% on F100. Antibiotics and multivitamins are routinely used in the management of malnourished children. The results of this study show that parent education could be an asset in the management of severe acute malnutrition.
Abstract: According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is a pathological condition resulting from the relative or absolute insufficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrients, whether manifested clinically or detected only by biological, anthropometric or physiological analyses. It remains a major public health problem. The aim of this stu...
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Research Article
Chemical Changes in Mango (CV.Fazli) as Affected by Fruit Maturity and Condition of Ripening
Khaled Misbahul Mokor Robin
Tasnima Zannat*
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
21 February 2024
18 March 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: An experiment was carried out at the Department of Horticulture and Department of Biochemistry of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The objectives of the experiment were to evaluate the pattern of chemical changes associated with ripening and the numbers of days required for full ripening of mango (CV.Fazli) harvested at three maturity stages and preserved under different ripening conditions, viz; control, spread over brown paper, bamboo basket covering with straw, spread on straw and calcium carbide. The fruits were assessed for chemical changes during ripening. Some of the chemical properties such as sugar content (reducing, non-reducing and total), total soluble solid and pH of pulp increased while titratable acidity and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content decreased with the increase in the duration of ripening. In respect of all chemical parameters, mature fruits kept in bamboo basket covering with straw showed best performance whereas CaC2 treated fruits showed poorer performance though good colours were developed. The ripening conditions maturity stages showed significant variations in relation to days required for full ripening. Among the treated and untreated mature mango fruits, bamboo basket covering with straw and spread on straw exhibited better ripening performance. Over- mature mango kept in bamboo basket covering with straw required the lowest days for full ripening but at 9th day of ripening some fruits were not in edible conditions whereas mature fruits kept in the same conditions were in edible conditions.
Abstract: An experiment was carried out at the Department of Horticulture and Department of Biochemistry of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The objectives of the experiment were to evaluate the pattern of chemical changes associated with ripening and the numbers of days required for full ripening of mango (CV.Fazli) harvested at three maturit...
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Research Article
Survey Research on the Influencing Factors of Upcycled Food in China
Bozan Zhao
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
1 March 2024
1 April 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: Upcycled food is an emerging food in China. This article uses a questionnaire survey to conduct an online mode on the influencing factors, development prospects, health, waste and environmental protection of upcycled food among three groups that are students, staff, and retirees. The results showed that the tendencies of the three surveys on the acceptance, development prospects, waste and environmental protection of upcycled food were basically consistent, with employees being the highest, followed by students, and retirees being the lowest, and it is indicated that employees are the most interested in the development prospects of the upcycled food. According to the research on the impact of upcycled food on health, retired people are the highest, followed by employees, and students are the lowest. It is possible that retired people are older, frail, and have weakened body functions, so they pay more attention to the impact of food on health. In the survey of six factors that influence factors of upcycled food are nutrition, taste, price, food safety, packaging, and famous food brands, the evaluation of factors affecting upcycled food is different at different age groups. Generally speaking, the evaluations of employees and retired people in China are relatively similar. They put food safety first, followed by nutrition. Food safety still occupies a very important position in the hearts of the older people, and their evaluation of packaging is the last one, followed by the brand of food, it is shown that older people are more pragmatic about food consumption. Compared with the evaluations of employees and retired people, the difference in evaluations of students is relatively large. Students believe that price is the most important, followed by nutrition, and food safety is ranked last. In recent years, some food safety incidents have it also keeps happening, but overall the food safety situation in China is getting better. In addition to nutrition, students, employees and retirees all have the same evaluation of food brands, and they all rank second to last, which shows that people are more pragmatic in their food consumption. These survey results provide a reference for the development and promotion of upcycled food in China to a certain extent.
Abstract: Upcycled food is an emerging food in China. This article uses a questionnaire survey to conduct an online mode on the influencing factors, development prospects, health, waste and environmental protection of upcycled food among three groups that are students, staff, and retirees. The results showed that the tendencies of the three surveys on the ac...
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Research Article
L-proline Interaction with Methyl Linoleate Oxidation Products Formation in Dry System and at Temperatures: For Understanding in Low-Moisture Foods
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
20 March 2024
7 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: Dry and low-moisture foods could experience a significant loss in nutritional value due to the process of methyl linoleate oxidation. L-proline could interact with lipid oxidation products, potentially modifying their formation and reaction path. However, there was a lack of research on the interaction between L-proline and methyl linoleate oxidation products in dry and low-moisture food matrices, which was a concern given the potential impact on food safety and nutrition. To address this knowledge gap, a study investigated the interaction between L-proline and the oxidation products of methyl linoleate in a dry system. The study examined the formation of methyl linoleate oxidation products such as conjugated dienes, hydroperoxide, and hexanal in the absence and presence of varying moles of L-proline at different temperatures. The formation of conjugated diene, hydroperoxide, and hexanal was analyzed using UV spectrometer analysis, xylenol orange, and DNPH derivatization HPLC-UV analysis. The results showed that adding proline to methyl linoleate samples stabilized conjugated diene and decreased hydroperoxide and hexanal levels as temperature increased, compared to the control sample. This suggests that L-proline effectively interacted with methyl linoleate oxidation products and altered their formation and oxidation path in the dry system. Overall, this study provided a basis for significantly enhancing understanding of the reactions between L-proline and methyl linoleate oxidation products in dry and low-moisture foods, offered practical implications for the food industry, and paved the way for future research.
Abstract: Dry and low-moisture foods could experience a significant loss in nutritional value due to the process of methyl linoleate oxidation. L-proline could interact with lipid oxidation products, potentially modifying their formation and reaction path. However, there was a lack of research on the interaction between L-proline and methyl linoleate oxidati...
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