Research Article
Assessment of Food Safety Practices and Associated Factors Among Health Extension Model and Non-Model Households in Asella Town, South West Ethiopia, 2023
Fantu Damissie,
Melese Tadesse Aredo*
Amde Eshete,
Solomon Tejineh,
Dida Batu
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
24 May 2024
13 June 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: Background: Food safety is essential for preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring the health of consumers. Unsafe food can lead to diseases that result in significant morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study aimed to assess food safety practices and associated factors among health extension model and non-model households in Asella Town, South West Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 660 model and non-model households. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and logistic regression analyses. Results: The overall prevalence of good food safety practices was 49.1%, with significantly higher prevalence among model households (75.4%) compared to non-model households (22.4%). Factors associated with good food safety practices included being a model household, availability of solid and liquid waste disposal sites, good knowledge towards food safety, and a positive attitude towards food safety. Conclusions and Recommendations: The study findings indicate a low level of good food safety practices among households. Interventions are needed to improve household food safety practices, knowledge, and attitudes towards food safety.
Abstract: Background: Food safety is essential for preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring the health of consumers. Unsafe food can lead to diseases that result in significant morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study aimed to assess food safety practices and associated factors among health extension model and non-model households in Asella Town, So...
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Research Article
Willingness and Attitude Towards Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination Among Early-Adolescent Female School Students, in Harar, Ethiopia, 2024: A Cross-Sectional Study
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
2 July 2024
31 July 2024
15 August 2024
Abstract: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes various cancers, particularly in women with early sexual activity, multiple partners, and unprotected sex. However, the willingness of adolescents to receive the vaccine is influenced by community, organization, policy, and parental conditions. A study was conducted in Harar, Ethiopia, from January to February 2024. The study used a questionnaire adapted from previous studies and data collection involved face-to-face interviews. Descriptive statistics were calculated and binary logistic was used to assess associated factors. The overall favorable attitude and willingness to take HPV vaccination in this study was 66.67% (95% CI: 61.9%, 71.2%) and 50.6% (95% CI: 45.7%, 55.5%), respectively. The factor associated with the willingness to get HPV vaccination was living with parents (AOR =2.06 95% CI 1.07, 3.95), having a father's education (AOR=1.63 95% CI 1.01, 2.66), vaccine hesitancy (AOR=0.63, 95% CI 0.41, 0.98), hesitancy and complacency (AOR=1.7, 95% CI 1.07, 2.69), (AOR=1.86, 95% CI1.18, 2.93) respectively. The factor associated with the attitude towards HPV vaccination was access to the minimal media, the occupation of the parents was non-governmental, vaccine hesitancy. The study indicates a moderate willingness and attitude towards HPV vaccination among early adolescent female students.
Abstract: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes various cancers, particularly in women with early sexual activity, multiple partners, and unprotected sex. However, the willingness of adolescents to receive the vaccine is influenced by community, organization, policy, and parental conditions. A study was conducted in Harar, ...
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Research Article
Acceptance Level and Associated Factors of Immediate Post-Partum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Among Women Delivered in Hospitals of North Shoa Zone, Ethiopia
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
8 May 2024
23 May 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: Introduction: Regardless of the fact that it is highly effective, inexpensive, non-hormonal, and immediately reversible; in developing countries, including Ethiopia, the acceptance rate of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices was not well known. Hence, the goal of the study is to determine acceptance level and associated factors among women delivered in public hospitals of North shoa zone. Method: A Hospital based cross-sectional study was utilized. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data. The collected data were entered into Epidata version and then exported to SPSS version 26 for analysis. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify the independent effect of predictors on outcome variables. Those variables with a P-value of ≤ 0.25 during bivariable logistic regression analysis were the candidate for multivariable analysis. Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) at 95% CI was used to assure statistical significance association between acceptance level of immediate post- partum IUCD and associated factors with p-value ≤ 0.05. Finally, findings of study were presented using narration, table, Chart and graph. Results: This study had included 534 delivered women to assess the acceptance level of immediate PPIUCD and its associated factors. Women's occupation (government employee) (AOR=3.23, 95% CI: (1.23-5.95)), Favorable attitude ((AOR = 10.93, 95% CI: (4.93-23.89)) and Knowledge toward IUCD (AOR=2.56, 95% CI: (1.70-8.26)) were factors identified to be associated with the acceptance level of immediate PPIUCD. Conclusion and recommendations: The acceptance level of immediate postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device was low. Maternal occupation, maternal knowledge about IUCD and attitude are associated with the acceptance level. Health education, a change in women's attitudes, and frequent training for healthcare workers are very important.
Abstract: Introduction: Regardless of the fact that it is highly effective, inexpensive, non-hormonal, and immediately reversible; in developing countries, including Ethiopia, the acceptance rate of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices was not well known. Hence, the goal of the study is to determine acceptance level and associated factors among wome...
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Research Article
Charting the Course: A Policy Perspective on the Evolution of Kebbi State's Health Sector Annual Operational Planning
Kabiru Abubakar Gulma*
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
21 July 2024
10 August 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: Aim: This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Annual Operational Planning (AOP) process, a key health sector planning and harmonization approach, in Kebbi State, Nigeria, from 2020 to 2024, focusing on nine optimal planning parameters: state ownership, stakeholder participation, sector harmonization, evidence-based, timeliness, executive sign-off, quarterly tracking, dissemination, and sustainability. Methods: Review of AOP program reports, state-relevant reports, and stakeholders’ interviews. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the study integrates quantitative data derived from secondary sources like annual reports and policy documents with qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. Descriptive statistics and time-series analysis are used for quantitative data to study progress and trends in each milestone, while thematic analysis of interview transcripts helps to elucidate factors influencing implementation and outcomes. Results: Findings highlight a progressive improvement in the annual operational planning across several of the planning parameters over the years from the baseline in 2020, including in participatory engagement of the lower levels of the health sector (bottom-up approach), using evidence to inform planning; timely development of the AOP to inform health budget; and regular tracking of the plan. However, challenges persist in the government funding of stakeholders’ engagement, particularly the bottom-up approach at the Local Government Health Authorities (LGAs) level, which may affect the inclusiveness of the process in the future. Conclusion: The study concludes that the annual operational planning in Kebbi State has seen notable improvement across multiple planning parameters, assuring the effectiveness and sustainability of the process as a key planning tool. However, allocating adequate resources, including budget and human resources, to facilitate a participatory approach in the AOP development process is critical for continuous success. This study contributes to the broader discourse on health sector planning in developing contexts, offering valuable insights for policymakers, health managers, and stakeholders in designing and implementing effective and harmonized health plans.
Abstract: Aim: This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Annual Operational Planning (AOP) process, a key health sector planning and harmonization approach, in Kebbi State, Nigeria, from 2020 to 2024, focusing on nine optimal planning parameters: state ownership, stakeholder participation, sector harmonization, evidence-based, timeliness, ex...
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