Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019

  • The Role of Interaction with Nature in Childhood Development: An Under-Appreciated Ecosystem Service

    James Kevin Summers, Deborah Nicole Vivian, James Tobias Summers

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019
    Pages: 142-150
    Received: 3 September 2019
    Accepted: 5 October 2019
    Published: 5 November 2019
    Abstract: Humans depend on the vital services provided by natural ecosystems. Regrettably, some individuals believe these ecosystem services are free; and therefore, have no value. An under-appreciated service provided by ecosystems is strengthening childhood development through interaction with nature to enhance childhood cognitive and physical development.... Show More
  • The Nature of the Traces and the Dynamics of Memory

    Brouillet Denis, Versace Rémy

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019
    Pages: 151-157
    Received: 11 May 2019
    Accepted: 4 June 2019
    Published: 25 November 2019
    Abstract: The aim of the present article is to show that current single-system models, clearly located in a dynamic memory perspective and embodied, had brought answers to questions that appeared in the Atkinson and Shiffrin model, that has been the reference for multi-system memory models for 50 years: one concerning the question of recovery in memory and t... Show More
  • Applying the Early Adopters Model to Organizations Undergoing Technological Innovation Process

    Niv Ahituv, Alon Hasgall

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019
    Pages: 158-165
    Received: 24 October 2019
    Accepted: 19 November 2019
    Published: 2 December 2019
    Abstract: This article examines the relevance of the Early Adapter to the process of technological innovation assimilation in a contemporary organization environment._In the 21st century, an organization that wishes to survive in face of the flood of changes in customer requirements, technological innovation, and changing environment must assimilate technolo... Show More
  • Research on the Subjective Well-being of Junior High School Students

    Li Tianwei

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019
    Pages: 166-172
    Received: 11 November 2019
    Published: 3 December 2019
    Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation of subjective well-being of junior high school students and its influencing factors, and to provide some practical data for school workers to develop Happiness Education. Methods: Using the method of literature review and quantitative analysis, a questionnaire survey was condu... Show More
  • A Review of Psychology of Science

    Xi Yanhui, Li Jianshan

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2019
    Pages: 173-178
    Received: 11 October 2019
    Accepted: 19 December 2019
    Published: 30 December 2019
    Abstract: As an important part of the metascience, psychology of science serves a crucial sector of the science research from the perspective of humanities and social science. In the 1930s, psychology of science began to sprout, but in the following decades psychology of science was relatively silent, with few iconic achievements, and was rarely valued. Sinc... Show More