Research Article
A Nigerian Perspective of Continuing Education and Knowledge Economy
Christopher Omoregie*
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
18 March 2024
7 April 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: Adult education programmes in both developed and developing nations usually include continuing education. The relationship between the two notions is that someone requires additional information, either inside or outside of school systems, in order to remain relevant wherever one is at any given time. The information, communication, and technology era brought in a knowledge economy that should normally support continuing education, nevertheless there are still obstructions that prevent people from learning. Although these hurdles are both personal and structural, there seems be no justification for anyone to remain without information for the purpose of individual and group survival. Continuing education and knowledge economy are two concepts that have become popular in educational theory and practice but they are not combined as related concepts in literature. This is an attempt to clarify the concepts for both professional and practicing adult educators generally in African countries and particularly in Nigeria where policy documents for the practice of adult education sometimes deviate from the extant principles and theories. This paper used a conceptual analysis of terms and a systematic review of the available literature. It concludes that continuing education and the knowledge economy necessitate more access to learning that takes into account individual needs and requirements from organisations. This is as a result of the increased availability and application of knowledge in positively changing human conditions.
Abstract: Adult education programmes in both developed and developing nations usually include continuing education. The relationship between the two notions is that someone requires additional information, either inside or outside of school systems, in order to remain relevant wherever one is at any given time. The information, communication, and technology ...
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Review Article
A Systematic Review of the Role of School Management Committee for the School Performance in Nepal
Peshal Kumar Puri*
Dil Chhetri
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
25 March 2024
18 April 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: According to Nepal's Education Act (2028 B. S.), the School Management Committee (SMC) is crucial to educational institution governance. This legislation emphasizes the role of School Management Committees (SMCs) in infrastructure management, policy implementation, and school issues. The reviewed articles examine SMCs' complex formation, operational challenges, and crucial role in community involvement to improve education. Although attendance monitoring is difficult, the articles consistently emphasize SMCs' positive impact on community involvement. By encouraging citizen committees like SMCs to make decisions, the international perspective broadens the debate on school democratization. School Management in low-income countries can improve education despite its challenges by encouraging greater involvement, independence, and responsibility. An inclusive strategy that values diverse perspectives is essential for educators and administrators to work together. The Education Act of Nepal establishes and governs School Management Committees (SMCs) to ensure accountable administration and community engagement. The reviewed articles discuss SMCs' benefits and drawbacks and encourage educational institutions and local communities to work together. Complex SMCs require constant dedication to overcome challenges, demonstrating their vital role in improving education. Effective school governance and management shape education quality and equity, especially in poor nations. This article examines School Management Committees (SMCs) and their effects on education in Nepal. SMCs, which include parents, teachers, and local authorities, oversee school activities, encourage community participation, and assure responsibility. SMCs confront many obstacles, including lack of awareness, capacity restrictions, and political meddling, despite their importance. In response to these problems, School-Based Management (SBM) is being promoted to improve community involvement, autonomy, and accountability in school governance. SBM implementation may face resource restrictions and change resistance despite its potential benefits. Effective leadership at the school and SMC levels drives educational improvement and stakeholder collaboration, according to the paper. It promotes school democratization and community decision-making.
Abstract: According to Nepal's Education Act (2028 B. S.), the School Management Committee (SMC) is crucial to educational institution governance. This legislation emphasizes the role of School Management Committees (SMCs) in infrastructure management, policy implementation, and school issues. The reviewed articles examine SMCs' complex formation, operationa...
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Research Article
Financial Resource Management Practices and Challenges in Gambella Town Primary Schools, Ethiopia
Chala Ayele Legede*
Tedasse Mamo,
Dessalegn Debelo
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
3 April 2024
22 April 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the practice and challenges of primary school financial resource management in the Gambella town administration of the Gambella Region. The research adopted a mixed methods approach, utilizing questionnaires and interviews as the main data collection instruments. A total of 102 respondents from five schools and the town education office participated in the study. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and narrative analysis for qualitative data obtained through interviews. The findings of the study revealed several challenges in the budget implementation process and financial resource utilization in the selected government primary schools. The major challenges identified included the lack of stakeholder participation in the budget implementation process, absence of follow-up and monitoring auditing activities, and the resulting erosion of accountability and transparency in budget utilization. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the town education office and schools take measures to increase stakeholder participation in the budget implementation process. Additionally, schools should report their budget performance to the relevant agencies, and the town education and finance office should establish regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. These measures can help address the identified challenges and improve the financial resource management practices in primary schools in the Gambella town administration.
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the practice and challenges of primary school financial resource management in the Gambella town administration of the Gambella Region. The research adopted a mixed methods approach, utilizing questionnaires and interviews as the main data collection instruments. A total of 102 respondents from five schools and the t...
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Research Article
Monitoring and Evaluation Practices: Implication to Education Policy Implementation in Gambella Region, Ethiopia
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
3 April 2024
19 April 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the practice of monitoring and evaluation in promoting effective policy implementation in the education sector of the Gambella Regional Sate. It also attempted to identify key challenges facing the current monitoring and evaluation system, and suggests ways to enhance the monitoring and evaluation system in education policy implementation in the region. Case study design was used to conduct the study. Primary data were collected through interview guides that targeted the bureau leader and experts in the Gambella region education bureau. Secondary data were collected through desk reviews. The results showed that the required monitoring, and evaluation framework, for effective monitoring, and evaluation are not in place. It was also found that the Gambella region education bureau has not fully established a system that can enhance a successful monitoring and evaluation system in the education sector of the region. The current staffs do not have adequate knowledge and skills, there is no proper monitoring, and evaluation coordination among stakeholders, and the bureau does not allocate adequate funds required for monitoring and evaluation activities. To undertake monitoring and evaluation, the Gambella bureau of education there needs a greater understanding of the value of monitoring and evaluation and there is a requirement for the bureau of education and the stakeholders to develop proper a legislative framework that considers the key performance indicator stetted in the education sector development program six for the effective implementation of monitoring and evaluation in the education sector for effective decision-making.
