Review Article
Impact of Climate Change in Wheat Yield and Water Productivity-Review
Mahlet Wogu Amdneh*
Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2025
22 December 2024
6 January 2025
24 January 2025
Abstract: Climate change is linked to many catastrophic events and causes many disasters for people around the world. We cannot say that just those impoverished countries are impacted by the worsening effects of climate change, when wealthier nations continue to lose billions of dollars and thousands of lives year. This review work's primary goal was to determine how climate change affects crop water requirements and productivity while also offering recommendations. Numerous books and papers, both published and unpublished, were reviewed as part of the methodology. The outcome showed that the impact of climate change will vary by region and could be either good or unfavorable. In some regions of the world, raising the temperature by just one degrees Celsius may significantly reduce wheat yield productivity, but in other regions, it will enhance yield and water productivity. According to those studies, despite an increase in yield and water productivity, the high levels of carbon dioxide in the environment will cause the quality to deteriorate. Additionally. According to the reports, depending on various situations and horizons with sowing dates as well, the water need for wheat production will fall by 10% to 32% as a result of temperature increases. Researchers also underlined that water productivity will occasionally decline if mitigating efforts are not made to address the effects of climate change.
Abstract: Climate change is linked to many catastrophic events and causes many disasters for people around the world. We cannot say that just those impoverished countries are impacted by the worsening effects of climate change, when wealthier nations continue to lose billions of dollars and thousands of lives year. This review work's primary goal was to dete...
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Research Article
Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Farmers’ Participation in Reforestation Program in Chobi District, West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
Disasa Ararsa Hordofa*,
Workneh Abebe Wodajo
Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2025
25 December 2024
17 January 2025
11 February 2025
Abstract: Farmers’ participation in reforestation is very useful for the sustainability of forest management. This research conducted in Chobi district, central of Ethiopia the purpose of this study was to assess challenges and opportunities of rural farmers’ participation in reforestation program. A mixed research design (a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis) was employed and both primary and secondary data were collected. Data were collected through Household survey questionnaire, key informant interview, focus group discussion and personal observation. Descriptive statistics were employed for quantitative analysis while description, narration and content analysis were employed for qualitative analysis. The result of the study revealed that the major practices of participation in reforestation program identified by the rural farmers were tree planting, forest protection and management, area closures and soil and water conservation. The findings also indicated that the major opportunities of rural farmers’ for participating in reforestation program were increase local demand for reforestation, growing awareness of the rural farmers’ on deforestation of the area, control soil erosion and landslides for agricultural production, rural farmers’ culture respect for forest, enhancement of rural farmers’ awareness level on reforestation, get extension services and the presence of the forest policy; and the major challenges of rural farmers’ participation in reforestation program were low income, climate change, deforestation, forest degradation, landslides, low woman participation in reforestation, lack of research and information exchange. Finally, it necessitates to mobilizing rural farmers for reforestation program on sustainable manner.
Abstract: Farmers’ participation in reforestation is very useful for the sustainability of forest management. This research conducted in Chobi district, central of Ethiopia the purpose of this study was to assess challenges and opportunities of rural farmers’ participation in reforestation program. A mixed research design (a combination of quantitative and q...
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