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the practice of monitoring and evaluation in promoting effective policy implementation in the education sector of the Gambella Regional Sate. It also attempted to identify key challenges facing the current monitoring and evaluation system, and suggests ways to enhance the monitoring and evaluation system in e...
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Research Article
Co-creating with AI in Art Education: On the Precipice of the Next Terrain
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
13 May 2024
31 May 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: In exploring the collaborative engagement of AI in envisioning the future through Art Education, a critical focus emerges on the role of preservice teacher education. This inquiry underscores the necessity of equipping educators with the essential skills and resources to integrate AI-driven content creation, thereby nurturing students' futuristic imagination. To empower educators in this endeavor, it is imperative to provide structured curriculum frameworks and technical proficiency in utilizing AI software tools. By adeptly training preservice teachers in leveraging AI resources, it is necessary to catalyze a new wave of aesthetic innovation transcending the digital era. The competency of educators in integrating AI will significantly shape the capacity of the next generation to innovate and co-create with this technology. Hence, there is a pressing need to invest in preservice training and foster a culture of AI experimentation within educational environments. There exist issues of bias, accuracy, ethics, and safety when utilizing AI, and these also need to be addressed in the classroom space. This paper aims to delve into instructional models for seamlessly integrating AI into preservice training. It will deliberate on strategies for incorporating AI tools to redefine the trajectory of art and design education. Through thoughtful exploration and implementation, teachers can harness the transformative potential of AI to inspire creativity and drive innovation in the realm of Art Education.
Abstract: In exploring the collaborative engagement of AI in envisioning the future through Art Education, a critical focus emerges on the role of preservice teacher education. This inquiry underscores the necessity of equipping educators with the essential skills and resources to integrate AI-driven content creation, thereby nurturing students' futuristic i...
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Methodology Article
Teacher Training, and Associated Problems and Solutions in the 21st Century's Azerbaijan
Mirvari Verdiyeva*
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
13 May 2024
27 May 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: Significant reforms were implemented in the education sector of Azerbaijan after the country gained independence, initiating integration with global educational standards. A key focus was ensuring secondary schools were staffed with subject teachers competent in meeting contemporary requirements, highlighting the importance of a policy for young educators. Consequently, the study examined the professional skills of graduates from the Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University, who would teach geography in this new era. The study delved into the educational engagement of secondary school students, particularly those with well-educated parents, access to modern technology, and the ability to source information globally. It specifically considered the capabilities of geography teacher graduates to engage students' attention and the professional skills necessary for this task. Identified deficiencies were scrutinized, and strategies for their resolution were investigated. Higher education reforms, the shift from Soviet educational practices to the Bologna system was analyzed and contrasted. The study entailed a theoretical evaluation of the professional skills of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University's geography teacher graduates, scrutinizing the curricula and subject content designed to foster these skills. An assessment of the educational process pinpointed organizational and instructional shortcomings in lectures and seminars. The research culminated in pinpointing gaps in the professional competencies of geography teacher graduates, proposing methods to rectify these gaps and align graduates' skills with contemporary standards.
Abstract: Significant reforms were implemented in the education sector of Azerbaijan after the country gained independence, initiating integration with global educational standards. A key focus was ensuring secondary schools were staffed with subject teachers competent in meeting contemporary requirements, highlighting the importance of a policy for young ed...
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Research Article
Assessment of Teacher Competence and Quality Delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Lessons in Rural Public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia
Mulenga Memory Chibalange*
Penda Annie
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
21 May 2024
11 June 2024
25 June 2024
Abstract: The study focused on assessing teacher competence and quality delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality lessons in rural public secondary schools of Muchinga province of Zambia. The main objective was to ascertain the level of teacher competency in quality delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons. The research employed Quantitative method. It used positivism paradigm. It employed descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of the total number of 62 teacher respondents. It employed the close ended questionnaire. The study ascertained that Some teachers were competent, while others were not because the lowest mean score of 1.13 was for "I attended School Based Continuous Professional Development in Comprehensive Sexuality Education" and the highest mean score 1.77 was for "I trained through cascading model.” the statistical tests were significant because the difference between two mean was equated to less than 0.05, the regression resulted indicated that more teachers were trained using School Based Continuous Professional Development while a few teachers were trained using Cascading model which is the better way of training teachers for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The recommendations for this research were that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership should champion the implementation of it, School leaders should ensure the development of deliberate Comprehensive Sexuality Education school policy in all schools and facilitate adherence to its implemented. School leaders to intensify more School Based Continuous Professional Development meetings in order to capacity build teachers in Comprehensive Sexuality Education and teachers should continue using subjective pedagogical skills which makes learners freely share their sexuality experiences. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a standalone subject and continue training teachers in Comprehensive Sexuality Education during in-service and pre-service trainings. The future recommendation from this study was that, assessments of teacher competence and quality delivery of comprehensive sexuality lessons in selected public secondary schools of Muchinga province of Zambia research should be conducted in other secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
Abstract: The study focused on assessing teacher competence and quality delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality lessons in rural public secondary schools of Muchinga province of Zambia. The main objective was to ascertain the level of teacher competency in quality delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons. The research employed Quantitative method. I...
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